The three minds of The Awesomazing Show episode 1: Melody Awesomazing, Anthony Hudson, Nana Awesomazing
We’ve been excited for the premier of the new Awesomazing Show by Anthony Hudson and Melody Awesomazing since we covered their first teaser trailer back in August. The show, centered around Awesomazing’s obsession with Facebook is finally here. The pilot, “Tagging,” first screened at last weekend’s Shorty Shorts film festival but in case you missed that it is also available online right below.
“Tagging” also features guest star Nana Awesomazing. It’s the holiday season so we can all sympathize with the nosy family member trying to get up in our biz on Facebook.
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Donovan's neighbor's hip hop juggernaught Celebrity Justice
Saturday night saw the premiere of the locally made sitcom pilot for Delusional Donovan a story of an 8-year-old boy and his hallucinations induced by witnessing a shocking event. Writer/Director/Producer duo Mark “Zebra” Thomas and Devan McGrath (whom we interviewed last week) are currently shopping around for networks interested in airing the offbeat comedy so you will likely have to wait awhile to see the show screened again, but get ready for its TV release, because it’s a big success.
One of the crew told me just before the screening grab several drinks, as it would make the show funnier. But mere sips into my first cocktail I was already shaking with laughter. In fact, I think I’m lucky vodka wasn’t coming out of my nose.
Much ado is made of the backstory, that young Donovan is in a fragile mental state due to trauma, but Stray Cat doesn’t actually address that at all. Instead it jumps right in and introduces us to an amazing cadre of characters. This might be a tad confusing for those who haven’t followed the active Portland hype, but could be easily remedied with a title sequence makeover. Though I’m a fan of the short and sweet, and Donovan‘s opening animation is simple yet effective, there’s got to be some background available once it makes it to the wider television audience.
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Portland may not be a film and television capital on the scale of New York or LA, but we’ve got an increasing number of small screen shows filming here. And while we’re excited for the big releases, everyone knows Portland’s heart lives with the indie production. It’s only one of the many reasons I’m so excited to see Delusional Donovan a new locally made TV show premiering its pilot this Saturday at Mississippi Studios.
The darkly humorous sitcom follows the hallucinations of 8-year-old Donovan, who lives in in an imaginary world after witnessing a traumatic event. He is aided by his enabling mother, who tries to craft the world to his delusions, and his stoner neighbors. Writer and Producer Mark “Zebra” Thomas described it to sponsor publication BePortland:
The story is based on this overbearing very bizarre mother who does everything she can to manipulate the world around her, so Donovan only sees these sweet innocent visions. It’s not about her building a bridge between the real world and his world, it’s about making the entire world what his world sort of really is, and bringing that world to him.
qPDX took a break to sit down with Thomas, along with Director Devan McGrath to tell us more about the Episode 1: Stray Cat and people behind the scenes of DD, including producer and writer John Camacho, production manager Allison May, director of photography Josh Kletzkin, production designer Eric Sellers and actors Amber Martin, Splendora, and Dylan Hall as Donovan.
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Gaga at Jo Calderone at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards
This Sunday Lady Gaga took to full drag character Jo Calderone for the MTV Video Music Awards. She won “Best Female Performer” dressed as a man and queered the VMAs further by staying in character for questions.
Most of what I’ve seen on Facebook so far has been pretty positive, except for comment condemning the smoking and drinking. Here are some samples:
“…the most conservative she’s ever looked…”
“I like that she’s in drag but she’s not doing some really gross misogynist thing to a female dancer…”
“…it didn’t piss me off, points for Gaga!…I was worried she would do that ‘don’t worry I’m still a hot girl underneath it all’ switch at the end, but she didn’t, she held to it, and nailed the body language…”
“Anyone who can be so creepy that they make Britney Spears feel uncomfortable… you have to love them…”
“The crowd reactions are so varied! Beiber at 4:33 is a personal favorite.”
What to you think? You can watch the whole video beneath the break.
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I totally got this picture of Melody Awesomazing off Facebook.
OMG, I am so ready. The video below is just the preview and I’m already laughing my ass off. You know me, I tend to be verbose and want to comment on everything but this pretty much takes my speech breath (and, um, typing I guess?) away. I mean I don’t really know what to say about the new Melody Awesomazing Facebook talk show except, it’s awesome…awesomazing. SO thanks to Melody and co-producer Anthony Hudson.
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Bunim-Murray Productions and MTV are seeking extraordinary people who appear to be between the ages of 16-24, who want to share their coming out stories. Whether you have already come out, or you want to come out, you can be part of a revolutionary TV special airing on National Coming Out Day (October 11).
Do you have a particularly unique coming out story that you are willing to share? […]
Jon Stewart is retiring a spoof that’s past its prime, Gaywatch, but that doesn’t mean the end of his comedic take on LGBT news. Introducing We’re Here. We’re Queer. Get Newsed to it. This is the current state of queer media satire. Love it.
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Channel 4 signs agreement to portray trans people "positively and realistically" from now on
According to Pinknews.co.uk, Britain’s Channel 4, responsible for bringing such landmark shows as Queer As Folk and Skins (via it’s subsidiary E4) but also Too Fat To Walk (WTF? Oh, it’s been renamed “Too Big To Walk”, well, that changes everything) to the British public and henceforth the world, has now signed a sensitivity agreement, weightily titled “Trans Media Watch’s Memorandum of Understanding“.
In this progressive new step, Channel 4 is the first of any UK TV channel to publicly pledge it’s commitment to portraying trans people and their lives “positively and realistically”, while supporting trans employees and their families by treating them equally to cis-gendered people and their families.
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Saturday's 'Blow Pony' features Serendipity Jones
Forgive Me Father at Pivot – I have no trouble reconciling my hedontistic, panganisitc spiritual desires with my homosexual ones, but many of those who hold more subdued beliefs do. This night is for them. There’s quite a movement incorporating faith with gay liberation and this is just the function to explore that.
The Cafeteria – Vendetta is a small venue but this school themed night has it bursting at the seems. And don’t think you’ll be safe by showing up at 9. The door gods take station at the early work time of, like, 8 or something. Thank god it’s worth it.
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Mike Hartman, of Eagle Creek. Of course the cowboy is from Oregon.
A new PBS production featuring queer Americans called OUT in America will premiere nationally in June to coincide with National Gay & Lesbian Pride month but Oregonians get a sneak peek on OPB this Thursday.
The documentary is directed by Emmy award-winning director Andrew Goldberg. It examines the stories of queer individuals against the backdrop of public milestones within the LGBT community for the past 50 years. OUT touches upon such issues as the importance of coming out and speaking up for one’s rights. It is a positive, humorous, inspirational, and both heartwarming and heartbreaking portrayal of queer life in America.
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