  Double Duchess perform Saturday at Blow Pony
Not Enough! benefit dance party – Last Thursday becoming a bit too tame and straight and bridge and tunnel for you? It’s our chance to queer it back up while raising some funds for Not Enough! and having a gay ol’ time.
AIDS Walk kickoff party and Swimwear fashion show –
Prom Night at the Cafeteria – Creator DJ Lunch Lady promises to a spiked punch bowl and a pregnancy scare at this wonderful reimagining of the high school night you never had (even if you did go, was it really all you dreamed?). Double bonus for not fearing expulsion and for me to use one of my favorite phrases, “I’m off like a prom dress.”
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 Pride season is summatime, the season of short shorts and no more teachers, dirty looks. But colleges and universities love a queer too, so they start the season off early. And PSU’s week of LGBT Pride starts tomorrow with Dawn of the Day of the Living Queer. It has quite the lineup, (including li’l ol’ me with a tiny pile of last year’s stickers). It’s supposed to be a sunny and beautiful day in the park blocks from 4-9p as Tender Forever, play/start, NO/HO/MO and more take the stage.
I just recently saw Tender Forever, aka Melanie Valera, kill it at Saratoga. With a new album and all over her emo-electro charisma, Valera is sincere and swoon-worthy. Even I was charmed by her slight French accent as she convinced the audience to catch her crowd surfing. And I did see someone filming my favorite performance trick of hers, controlling the beats with a pair of WiiMotes, but they disappeared before I could commandeer the recording for the site. (But I have another chance, and with better light!)
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  Big Freedia plays Friday at Buck & Bounce 5 and his DJ and backup dancer join fellow DJ Beyonda at Mrs. Seattle '94 on Saturday
DirtBag! – Thursday night fav with a penchant for late night Smiths jams. A promise and a warning. Special guest DJ Freddie Fagula this week is sure to make it a class act.
Big Freedia at Buck & Bounce 5 – We ain’t got nothin’ on New Orleans when it comes to boo-tays, but luckily Queen of the Nola sissy bounce scene Big Freedia loves li’l old white and nerdy PDX. She can get our asses on the dancefloor. Awkward hipsterdom be damned!
Feelin’ Alright pre-tour jam sesh – Miss classic rock and folk but not the douchey-ness that can sometimes go along with it? Instead listen to the greats, including Dylan, Marley, Seger, Janis, Grace, Joni in this all night goodbye fest featuring Kaia Wilson (Team Dresch, The Butchies), Jenny Hoyston (Erase Eratta) and Katy Davidson (Dear Nora).
Bent! – One of my all time favs (really, I named it number #1 of 2010). How could I forget ye?
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  Hot gay leprechauns...
Happy St Patty’s Day y’all. I know many of you will protest that the “snakes” Patrick was driving out were peace-loving pagans, and yet others of you may be flashing the Protestant orange. Either way I’m not a huge St Pat celebrator but I’m down to drink a green beer and and get pinched with the best of ’em. It is not political for me (easy to say from my comfortable west coast seat eh?). So that’s the spirit of this Irish tinged weekend picks. But feel free to discuss more important matters below.
No cover St Paddy’s at Flipside – Salem’s hottest q party is offering to let you get down sans door cash. More to spend on Irish whiskey. But sure if I’d trust the dollar wells though…who am I kidding, of course I would.
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