 Every week we introduce you to a local LGBTQ party DJ and ask them about their experiences in the scene and feature an audio mix they’ve made. If you’re interested in being featured contact alley@qpdx.com.
 DJ Jodi Bon Jodi helms this Friday's Bent
Bent is clearly one of my favorite parties and it is the lovechild of this week’s DJ of the Week Jodi Bon Jodi, along with partner Roy-G-Biv. And now that JBJ is no longer a regular at Blow Pony it’s one of the few places to catch her. So you won’t want to miss this Friday’s edition, which also features Mr. Charming and a photobooth by Bloodhound’s Ally Picard.
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  Topp Twins characters Ken & Ken
Doc lovers are a special brand of film buff and while there’s plenty of good gay box sets of movies out there here’s a special subset of gifts about the “real thing.”
#1 Now out on DVD
Untouchable Girls – This year America experiences the Kiwi invasion when dyke music and comedy sensations from New Zealand, the Topp Twins, finally showed us they exist. The duo had a television show that still hasn’t come to the states but they have finally begun touring here over the past couple years, including a visit to Portland a year and a half ago. But the big news is that their documentary Untouchable Girls is finally available on DVD in the US. You can read our review from QDoc 2010 here.
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 Bonus Gift Guide musical stocking stuffers!
Queercore is where it’s at this Holiday season! Stuff your stocking with more than a packer and give the gift of music! Here are a few of my favorite Portland based queer artists. If you haven’t heard of them already, make time to hear them NOW!
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  Have a gay Thanksgiving with this rainbow turkey and be thankful I didn't choose the image of the naked bear as meaty centerpiece
Riot Wednesdays present Riot: Rewind – DJ Rhienna keeps it real with cross colors early 90s hip hop style so you can go into the holiday season with a fond memories of Christmas music and fashion wishes past.
Portland’s young crowd from across the country often doesn’t have family in town or needs a break from family on holidays so nightlife goes on. But this year it seems everyone decided to stay in with wine and tryptophan induced coma. I’m totally ok with that…Happy Thanksgiving!
And for those of you who don’t have plans and are at a loss as to what to do our friends over at Dave Knows Portland put together a list of things to do on Thanksgiving (and Christmas day) every year!
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  Peaches clearly wins the sex creativity contest but Cazwell's pretty hot too
The reigning king and queen of dirty sexy pop, Cazwell and Peaches, have finally teamed up for a music video and you can hear both the hip hop and club vibes in “Unzip Me” directed by Bec Stupak, who worked as an editor and motion graphics artist on Lady Gaga’s “Alejandro” vid.
“Unzip Me” will be featured on Cazwell’s upcoming album Hard To Be Fresh, due out next year. It’s been a long time coming and though I just saw him put on another excellent performance recently at Palm Springs Pride it’s definitely time for some new material…because thinking about ice cream trucks in the winter in Portland is just depressing. But this sexy track should lift your spirits, and maybe some other things as well, especially with a special cameo of Justin Bond noshing on a banana.
Of the collaboration Cazwell says, “It was an honor to work with the queen of electro. She’s someone I’ve admired and wanted to emulate because of her punk rock, no limits spirit.” Peaches adds that she “loved trashing the drum kit.”
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  DJ Linoleum. Photo by Manny Reyes
Every week we introduce you to a local LGBTQ party DJ and ask them about their experiences in the scene and feature an audio mix they’ve made. If you’re interested in being featured contact alley@qpdx.com.
Today’s profile of DJ Linoleum aka Andrea K comes a day early. It’s a holiday week so why not squish more into the front of it so we can enjoy our time off. And, while Linoleum plays at various events around town her only upcoming gig presently schedule it tomorrow night, Wednesday the 23rd at Aalto Lounge (3356 Southeast Belmont Street) as well as an appearance Superfresh Festival in February. (Plus, a new update first Thursdays at Tube Fast Weapons night starting Dec 1.
When and how did you get started DJing?
I think it was in early 2003. My roommate’s friend told me about this open turntable night that happened every week at Beulahland and was like, “You have lot’s of records! You have to do it!” So, we went down there and there was this great little community of people that simply loved to share music. Super fun and supportive. They showed me how the turntables and mixer worked and then I was hooked!
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 The charismatic Canadian queer duo, Tegan and Sara, recently released their CD/DVD combo “Get Along”. The live album has 15 classic T & S tracks and the DVD includes three short films.
“States” is a 3o minute documentary of the twins’ US tour which includes interviews and fan base connections. “India” follows their first ever tour in India. “For the Most Part” is an hour video of concert footage shot with 75 fans in an intimate studio setting.
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  Gay square dancing at the Village Ballroom
Special one time review from Eleanor Alice, a member of a queer women’s dance group, discusses the return of gay-friendly square dancing to the Village Ballroom. qPDX featured a review back in 2009 but the event has now returned and the Ballroom is under new management. Eleanor’s review is based off Sunday November 6th but it continues every week so check it out this Sunday!
I heard rhythmic live string-band music as I approached the Village Ballroom on NE Dekum Street- and inside I found a roomful of happy people dancing on a very ample, springy wood floor. The dance hall was very cheerful, clean, and well-lit. The caller was an incredibly enthusiastic woman from Seattle and my first square was all-female- eight very happy women dancing in a group.
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  Carla Rossi hosts the Thanksgiving edition of Peep Show this Friday
Lucinda Williams – Singer songwriter loved by the lesbos takes the stage at the Crystal Ballroom.
Del Shores‘ Sordid Confessions – Del tries to make up for standing us up last time he was in town. The creator of the cult favorite TV series Sordid Lives (starring Olivia Newton-John, Rue McClanahan, Leslie Jordan and Caroline Rhea) is touring his hilarious new standup show. Raunchy, gay and not for the feint of heart, this seems like a delightfully small venue to catch the outrageous one man show.
Peep Show Thanksgiving with Carla Rossi – Little Tommy may be on vacay but there is no lack of talent in this Turkey day celebration of drag and performance. Hosted by wino Carla Rossi you’ll get to see favorites such as Fannie Mae Darling, Georgia Ray Babycakes and Melody Awesomazing while being introduced to some newcomers with fabulous names like Dionysus, ShpongledHoops and Austin Tatious. (Dammit why did I think of that drag name? I ever have an Austin necklace) Also, make sure you fight the tryptophan and wine induced coma to dance afterword with some of your favorite DJs.
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  Matthew Kenneth aka DJ Tigerstripes
Every week we introduce you to a local LGBTQ party DJ and ask them about their experiences in the scene and feature an audio mix they’ve made. If you’re interested in being featured contact alley@qpdx.com.
So I’m starting to get to the ends of my personal arsenal of local queer DJs but I noticed a name pop up on several queer nights, including a brand-spankin’ new one starting this weekend that looks pretty good, Yes. So I asked one of the DJs on the bill if he’d like to participate and he said, unfortunately, he was straight. And it’s interesting, because my focus is definitely on promoting queer members of our community. But DJ Tigerstripes has been a name I’ve seen associated with queer parties for awhile. Yes bills itself as one, and the other two residents are most certainly queer, as well as being previous DJs of the week. So I asked Tigerstripes, aka Matthew Kenneth to participate anyway and include why he likes working with queer people and their awesome parties.
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