
The WBC brings you...a Lady Gaga cover?

The WBC hates Lady Gaga

We're sure that Gaga hates you right back,for massacring her song, or for those dodgy pants

The WBC parodies Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” with Megan Phelps-Roper on vocals. Yes, that Phelps-Roper of  Westboro Baptist Church / God Hates Fags “fame” .

Includes insightful lyrics such as “Stop prayin,’ stop prayin,’ God will not hear you anymore, you taught the boys and the girls to be proud whores.”

I wonder how well she would do in prison.

Really, Ph-ph-phelps-Ro-ro-per? What on earth?

You should have left your voice at home ’cause this is a disaster.

Listen to it here

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