
 Aden(l) and Jordan(r) Jaric in happier times
Gay porn stars and former boyfriends Aden and Jordan Jaric are in hot water after an altercation that happened at last Wednesday’s Miss Thing in Portland. After appearing together at the Bling Dental party on Tuesday, an alcohol-fuelled fight broke out at Miss Thing, and Aden Jaric smacked Jordan Jaric upside the head with a paperweight he received at the show as a gift. He now faces assault charges, and the fight has moved to twitter, where Byron Beck has now somehow become involved!
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 Oh no, Ohio!
In Ohio, a 31 year old female has been arrested and charged with attempted sex with a minor after posing as a 14 year old boy. The two were holed up in a hotel room for a few days before the 16 year old girl ran away and reported the older woman to the police.
From CBSnews: “Dye, a petite woman who stands […]
 Lesbian TV star Rachel Maddow's highschool yearbook picture
Fill in the blank! This photo is so adorable. I guess we were all femme once. Forgive us for posting this, Rachel! (I don’t mind posting a pic of me in a dress to make it up to you…) I think it is empowering to know that she has struggled with her gender presentation just like we all have. […]
 We're sure that Gaga hates you right back,for massacring her song, or for those dodgy pants
The WBC parodies Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” with Megan Phelps-Roper on vocals. Yes, that Phelps-Roper of Westboro Baptist Church / God Hates Fags “fame” .
Includes insightful lyrics such as “Stop prayin,’ stop prayin,’ God will not hear you anymore, you taught the boys and the girls to be proud whores.”
I […]
 Beth Ditto Cover image "most shocking"
Portland-based Punk singer Beth Ditto has copped the top spot on a website set out to rank the “most shocking magazine covers ever” with her naked photoshoot for the UK’s NME back in 2007.
In case you have been living in a cloud of volcanic ash, like most of Europe is currently, here a reminder.
Beth beat out Demi Moore, 9/11 […]
  Sandhill crane
Spring has sprung here at QPDX and we are taking it outside. Amateur Naturalist and avid urban adventurer Diana Edwards talks with us today about the Sauvie Island wildlife.
Just 10 miles from downtown Portland, Sauvie Island has long been hailed as a great escape from the city heat in the summer. And we all love the gay nude beach. Sauvie Island, however, is also an important natural area for both residents and migratory wildlife.
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 Roy Ashburn comes out, but now what?
Complete and utter tosser California state Senator Roy Washburn has now officially come out, several gay news websites along with mainstream media report.
Roy Ashburn, a republican politician and classic victim of internalized homophobia that ends up fucking things up for everyone else, spent the last several years voting against Harvey Milk day, anti-gay bullying initiatives, gay marriage, and apparently even organized an anti gay-marriage rally. Oh and he’s from California, that lovely prop-8 state.
A few days ago he was booked by the cops after driving around drunk in his state-issued SUV, coming from a gay bar called Faces and with a gay guy in the passenger seat. Smart move.
Now what? I don’t think gays and lesbians will ever accept Ashburn into the fold. Maybe the Log Cabin’s want him?
Some video under the cut.
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B.A Baracus: "I pity the fool that pokes me in the eye with his gay hair!" Boy George:"Do you really want to hurt me?"
Fabu gay hero Lady Gaga and slightly dusty but still gaytastic crooner Boy George are duetting it up to make the possibly gayest song in history, reports The Sun. Despite the fact that The Sun ranks near the bottom (but above the National Enquirer!) […]

- Rebecca Drysdale
We rarely do fluff here at QPDX.com, although I won’t claim that we always do *serious* reporting either. We sometimes post things just for the eye candy factor of them – but oh so rarely for the girlqueers. We know that’s a complex issue – what’s considered “hot” in dyke circles isn’t always what the mainstream intarweb can provide. So enjoy this sizzling list! And the term “butch” is used to encompass a spectrum of masculinities-there are GQ, old-skool butches and Trans identified people there too. Some of my faves are posted underneath the cut…!
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 Perez Hilton is a famous gay blogger
So allegedly, gay celeb blogger/gossip queen Perez Hilton was assaulted by the Black Eyed Peas’ Will.I.Am. Will.I.Am denies any allegations – and so they have taken it to the streets internet to resolve this dispute…and what follows is a messy frolic of tweeting/not tweeting, timing, and the importance of not forgetting the special T word, traffic.
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