  Self Portrait by Brian Patrick from the 2010 contest
Every year Just Out has an amateur photo contest; I was even a judge last year. Now it’s time to gear up for 2011. Here are the deets below:
Entries are limited to 10 per person. Any means of snapping that award-worthy original shot is fine: iPhone, digital camera or that old fashioned standard picture-taker, but we must receive a printed/hard copy — no digital submissions accepted. (We’d prefer you didn’t mat the image.)
On that note, no print size is too small or large — however, as we caution every year, your masterpieces will not be returned. To repeat, you won’t get ‘em back.
What you will get is recognition, one way or another. A winner will be selected for each of the six categories listed below, and all submissions will be displayed throughout the month of July at Q Center. Details on a forthcoming artists’ reception to come.
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 “Cooking for Charity and Fame”
Hamburger Mary’s Bar & Grille Portland is proud to introduce to you our premiere annual competition called “Iron Mary” where competitors get the opportunity to cook for charity and fame. Hamburger Mary’s Portland has teamed up with the Cascade AIDS Project (CAP) to create this competition with various challenges meant to raise awareness of the AIDS epidemic which affects us all.
This competition has several weekly challenges that are meant to test one’s capacity to turn ordinary food into something legendary while reaching out to the community. “Iron Mary” is set to begin on Tuesday, May 3rd and its winner will be selected on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011.
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  Host Heklina presents the cash prize to winner Sally Ingus Wilder. Photo by Marty Davis
This Friday saw bunches of queers lined up in front of the Fez Ballroom to see the final drag smackdown at Miss Thing wondering if it was already sold out. Actually it wasn’t, and the hype and attitude was a little intense for an event that ended up having plenty of elbow room. But then again, it was called Miss Thing so I guess I can’t be too surprised.
I also wasn’t surprised by the level of weirdness and amazingness that all the Misses brought to the show. Although the 1st place winner was newbie Sally Ingus Wilder I wasn’t disappointed by any of the competing acts. Second and third places belonged to ChiChi and Chonga and Kaj-Anne Pepper respectively, but I’ve heard more than one grumble that either of these two fierce competitors should have taken the title. Personally, I think Bulimianne Rhapsody had one of the most original pieces.
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  Fannie Mae Darling in 'Trannysnatchers'
This is the weekend that all the gay ghouls come out of the woodwork for All Hallow’s Eve mayhem. So whether your pleasure is tricks or treats there’s bound to be a party, or 2, for you.
Cafeteria, HomoDeluxe and Drop Shop – Thursday isn’t particularly spooky, although I have no doubts there will be some excellent costumes at “lunch trays and ghoulish gays” themed Cafeteria. Dead lunch ladies? Zombie assistant principals? Vampire cheerleaders?
Crave‘s Halloween Bash – Sexy undead go go dancers and the chance to show your own go go off with costume prizes in several categories like originality, scariest, sexiest, nerdiest and cutest couple. The featured drink of the night is ‘Monster Punch,’ sweet/sour and strong, and it’s only 2 bucks before 10. Plus VIP passes and incentives for friends makes this the it party for girls.
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 No plans for your Tuesday night yet? Well if you haven’t had a chance to check out the Portland Lesbian and Gay Film Festival here’s to chance to go for free! Tonight’s screening of A Marine Story will feature lead actress and aerialist Dreya Weber in attendance to answer questions and schmooze following the screening.
All you have to do to win a pair of tickets to tonight’s screening? […]
  2007 "People" category winner Lee Kyle's “Kajanne Pepper in Stripes”
Even though it is still may and the rain continues to dampen our spirits as we head into the official beginning of summer, Memorial Day, and Pride Season, I’m starting not to be able to control my upcoming seasonal excitement.
qPDX has plans to march, of course, cover the hell out of our local festivities, and tweet all the cool stuff the whole time (my apologies if the tweets start to get messy by the end of each evening). But even better? We’re going to be doing it all again the next weekend from San Francisco!
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. QDoc will kick off the season shortly, and we’ll have some stellar review coverage this year. But you can get just ask excited as me RIGHT NOW by entering Just Out’s 2010 Amateur Pride Photo Contest. It’s bound to be an interesting competition this year with all kinds of new staff at the JO as well as…drumroll…celebrity guest judging from yours truly. (You’re calling me a local celebrity? Well of course I’ll [fill in the blank]. Flattery will get you everywhere…) Here’s some of my judgemental comrades:
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