 Katastrophe performs tonight at PSU as part of TDOR
Today is the 11th Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day to mourn and memorialize those who were killed due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice.
he event is held in November to honor Rita Hester, whose murder on November 28th, 1998 kicked off the “Remembering Our Dead” web project and a San Francisco candlelight vigil in 1999. Rita Hester’s murder — like most anti-transgender murder cases — has yet to be solved.
Although not every person represented during the Day of Remembrance self-identified as transgender — that is, as a transsexual, crossdresser, or otherwise gender-variant — each was a victim of violence based on bias against transgender people.
Portland events will take place tonight at 6pm at Portland State University in the MultiCultural Center – SMSU 228.
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 Local filmmaker Gus Van Sant will be feaured Oct. 30th
I may be a few days late announcing October’s GLBT History Month, but a new website dedicated to showcasing our past features one of my absolute favorite historical figures today, Ruth Ellis, so I’m happy to highlight your gay Monday.
Modeled after Black and Women’s History Months, GLBT History Month highlights annually the achievements of 31 gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender Icons—one each day—with a free video, bio, bibliography, downloadable images and other resources.
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Last night’s show featuring ex-Tribe 8 member Lynnee Breedlove was a welcome interim into a night of rockin’ bands. The kind of show I have not had the pleasure of attending in awhile. And while the appearance of Mighty Real tour partner Silas Howard was missed Breedlove’s opposite of stripping one-(wo)man-show was an enjoyable tribute to gender non-conformity, personal anecdote and two recently passed leaders of the gay and lesbian movement, Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon.
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 Blow Pony Moves, Portland Gay bar Closes
After the events of Pride this year and the resulting events and conversations that happened here on QPDX.com and otherwheres, we were all interested in hearing what would happen next.
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I know we are a little late on this – but our friends over at the Gender (Free) For All March are probably already setting up at Unthank Park for today’s march and celebration for the freedom of gender expression for all! This is the *new* and sparkly incarnation of the transmarch that marched with the dyke march up until last year. So come on out for some pre […]
 Blow Pony has become one of the most popular queer nights in town
Last night saw the first Blow Pony since the Pride weekend violence (of which Blow Pony was, sadly, the epicentre) and the muddle of police-ness that followed, so of course QPDX.com went down to Casey’s/The Eagle to check out what was going down. This Blow Pony went down without a hitch – but questions are being raised as to what can and will happen next, and despite the fact that on the surface, all is well, a lot of questions are being raised and right now, everything feels iffy.
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 Queer Town Hall in Portland, OR
It’s been a few days, but I’d like to take the time to share the results of the Queer Town Hall that happened last thursday at the Q Center on Mississippi. The Queer Town Hall was a project organized by a bunch of folks in our community as a “response” of sorts to the recent acts of violence and inadequate police response that became especially evident over Pride Weekend this year.
Town Hall organizers aim to create a space for discussion and the sharing of information and resources to empower us to engage with each other and the authorities in a different, and hopefully safer, way.
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Stop violence in and against our community!
For all of you who were waiting to find out the news about the Queer Town Hall that is being organized to discuss the recent acts in/against our community and the police response to said events, there is now a date, time and location set. Here the deets:
Tuesday, July 7th, 2009 7pm-9pm The Q Center (4115 N Mississippi Ave)
Here […]
Portland may have the largest population of queers and the biggest Pride celebration in the state, you don’t have to be a city dweller to have Pride. Some places in Oregon may be more LGBT-friendly than others but many areas, be they college towns, rural areas or growing communities are excited to get the chance to show off their local Gay Pride.
Here are some of the celebrations happening all across Oregon. If I have missed any let me know!
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Fruitcake, or Michael Jackson? Same diff
The times are a little quieter right now, it’s true, what with Seattle pride and San Francisco Pride dueling for our attentions this weekend. QPDX.com will mostly be staying in town, due to overworked livers and overworked bank accounts, but nevertheless there are a few opportunities to party this weekend. We already wrote a little preview for the GFFA benefit happening at […]