For those of us no longer ensconced in the world of academia but who want the opportunity to have thought-provoking discussions on gender and sexuality the annual Lewis and Clark Gender Studies Symposium is the perfect opportunity. This three day exploration, now in its 31st year (whoa, that’s a long time, longer than I’ve been alive) takes place this Wednesday through Friday. (Complete schedule linked below)
The 2012 […]
 Mrs takes on Lisa Frank Saturday at Mississippi Studios
Thursday and all weekend
POW (Portland Oregon Women) Film Fest – POW Fest, now in its third year, aims to highlight women directors (unlike the Academy, who has never awarded a female Best Director) and has a great and eclectic assortment of films in its 4 day run. On Friday can catch 80s classic Fast Times at Ridgemont […]
  'Austin Unbound' screens Sunday at the Hollywood Theatre
The first documentary about a deaf transperson is also locally made, with opening shots of iconic Portland landmarks easing you into the voiceless 45 minute feature. In what seems like a very collaborative process from Greensoda Studios Austin Unbound follows protagonist Austin, as well as his friends and family, in his journey through top surgery in 2004-2005. It screens this Sunday as part of the POW (Portland Oregon Women) Film Fest.
Very aware that this is the story of one man, and not a fable for all deaf or trans people, Austin Unbound takes a very personal yet objective approach. The film contains no vocal communication. Even the interviews with hearing individuals, including Austin’s mom, are subtitled and overlayed with music.
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  A contestant gives it her all while the judges look on.
Drag is well known for pushing the boundaries of art and fashion in the mainstream but what about within drag itself? The juxtaposition of “beautiful” vs. “monstrous” drag is an idea that the queer and drag communities are exploring from tiny stages to to RuPaul’s Drag Race itself (Sharon Needles, the postergirl for monster drag, is a qPDX fave). This week Portland’s Drag Race focused on monstrous and genderf*ck drag and contributor Lyska Mondor was there to catch the action in photos (below the break).
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 I was really hoping Glenn Close (R) would win Best Actress for Albert Nobbs though I do love Meryl Streep (L) as Margaret Thatcher. Both portrayals seem pretty gay.
This week’s podcast dispels some rumors, discusses the Hollywood Bowl drama and digs on the Oscars.
First we address a rumor about Just Out from last week before moving on to a couple “sports” related updates. Can queer […]
The weekend is dominated by dance parties, Homomentum’s Singin’ in the Rain, new glasses at Sword and Fern, a comedy benefit and the laid back vibe of Sunday’s Bridge Club. […]
  Hollywood Bowl
Last week we delved into the situation surrounding accusations of homophobia against Hollywood Bowl. A week later it still seems to be pretty much a game of “they said, they said” but folks seem rather interested in this one, so I figured I’d give what little updates are to be had.
Firstly, a reader by the name of ‘jo’ was able to wrench even more information out of an HB Manager Heather Moeller than I was, saying,
There were no leagues on Saturday already…The Sunday PCBL League was approached and asked if they would switch from 3:00pm Sunday to either 10:00am or 6:30pm which would allow us to have as large chunk open for birthday parties and open play. The league being at 3:00 on Sunday just made it hard to book anything else.
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  Contgressman Early Blumenauer, who represents a large swath of Portland, poses for the No H8 campaign
We love our bowtie wearing Congressman Earl Blumenauer for many reasons including his bikey liberal ways and staunch support of LGBT rights. Now we have even more photographic evidence that he’s super awesome and has great, if eclectic fashion sense that a Portland queer can get behind.
He, along with 9 other members of Congress, have posed for those iconic No H8 pictures in support of gay and lesbian equality. (And his yellow and pink bowtie goes great with the silver of the duct tape over his mouth). These 10 members of Congress may come from mostly blue states (and they were all Democrats) but there’s a Mountain and Midwest state in the mix of reps from California, Oregon, Colorado, Ohio, Massachusetts and Washington, D.C. Four are men, six are women, and only one identifies as LGBT.
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 We talk new publications PQ Monthly and (the return of) Just Out, gay marriage, women’s reproductive rights and politics across the country before delving into some of the best (grossest) of Craigslist. […]
  Leslie and the Lys play at Blow Pony's 5 year anniversary Saturday at Rotture.
Slutty Hearts cassette release party – I’m not totally convinced of the hipster merits of producing an album on cassette and the only place to play them for me, and most people, is that one roommate’s car that still has a tape deck. But then they get an iPod converter and the party’s over. I recommend snapping a little USB drive in there with digi versions of the songs instead (and, update, it does actually come with a digital download, so there Alley!). But then, I may just not be hip enough. But the Slutty Hearts are. And you can’t complain about the format when you get a free copy with show entrance. And their brand of rock will bring you back to pure PDX 90s style with all those fond memories and sweaty show spots. And that’s a good thing.
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