 Diva Debauchery, who won the "Ms." title, rocking a parasol during the swimwear portion of the competition.
As an annual Portland Pride tradition, a competition was held over the weekend for the title of Mr./Ms./Miss PDX Pride. Tons of people showed up to cheer on their favorite contestants and give support the cause. The pageant was produced by the talented Jersey Scities, dual emceed by Adrienne Alexander […]
  Last year's Dyke March
Confused by the various information circulating about the Portland Dyke March. Did you hit up their official Dyke March site only to notice that the information is from 2008?
So here’s the deal, yo.The Portland Dyke March will be happening again this year, after a change and leadership and the sort-of split from the Trans March that (mostly) became the Gender (Free) For All March last year. Last year, many of the organizers of the Trans March decided that a march was needed that celebrated gender freedom as opposed to strictly trans rights, and even though there are many trans dykes, the march felt “tacked on” to the Dyke March.
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  Rai Villanueva will help kick off Pride with Thursday's gay ass Diesel party
Recently added events starred like so*
Truthfully, I think I’ve been putting off the Pride 2010 calendar because there’s do damn much to do that I’m overwhelmed. So let’s take this piece by piece. First, there’s plenty to do before we even get to the weekend. Workin’ stiffs, of which I now be one, gird your loins and take one for the team. It’s gonna be a busy week.
Pride Pub quiz – Did you know that it’s the 40th anniversary of the first Pride parade commemorating the June 1969 Stonewall riots? That’s why June is Pride month kids. Do you know about Harvey Milk day and Anita Bryant, Lon Mabon and the OCA? Have you ever been to the Lesbian Herstory Archives? Well, gear up your uber gay trivia because this pub quiz is gonna be both fun and educational. I’m putting on my hot librarian glasses cuz the competition is gonna be stiff…
*Gay Pride Kickoff Gay Skate!
Strap on some rollerskates and go kick it with the gays at Oak’s Park. A great way to roll into pride.$6. all ages, bring food donations for Esther’s Pantry. More
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  Katey Pants
Another essay from the astute Katey Pants:
The past month there has been a crisis of safety in the queer community. Gay bashings, rampant rumors of Nazi gangs patrolling our community, and the Westboro Baptist Churches arrogance in claiming space in our communities. The response to this violence from police and politicians in Portland has offered us- at best- bureaucratic solutions to fundamental structural problems. However, I want to posit a different view of safety, care, and community outside of state and police solutions. I hope to provide some philosophical reasoning behind this and also present concrete things that are happening in Portland and throughout the country where people everyday are creating alternatives to police to keep themselves and their communities safe.
A Moral and Practical Argument Against Calling The Police:
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Gay GLEEK night at Julia's Cafe in Portland
OK, so i’m maybe not the best person to write about this because I haven’t yet been struck with GLEE fever, but there will be a very gay GLEE night at Julia’s cafe, hosted by Jersey Scities and Andy Mangels! I’m told there will be fantastic GLEEness complete with singalongs and prizes and raffles (well, maybe the raffle […]
 I’m not the worst furniture and stuff who but I do like nice things for cheap. Scouring garage and estate sales can be fun when you find that treasure but can also be a nightmare of broken children’s toys and crap you can’t pay to give away. Wading through the drek to find one tiny gem can be an all day affair. Not so at last year’s Gay-rage sale, […]
  Spin Slayer!
This weekend begins on Thursday – at least for gays and dykes in this queer, queer town, and this little guide will help you win it and not hit the net too early. So get your sweatbands on and pull on those short shorts, because it’s gonna get hot and sweaty! Not only is it Beartown 15 all this weekend, it’s also a grab bag of fun stuff to do from sports to art and dancing.
Kaia Wilson kicks things off on Thursday, serving up some hot shots and killer teams to raise money to send her to the Gay Games in Cologne, Germany. Kaia’s Ping-Pong Pandemonium will feature star-studded teams (Donna Dresch, Carrie Brownstein, Explode into Colours and more) and local Portland DJs Permanent Wave (Jenny Hoyston) and Dan Moe. The winner will face Kaia in the final round. Bone up on your Ping-Pong knowlege here, and read the history of Kaia’s shot at Gay Games glory here. There will also be an exhibition match by pro table tennis players. More info 21+/$5-? sliding scale. 8pm. Point.
But thats just the warmup round!
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  Posh socialites Prue and Dilley characters
Story of our lives: it seems that qPDX is plagued with camera problems. Mike’s equipment broke at the colorful La Lucha event leaving us photo-less and my ancient borrowed digi has a missing cord that makes it impossible for me to get pictures of the Topp Twins‘ Portland performance off the machine and onto this blog. Don’t even get me started on all the camera borrowing, mishaps, and jerry-rigging we’ve done before.
But I was in attendance at last night’s sold out Mission Theater show and it was worth it, camera or no. Every bit as hilarious as I expected them to be, the twins are also extremely talented musicians and endearingly sincere. It was also refreshing to be in a diverse audience of gay and straight, west and east-siders, hippies and yuppies. Though I have to say, the intimate venue made walk-ups, most of whom I would guess would be a lot younger than the bulk of the crowd, impossible.
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 QUIPS . Queerly informed patrol system? Maybe Erik Estrada will be there too
A new hate crime reporting system will be announced, according to a press release sent out yesterday by Oregon State Attorney General John Kroger. The full breadth of the new initiative will be announced in a press conference scheduled to be held at 1030-1130 am today. We’re unlikely to be able to attend due […]
  Lo Nuestro, Ballet Folklorico from Forest Grove performing at Sunday's La Lucha Festival, photo by Marty Davis
Portland Latino Gay Pride 2010: La Lucha wrapped up its fifth consecutive year this past Sunday with an exuberant festival hosted by the Jupiter Hotel. The celebration was preceded by several well-attended events including an evening of poetry, music, and dance at the Miracle Theatre as well as a literary event drawing on the talents of special guests from NYC: Charles Rice-González and Charlie Vázquez at Aura Nightclub.
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Queers, Community, Safety: Lets take care of ourselves and each other
Katey Pants
Another essay from the astute Katey Pants:
The past month there has been a crisis of safety in the queer community. Gay bashings, rampant rumors of Nazi gangs patrolling our community, and the Westboro Baptist Churches arrogance in claiming space in our communities. The response to this violence from police and politicians in Portland has offered us- at best- bureaucratic solutions to fundamental structural problems. However, I want to posit a different view of safety, care, and community outside of state and police solutions. I hope to provide some philosophical reasoning behind this and also present concrete things that are happening in Portland and throughout the country where people everyday are creating alternatives to police to keep themselves and their communities safe.
A Moral and Practical Argument Against Calling The Police:
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