 Co-owners Jeneen Doumitt and Evy Cowan
Even in a bad economy people usually continue to drink and to have sex. Just as bars as full as they ever were, so too can a burgeoning sex toy shop thrive in the downturn.
At least that is the hope of Evy Cowan and Jeneen Doumitt, two long time friends, who just opened, She Bop, an adult boutique specializing in non-toxic body safe toys, books, DVDs and gifts for women. The bright and airy store, open 7 days a week from 11 to 7, set just off Mississippi Ave (909 N Beech) is a friendly and close in alternative to the fantastic, but out of the way It’s My Pleasure.
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Unfortunately, I am out of town and will be missing most of these fabulous events. It also means that because of their sheer number I cannot preview all that I would like, but each are in the calendar and I want to give you a quick heads up on the ones you absolutely should not miss.
If you don’t already have plans be sure to check out Poison Waters Notorious Noel tonight at The Original (300 SW 6th). Ms. Waters is likely to speak for herself but check out the holiday festivities getting ready photos at Byron Beck‘s blog. I’m sure he’ll recap as well.
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 Editors Amos Mac (L) and Rocco Kayiatos pose with the first issue or 'Original Plumbing'
Lesbians used to have On Our Backs and gay men have Butt. Now, Original Plumbing, a “quarterly photo and interview-saturated magazine dedicated to the culture and sexuality of FTM transsexuals” is the new Playboy for the genderqueer generation. Sure, there’s all kinds of hot naked spreads, but you actually can genuinely say you read it for the articles with a “straight” face.
Just a warning, the website (linked above) features many NSFW photos.
The inaugural “bedroom issue” has just been released, and is already on independent bookstore shelves. Release parties continue to soldier on, including stops in Brooklyn, San Francisco and Seattle.
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This weekend saw yours truly at two of the most boytastic movies of the weekend. Both Pornography and Greek Pete held graphic gay male sex as integral to the plot, though the message and approach was vastly different.
I also experienced a much shorter line at the ladies room than I am accustomed to.
I was highly skeptical of both films as the lights dimmed, and I was rather unsure about Pornography until the very end. But though I would not watch it for pleasure, it raises some very interesting questions about the gaze and what really excites about porn.
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 'Patrik, Age 1.5'
Today starts the big weekend for Portland’s 13th Annual Lesbian and Gay Film Festival with a whopping 8 films. How that fits into a weekend I’m just not sure.
Tonight begins with Patrick, Age 1.5 at 7:30. A picturesque gay couple attempt to adopt a baby boy, only to have their white picket fence world upturned when a brooding teenager shows up. A perfect opening night film. I’m sure we’ll all be ready for a drink at the afterparty at Crush (1400 SE Morrison) by the time its over.
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It’s a bit last minute but you were just gonna be at home with your porno mags anyway right? Well instead, head on down to the Dirty Duck (439 NW 3rd Ave) tonight at 9pm to exchange your tired and worn pages for brand spankin’ new stuff.
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 Beau Breedlove on the cover of Unzipped magazine
Though the print issue (as if anyone cared…you can print out the picture to put above your bed right?) will not be on newsstands until April 7th, Unzipped has released the cover photo of Portland’s infamous mayor canoodler Beau Breedlove. (Breedlove had an affair with Mayor Sam Adams quite near his 18th birthday, just in case you missed that…) And I gotta say, despite your feelings on the whole debacle, it’s pretty damn hot.
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