
‘Blow Pony,’ Fat Fancy’s anniversary partyand Dana Goldberg get you ‘Feelin’ Alright’ this weekend

Comedian Dana Goldberg performs Saturday


Triskaidekaphilia (Just My Luck) – In case you missed the opening last week you have another shot at Jimmy Radosta‘s new play about comedic misfortune.


Street Corner A staged Reading – Already another theatrical piece f the weekend, this time a bit earlier in the process. One of several bits in a series of short plays, It Takes All Shorts, Street Corner stars Kevin Cook aka Poison Waters.

Glass Candy, Chromatics and Rude DudesSomething of a straight hipster bastion, a Glass Candy/Chromatics show still produces great music and a great time. Rude Dudes have incredible dynamic duo superpowers on the decks, smashing genres together in a way that will make you want to dance, but be too enthralled to remember the moves.

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2010’s most Googled gays

Perez Hilton was the most Googled gay this year. A blogger? Really? There's hope for me yet

Ah, it’s that time of the year when we stop writing about real news and just rehash everything that happened over the past year as if we weren’t there the first time. My own versions of the year in review and the best of 2010 won’t begin until next week, but that doesn’t mean we can start with remembering 2010 through the company that became an everyday verb. That’s right, I’m talking about Google, the ubiquitous search engine where all internet life begins and ends. And here’s a list of the most searched gays in 2010, according to the People’s Republic of Google.

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Boxing day news roundup includes the signing of DADT repeal and the hilarious Barney Frank

Congressman Barney Frank may look like a muppet but he's tough as nails and funny as anything Jim Henson ever dreamed up

Sorry for the hiatus folks, you have evil domain empire GoDaddy to thank for that. This was originally supposed to be a Christmas Eve news roundup but here we are at Boxing Day, the day to return all the horrendous sweaters we got yesterday. So if you’re still trying to avoid the long arms pf the family here’s a little roundup of good news you have have missed over the last few days of Christmas cheer. (And stay tuned for a New Year’s roundup!)

Obama signs the reapeal of DADT with video below. “That’s done!”

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Jiffy Lube coupon addressed to ‘Turd Burgler’ makes headlines, spurs lawsuit

The coupon in question

In a news of the weird what may have been anything from homophobia to a childish prank to a mistake has taken on a life of its own when a $16 coupon for Jiffy Lube’s “signature service” addressed to a “Turd Burgler” sparked a $150K discrimination lawsuit.

Laremy Eck, who received the piece of mail, recently went to his local Jiffy Lube and believes the coupon was sent to him because he’s gay. The Jiffy Lube claims the coupon was sent by mistake and was intended for the resident’s previous occupant, an acquaintance of the shop known as the “Turd Burgler” (their spelling, not ours). Even though the incident could be a mistake the suit pressed on in a court filing in late November.

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An update on Tuff Luck and the Deli

I knew that the unfortunate dissolution of the Tuff Luck Deli would cause quite a rift in a tight need community. I hesitated to publish Tuff Luck’s detailed letter to the community but in the end decided that they deserved to be heard even if it did come with a cost.

Indeed it did, and many discussions on Facebook showed clearly how upset people were. Some comments were thoughtful, others merely angry, but they were almost all passionate. I had hoped some of that discussion could happen here on this blog, as it is a more public forum but instead it was mostly confined to the semi-public gossip realm of FB.

So I would like to say, once again, that not only do I welcome discussion, but would happily publish and opposing editorial. I had hoped this would be a discussion starter and not a proclamation.

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Tuff Luck coffee and the Deli part ways…and not amicably

Business dealings are always a sticky wicket, especially in this economy. And when the boys who ran Tuff Luck coffee moved into the queer collectively-run Deli it seemed like a perfect synthesis. I frequented the place myself, both before and after the merge and was glad to have a queer-friendly neighborhood space.

I was never aware of the business practices or inner conflicts that were happening so I can’t add my own opinion, but I received a very detailed explanation of events from Tuff Luck owners Choriko Bogues and Ryder Richardson, who wrote a very explicit and transparent explanation of what happened to cause the rift. I feel it is important to share it with the community so I have reproduced it in its entirety below.

Both they and I encourage comments and I hope the community can have a real discussion about this.

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Holiday Gift Guide is out – This year give the gift of gay

All I want for Christmas is you

I’m super excited to announce that this year qPDX teamed up with Ally Picard and a host of local queer run businesses to present you with our First Annual Holigay Gift Guide. With gift ideas for the, Art Fag, Bibliophile, Fashionista, Foodie, Fun Lover, Music Nerd and the Well Groomed Health Nut you can’t go wrong.

I’m particularly excited about […]

Free ads for December on qPDX and other local sites

qPDX is super excited to be a part of a burgeoning new service for local business called PDX Web Ads. It’s tough for both local businesses and local publishers to connect one on one…we’re all too busy making our products and doing our thing! Commercial ads like Google’s Adsense are great, but they only pay pennies, they’re not tailored to our local needs and we sometimes get some strange products that we don’t really want to promote. Co-creator Heather G expresses it well on her blog Mile 73:

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