  A Day with HIV in America 2010 submission
This September 21st is the 2nd annual Day with HIV in America, and they are looking for contributions from you. A project of Positively Aware, a magazine devoted to HIV treatment and wellness, Day with HIV aims to tell the stories of those affected by HIV and AIDS by capturing a collective portrait of those living with the virus.
The magazine is inviting people across America to snap a digital photograph at any time over the course of September 21. Participants can record a portrait, time with friends and family at work or play, or any moment in the day that helps the world better understand life with HIV. Photos are to be submitted by September 26 on the A Day with HIV in America web site or emailed to artdirector@tpan.com. The site has pictures from last year as well as photo ideas and tips.
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  Gaga at Jo Calderone at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards
This Sunday Lady Gaga took to full drag character Jo Calderone for the MTV Video Music Awards. She won “Best Female Performer” dressed as a man and queered the VMAs further by staying in character for questions.
Most of what I’ve seen on Facebook so far has been pretty positive, except for comment condemning the smoking and drinking. Here are some samples:
“…the most conservative she’s ever looked…”
“I like that she’s in drag but she’s not doing some really gross misogynist thing to a female dancer…”
“…it didn’t piss me off, points for Gaga!…I was worried she would do that ‘don’t worry I’m still a hot girl underneath it all’ switch at the end, but she didn’t, she held to it, and nailed the body language…”
“Anyone who can be so creepy that they make Britney Spears feel uncomfortable… you have to love them…”
“The crowd reactions are so varied! Beiber at 4:33 is a personal favorite.”
What to you think? You can watch the whole video beneath the break.
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  Homomentum performs Friday as part of the Lewis & Clark Gender Symposium
For the pop-academia lovers among us this week presents one of the better college conferences on gender and sexuality. Beginning tomorrow Lewis and Clark will kick off the 30th annual Gender Studies Symposium titled New Directions: Gender in the Future. Organized by a committee of students, with support from faculty and staff, the Gender Studies Symposium brings together representatives from academia, activism, and the arts for three days of workshops, roundtable discussions, lectures, film screenings, readings, performances, academic panels, and other intellectual and creative explorations.
This year doesn’t have as big of names as have some past years (i.e. Dorothy Allison, Leslie Feinberg or Angela Davis) but it has a great program nonetheless.
Julia Serano’s Compulsory Genderqueerness: Transsexuality, Feminism and the “End of Gender” on Thursday afternoon should be particularly fascinating. Author of Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity Serano is an artist, wordsmith, slat poet, and Ph.D. holding science geek.
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  Organizers MJ and DJ Alicious at the Red Party
The ladies of Portland were out in full force last night for Crave‘s Valentines Day themed Red Party and we’ve got the photos to prove it. And just give you you a little extra flavor, whether you were there and can (barely) remember or you’re sad you missed it there’s also a brief bit of video showing just a slice of the V Day mania.
Can you spot yourself or the girl you had your eye on through the sea of crimson?
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 Thought-provoking and avant garde video and installation artist Gia Goodrich is looking for a diverse array of individuals for her next pieces. Not for the faint of heart, her last show at Disjecta featured some disturbing self-choking imagery as well as some comedic, but still very naked and raw, video installations. So here’s the pitch if you’re so bold.
My name is Gia Goodrich and I am a graduate student at PNCA working on my thesis project. The following is a call for participation for my thesis work. The first iteration of the piece will be showing in the MFA central gallery at PNCA in March. This will be a show documenting the process. The second will be the final piece that will show as part of the MFA Thesis exhibition in May.
This piece is dependent upon involvement from individuals of the queer community in Portland its surrounding areas.
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  From left: Mary Timony, Janet Weiss, Rebecca Cole, Carrie Brownstein
Amidst all the hype surrounding former Sleater-Kinney band member Carrie Brownstein‘s comedic project Portlandia, I hope you all haven’t forgotten that the funny lady still makes music. And her new band, Wild Flag, plays tonight at Bunk Bar (1028 SE Water St). With a tour in March, recording in April, and an album out in fall in the Flag is already flying.
To learn more about the super group, which also includes Janet Weiss (Sleater-Kinney, Quasi) and Mary Timony (Helium) and Rebecca Cole (Minders) check out an introduction to Wild Flag penned back in September. And to check out some of their angsty anthems check out videos from Portland live shows below.
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  Joan Rivers is in town Saturday and she is indeed a piece of work!
Most of us are likely tired (and perhaps a little wounded) by a night out ringing in the New Year but there’s no rest for the wicked. This weekend might be a tad slower than usual but there’s plenty of not to be missed gay weekend events.
Dirtbag! – Just recently revealed as one of the best new club nights of the year catch DB while it’s at its peak.
Drop Shop with Exstasy – Hot, hip hop, dancing sweating boys and girls. The perfect party for the breadth of your pals.
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  Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis lock lips in "Black Swan'
Film has always tended to push the boundaries of sexuality. We’re finally no longer living (completely) in the celluloid closet so there’s plenty to choose from without having to resort to claiming films like Claire of the Moon. The 90s were tough children…
5. Undertow (Contracorriente)
Heart-wrenching and real, this is the gay indie favorite around the world. Set in a Peruvian seaside town a married fisherman struggles to reconcile his devotion to his male lover within his town’s rigid traditions.
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  Congressman Barney Frank may look like a muppet but he's tough as nails and funny as anything Jim Henson ever dreamed up
Sorry for the hiatus folks, you have evil domain empire GoDaddy to thank for that. This was originally supposed to be a Christmas Eve news roundup but here we are at Boxing Day, the day to return all the horrendous sweaters we got yesterday. So if you’re still trying to avoid the long arms pf the family here’s a little roundup of good news you have have missed over the last few days of Christmas cheer. (And stay tuned for a New Year’s roundup!)
Obama signs the reapeal of DADT with video below. “That’s done!”
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  Fannie Mae Darling hosts. Photo by Marty Davis / Just Out
In Portland’s world of on-the-fly and occasionally inebriated performance world, Fannie Mae Darling managed to keep the local theme alive while providing a quality holiday drag, theater and music extravaganza. In constantly rotating dresses Darling kept the crowd engaged and giggling through over two and a half hours of stage antics. Yes, while drunken.
Just Out’s Marty Davis has all the photos to prove it was a spectacularly successful Quitsmas blend of talent on her Facebook page.
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