In a bit of very sad news today I received this message about Glenn Dugger, the original owner of the iconic Stark Street Triangle bar Scandals:
Sad to share that Glenn Dugger (born June 25, 1934) founder and original owner of Scandals passed away March 12, 2012 around 2pm. He will be missed by many, including his life partner Felipe in whose arms he passed- and it is important […]
 This week Lyska and I talk to Max Voltage of Glitterfruit and Pants Off Productions (the folks behind Homomentum, Homo’s Got Talent etc) who will be performing at a free, all ages concert for the culmination of the 31st annual Lewis and Clark Gender Studies Symposium. […]
For those of us no longer ensconced in the world of academia but who want the opportunity to have thought-provoking discussions on gender and sexuality the annual Lewis and Clark Gender Studies Symposium is the perfect opportunity. This three day exploration, now in its 31st year (whoa, that’s a long time, longer than I’ve been alive) takes place this Wednesday through Friday. (Complete schedule linked below)
The 2012 […]
  Contgressman Early Blumenauer, who represents a large swath of Portland, poses for the No H8 campaign
We love our bowtie wearing Congressman Earl Blumenauer for many reasons including his bikey liberal ways and staunch support of LGBT rights. Now we have even more photographic evidence that he’s super awesome and has great, if eclectic fashion sense that a Portland queer can get behind.
He, along with 9 other members of Congress, have posed for those iconic No H8 pictures in support of gay and lesbian equality. (And his yellow and pink bowtie goes great with the silver of the duct tape over his mouth). These 10 members of Congress may come from mostly blue states (and they were all Democrats) but there’s a Mountain and Midwest state in the mix of reps from California, Oregon, Colorado, Ohio, Massachusetts and Washington, D.C. Four are men, six are women, and only one identifies as LGBT.
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  The legendary Bob Mould performs at Q Center's annual Winter Gala Saturday
PQ Monthly launch party – A new publication is in town and tonight is the night both the print and web versions launch. We are excited to share resources and have even more reason to make sure local queer coverage is comprehensive and thought-provoking. Oh yeah, and an excuse to party.
SugarTown queer soul – The best queer homage to 60s and 70s soul in town is finally back after a brief hiatus. The new venue of the Spare Room has a great space, cheap drinks and will be a refreshing change to the usual old haunts. And this special return also features this week’s DJ profile for Freaky Outty. Plus where else can you get sweet treats by Emily Franco in addition to a drink? It’s a killer comeback you won’t want to miss.
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 Katie Carter and Amber Rowland of Feminist Agenda
This week Lyska and I talk with Amber Rowland, one half of the newly launched Feminist Agenda PDX. This podcast is only half of our fantastic (and long conversation). It’s the slightly more serious one so stay tuned for more feminist outtakes in the next few days.
For this podcast expect to learn about the FA mission, how its […]
  Task Force Deputy Executive Director of External Relations Russell Roybal presents Ernesto Dominguez with the Youth Leadership Award.
Local youth, HIV/AIDS and immigration activist Ernesto Dominguez isn’t new to winning awards. A year and a half ago Dominguez received the HRC’s student activist award and he just recently accepted the the Paul A. Anderson Youth Leadership Award for his work with ChatPDX, a collaboration between organizations and individuals working to curb HIV and AIDS transmission among young people through peer education and outreach, HIV testing, youth services and social media, and with Advocates for Youth, which also aims to help teens make informed decisions around sex.
You can see video of Dominguez’s acceptance speech, given at the Creating Change conference in Baltimore, MD, Tuesday January 31st, put on by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. In it he powerfully equates LGBT and immigration rights saying, “LGBT rights are immigrant rights, and immigrant rights are LGBT rights,” and basically gives us all hope for the future of our young people. (I can say that now that I am a solidly adult 30 year old right?)
The video, as well as a transcript of his acceptance speech, are below.
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 There have been a lot of changes in the queer community recently. This week, Q Center and SMYRC announced that they will join forces. SMYRC is a non-profit Sexual Minority Youth Resource Center that provides counseling and other services for queer youth.
Previously, a program of Cascadia Behavioral Health Care, SMYRC served between 700-1,000 youths a year. SMYRC’s current location will close down and all programs will continue through the Q Center. According the the Q Center’s website, this merger will strengthen the center’s youth and adult programs while still providing stability for SMYRC affairs. So far feedback has been positive although some have raised concerns.
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 Ethos, a Portland non-profit organization, recently announced its new Executive Director. Jedidiah Chavez, who is also a known artist,has worked as the Ethos development director since 2008. Since then, Chavez has increased revenue by 30% and secured 1.5 million for capital improvements to the North Portland locations. Ethos currently operates three facilities in Portland. The after school program operates in 34 urban elementary and middle schools. Being the largest community music school in Oregon, Ethos is able to reach out to both inner city and rural youth-providing quality music education.
Chavez, a gay Latino, has not only done an amazing job with Ethos, he is also known for his personal work with-in the community. Chavez coordinated the Safe Schools Inititave, which is a statewide effort to reduce bullying and harassment in Oregon Public schools as marketing and major gifts officer for Equity Foundation. He has also held leaderships positions with the YMCA’s Jack, Will and Rob Center, the University of Western States and also Gertrude Press.
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  LIPDX's Alex Nguyen, Rachael Swedenborg and Ashley Shumaker
This week the podcast has 2 parts. In part 1 we talk to the ladies behind the newly launched LIPDX (Lesbians In Portland) Tumblr blog and in part 2 we talk to Anna Crandall, Director of new play Wax Wing, opening tonight as part of the Fertile Ground Festival.
And don’t forget you can subscribe in iTunes! Don’t miss an episode! Get it downloaded automatically.
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