  Little Tommy Bang Bang during a Halloween of less hard times?
SugarTown outfit October – So there’s your actual Halloween costume, and then there’s just the Halloween theme itself. You can dress a pumpkin, your house or yourself but this party is a chance to bring out your worst Halloween brooch as much as that ugly Christmas sweater party is. This party is mostly about soul music, a welcome break from dancey pop, but it’s also about fashionable expression. DJ Action Slacks embodies that and the desire to match her enthusiasm for the music, the fashion, the dancing the party inspires me, and I suspect all the ST attendees, into creating an incredibly fun queer night.
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  Little Tommy with one of this weekend's hosts ChiChi
In case you haven’t heard former Tuesday show, Peep Show, outgrew it’s weekday shortpants and has moved to a coveted Friday slot because it’s so damn good. qPDX took a minute to sit down with one of the show’s producers Little Tommy Bang Bang so find out some of the dirt behind the move and catch a glimpse of what might be in store for us this Friday.
qpdx: So what prompted the move to Fridays? I assume it has gotten quite popular. Were there other reasons?
LTBB: The reason for the move to Fridays is simply that we outgrew Tuesdays. After over a year of successful “first Tuesday” shows, the Red Cap agreed to let us have a better night for our show. Keeping in the Portland tradition of monthly events, we are now officially booked for “third Fridays”.
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  Leslie and the Lys will perform at Blow Pony
Full schedule of Saturday events: https://archive.qpdx.com/events-this-week/2011-06-18/
Dyke March 2011 – Don’t get confused or show up late, this adventure of “how many exes does it take to screw in a lightbulb and organize a dyke march” may be ridiculous in its ever-changing lineup of organizers but its worth it to keep it going. We had grand ideas last year to take it over and make it as big and great as San Fran’s but my compatriot up and ran away to said city by the Bay. So instead I’ll just be another marching lezzie. But that’s quite a force in P-Town, even if we are running to catch up an hour late…
Doll House Pride Edition – I may not usually be into chains but Hamburger Mary’s is a fun implementation of a great idea gay/drag laid back restaurant franchise. The atmosphere is friendly and they’ve given the prime Pride real estate of Saturday night over to the ladies.
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  Dirty drag diva Fannie Mae Darling will perform at tonight's Peep Show 1st anniversary
I’m lame and don’t have time for my usual witty posting but I didn’t want you to forget about these 2 awesome events tonight:
KnowHomo queer trivia at Sloans (Williams and Russell)
Join us for our inaugural queer trivia night at sloans! gather your local homoknow-it-alls in teams of 5 or less. $1/person to play.
Top teams will be rewarded with CASH PRIZES! Prizes also to best team name & team with lowest points!
Peep Show One Year Anniversary at Red Cap (The Stark Triangle)
Make sure not to miss our very special Peep Show One Year Anniversary Show!!! We are bringing back many of our all time favorite performers from the past year and it is going to be AMAAAAZING!
NO COVER!!! $2.50 well drinks!!! Amazing entertainment!!!
With performances by…
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  Milk-n-Hunny Saturday at Red Cap
Whether you are with your biological family or a chosen one, I hope all have a day full of food to be thankful for. I know I’m certainly thankful to live in a city with so much to do, even on a holiday weekend. So use those extra days off!
Lez Stand Up with Kupp! – One of the funniest ladies I know is Kirsten Kuppenbender, with just enough energy to be entertaining without seeming like many ADD-addled comedians. And when do you need a little humor more than the eve before a day of family gathering with wine-induced arguments and narcoleptic tryptophan napping. With 7 or 8 performers including Nicole Georges and Whitney Streed along with the smooth stylings of DJ Party Martyr this is a night of jokes and stories that will be way better than Grandpa’s.
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  Chi Chi and Chonga at September's Disco Miss Thing. Photos courtesy Just Out
Emerging from an occasionally painful adolescence Portland is finally enjoying the freedom of young adulthood (and college parties, whew!) and there’s no better example of this than our catty but loving drag scene. This year saw one the introduction of a truly well crafted drag competition called Miss Thing and this Friday brings its outrageous finale.
“I think drag has gotten somewhat of a bad name in Portland because there is so much sameness and traditional drag going on,” Co-creator Heklina Heklina has said. “Audiences and performers want to be challenged by ideas—another great thing about Miss Thing. There are no rules—no rules as to gender, what you need to look like or how you dress. All that matters is what you do onstage.”
Not that we’ve ever cared about a bad reputation, but we’re happy that now it’s a thematic, originally bad rep. And it’s all coming to a climax when the year’s best of the best take the stage to win 500 dollars and a trip to San Fran to perform with Trannyshack. And competition is fierce.
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  Riley and Flo sport matching denim onsies at Dirtbag
Weekly or monthly, neighborhood or downtown Thursday is a night for favorites Dirtbag! and Drop Shop. I’ll be swillin’ at the perfect little party that could in one of my favorite just big enough locations on Alberta St. Of course, don’t forget the first night of artsy schmoozing at the exciting and all ages Siren Nation festival, which continues all weekend.
Homomentum: Rebels & Outlaws – The monthly variety show of thematic queer fabulousness is back from summer break with more mayhem and a new location. Downtown’s Fez Ballroom (SW 13th and Stark) should be a much better venue with more room for watching than last year’s now defunct E Room. I have been especially devoid of Catitude in my life lately and I can’t wait to see what they do with such a rebellious theme. Little Tommy Bang Bang & Slim Pickins, Swagger and the long missed All of the Above, should also have some hilarity mixed with hotness that I just can’t wait for.
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  Little Tommy Bang Bang host Mrs Sloppy Seconds
Culture Machine @ Disjecta – That oh-so-hip warehouse art space by the Dancin’ Bare and the Paul Bunyon actually is as cool as it seems. It certainly doesn’t hurt that one of our head homos, Kaj-Anne Pepper, will be part of the invading troupe. Culture Machine is a dance performance (and research tank) that is performed and created by Tahni Holt along with Kaj-Anne Pepper, Robert Tyree, Sallie Garrido-Spencer, Thomas Thorson, Suzanne Chi, and Dicky Dahl. It’s like a big queer DJ combined with a Reed thesis expressed through dance.
Drop Shop – Sultry new queer/stripper love hip hop night goes around for its second week. Was there any booty bouncing last week? Cuz I’m in the mood to shake my laffy taffy.
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