This episode we talk with author and educator Allison Moon, author of a sci fi lesbian werewolf romance Lunatic Fringe and then make her comment on the Mars Hill vandalism, primary elections and QDoc. […]
![]() This episode we talk with author and educator Allison Moon, author of a sci fi lesbian werewolf romance Lunatic Fringe and then make her comment on the Mars Hill vandalism, primary elections and QDoc. […] ![]() When Rachel Kramer Bussel was in Portland last year, she had a serendipitous experience at Powell’s Book Store. She was at the end of putting together the book Best Sex Writing 2012: The State of Today’s Sexual Culture [Cleis Press], which she edits, and most of the pieces were already finalized. But as she was walking around she saw and bought a copy of Ms. Magazine, because of the article, Sex, Lies and Hush Moneyby Katherine Spillar. Bussel ended up getting the rights to the article, which for her was perfect since she was looking for a piece that touched on politics to round out the book. “I try to read a lot, but I don’t always see everything,” Bussel said. “So this was a great opportunity for me. I don’t think it’s something you can do when you are just shopping online because you don’t browse a newsstand in that way. It was only because I was standing in front of this magazine. So I’m extra excited to go back to Powell’s.” Bussel, who is a New York-based author, editor, blogger and event organizer, will be back in Pdx to kick off her West Coast book tour for Best Sex Writing 2012 at Powell’s April 6 at 7:30PM. The event will include a reading and discussion with contributors Tim Elhajj (author of Dopefiend, contributor to Guernica), Kevin Sampsell (author of A Common Pornography) and Lidia Yuknavitch (author of The Chronology of Water). And there will be free cupcakes. The book is a collection of nonfiction spanning from journalistic pieces such as Camille Dodero’s Village Voice article “Guys Who Like Fat Chicks” to Amber Dawn’s personal essay, “To All the Butches I Loved Between 1995 and 2005: An Open Letter about Selling Sex, Selling Out and Soldiering On.” What it isn’t, though, is erotica. And a lot of Bussel’s readers are surprised that the anthology isn’t necessarily getting them off. Continue reading » ![]() All the events you don’t want to miss in Portland’s gay weekend. […] ![]() Mrs takes on Lisa Frank Saturday at Mississippi Studios Thursday and all weekend POW (Portland Oregon Women) Film Fest – POW Fest, now in its third year, aims to highlight women directors (unlike the Academy, who has never awarded a female Best Director) and has a great and eclectic assortment of films in its 4 day run. On Friday can catch 80s classic Fast Times at Ridgemont […] ![]() Friday Slutty Hearts cassette release party – I’m not totally convinced of the hipster merits of producing an album on cassette and the only place to play them for me, and most people, is that one roommate’s car that still has a tape deck. But then they get an iPod converter and the party’s over. I recommend snapping a little USB drive in there with digi versions of the songs instead (and, update, it does actually come with a digital download, so there Alley!). But then, I may just not be hip enough. But the Slutty Hearts are. And you can’t complain about the format when you get a free copy with show entrance. And their brand of rock will bring you back to pure PDX 90s style with all those fond memories and sweaty show spots. And that’s a good thing. Continue reading » ![]()
It must be noted that this is not a book for the faint of heart and is a highly academic read. I have read a few authors who belong to the French canon that Cusset discusses (most notably Proust and Balzac) but I was not nearly as familiar as I would like to be with the authors and works discussed. I think this book would be most enjoyed by someone who is well versed in the French literary canon. I could also see it being a valuable resource in an academic setting for a class about queer theory, especially in regards to French texts. Continue reading » ![]() ![]() Have a gay Thanksgiving with this rainbow turkey and be thankful I didn't choose the image of the naked bear as meaty centerpiece Wednesday Riot Wednesdays present Riot: Rewind – DJ Rhienna keeps it real with cross colors early 90s hip hop style so you can go into the holiday season with a fond memories of Christmas music and fashion wishes past. Thursday Portland’s young crowd from across the country often doesn’t have family in town or needs a break from family on holidays so nightlife goes on. But this year it seems everyone decided to stay in with wine and tryptophan induced coma. I’m totally ok with that…Happy Thanksgiving! And for those of you who don’t have plans and are at a loss as to what to do our friends over at Dave Knows Portland put together a list of things to do on Thanksgiving (and Christmas day) every year! Continue reading » ![]() ![]() June and Jean Milligton, from the iconic girl band Fanny, play Saturday as part of their "Play Like a Girl" tour Don’t forget that it’s the last days of the Portland Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, and previews should all be out. You can check that plus any reviews thus far in our complete 15th Annual PLGFF coverage. Thursday In Other Words 18th birthday party – One of the last remaining feminist bookstores in the country is still going. I hesitate to say strong, although metaphorically they’re as strong as ever, because in this economy they are in constant need of our love and help. So don’t let the $12 price tag deter you because IOW is not a whole community center and the party’s bound to be hoppin’ with a lineup of performers and DJs. There will also be a raffle, food, beer and wine. The raffle prizes will feature fabulous items from local businesses, restaurants, the Portland Timbers, food carts, bicycle shops, Bitch Media and more Continue reading » ![]() I love geeky stuff and yet feel like I don’t get to combine, let alone report on, the intersection of queerness and geekery enough. So, though it’s last minute, I’m pretty excited to blog about this graphic novel creator I found randomly on Queerty this morning. Ed Luce pens Wuvable Oaf, the story of a “gay, cat-obsessed, Morrissey-loving, hairy giant.” Queerty goes on to say this about the character: Continue reading » ![]() Thursday Sweet Tea – Sounds like the perfect summer refresher for those St Johns gays. Dirtbag! – Your stellar dance party with the Smiths happy ending (is that an oxymoron?) takes up residence at my favorite Alberta dive once again. Friday Bent with special guests – Lifepartner will be at the decks along with Seattle superstar LA Kendall who rocks not just the dance floor but the business end, booking successful parties and performers alike. She’s also a producer/performer in her own right as one half of electro-pop-raptresses Luxury A.K. Bent is always a good time but this one will be a night to remember (or, perhaps, forget…). Continue reading » |
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