  Milk-n-Hunny Saturday at Red Cap
Whether you are with your biological family or a chosen one, I hope all have a day full of food to be thankful for. I know I’m certainly thankful to live in a city with so much to do, even on a holiday weekend. So use those extra days off!
Lez Stand Up with Kupp! – One of the funniest ladies I know is Kirsten Kuppenbender, with just enough energy to be entertaining without seeming like many ADD-addled comedians. And when do you need a little humor more than the eve before a day of family gathering with wine-induced arguments and narcoleptic tryptophan napping. With 7 or 8 performers including Nicole Georges and Whitney Streed along with the smooth stylings of DJ Party Martyr this is a night of jokes and stories that will be way better than Grandpa’s.
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  Chi Chi and Chonga at September's Disco Miss Thing. Photos courtesy Just Out
Emerging from an occasionally painful adolescence Portland is finally enjoying the freedom of young adulthood (and college parties, whew!) and there’s no better example of this than our catty but loving drag scene. This year saw one the introduction of a truly well crafted drag competition called Miss Thing and this Friday brings its outrageous finale.
“I think drag has gotten somewhat of a bad name in Portland because there is so much sameness and traditional drag going on,” Co-creator Heklina Heklina has said. “Audiences and performers want to be challenged by ideas—another great thing about Miss Thing. There are no rules—no rules as to gender, what you need to look like or how you dress. All that matters is what you do onstage.”
Not that we’ve ever cared about a bad reputation, but we’re happy that now it’s a thematic, originally bad rep. And it’s all coming to a climax when the year’s best of the best take the stage to win 500 dollars and a trip to San Fran to perform with Trannyshack. And competition is fierce.
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  Fannie Mae Darling in 'Trannysnatchers'
This is the weekend that all the gay ghouls come out of the woodwork for All Hallow’s Eve mayhem. So whether your pleasure is tricks or treats there’s bound to be a party, or 2, for you.
Cafeteria, HomoDeluxe and Drop Shop – Thursday isn’t particularly spooky, although I have no doubts there will be some excellent costumes at “lunch trays and ghoulish gays” themed Cafeteria. Dead lunch ladies? Zombie assistant principals? Vampire cheerleaders?
Crave‘s Halloween Bash – Sexy undead go go dancers and the chance to show your own go go off with costume prizes in several categories like originality, scariest, sexiest, nerdiest and cutest couple. The featured drink of the night is ‘Monster Punch,’ sweet/sour and strong, and it’s only 2 bucks before 10. Plus VIP passes and incentives for friends makes this the it party for girls.
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 Many a youthful afternoon was spent smoking cigarettes (yes kiddies you could even smoke in restaurants in those prehistoric days) and eating french fries at the quintessentially queer restaurant Hamburger Mary’s. It was gone for many years but now the gay eating institution is back. And to celebrate it’s grand opening the ladies are hosting a haunted opening. That’s right, this Friday at the new Hamburger Mary’s (19 NW 5th Ave), dress up or else.
But the best part is this video commercial advertising the opening featuring new queens on the scene ChiChi and Chonga.
They have been embroiled in a drag video battle with local drag phenomenon and Mary’s co-star Fannie Mae Darling which is also quite entertaining. It looks like this is becoming an impromptu TV show that’s worth turning in to.
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  Grand Prize winner Untitled by J.T. Ollett
So as not to subject herself and her staff to the anger that comes from not choosing your friends’ photos for prizes in the 2010 Just Out Pride Photo contest editor Marty Davis left the task to celebrity guest judges, including me. I was joined by Paul Fukui from Q Center, Artemis Chase, performer extraordinaire and Jeff Fisher of LogoMotives fame.
We didn’t have a tough time identifying some great shots but when it came down to placing them in order it got tougher. We ended up going with J.T. Ollett‘s Untitled as the People category and Grand Prize winner. Here’s the artist’s statement:
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 Sally Ingus Wilder
Variety shows, drag and performance art in Portland can be hit or miss. For as many mind-blowing acts, there are long drawn out talent shows featuring more talking than artistry. But local (and NICE) drag diva Artemis Chase has hit on something fabulous with this year’s Miss Thing so I have no doubts that tomorrow’s Peep Show will be equally worth seeing.
I was […]