 Team Dresch
I hate to do this to you folks. I’ve been a bit frantic of late in general, my co-editor has become entrenched in the wilds of Reed College and the newbies are most certainly not yet up to speed. And yet, this is the time I choose to leave you, unattended, for 10 whole days. Now behave while I am away, and I will try to post little bits of my gaycation ephemera but who knows when I will see an internet cafe in the wilds of the jungle. So I make no promises.
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Last night’s show featuring ex-Tribe 8 member Lynnee Breedlove was a welcome interim into a night of rockin’ bands. The kind of show I have not had the pleasure of attending in awhile. And while the appearance of Mighty Real tour partner Silas Howard was missed Breedlove’s opposite of stripping one-(wo)man-show was an enjoyable tribute to gender non-conformity, personal anecdote and two recently passed leaders of the gay and lesbian movement, Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon.
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