 I knew that the unfortunate dissolution of the Tuff Luck Deli would cause quite a rift in a tight need community. I hesitated to publish Tuff Luck’s detailed letter to the community but in the end decided that they deserved to be heard even if it did come with a cost.
Indeed it did, and many discussions on Facebook showed clearly how upset people were. Some comments were thoughtful, others merely angry, but they were almost all passionate. I had hoped some of that discussion could happen here on this blog, as it is a more public forum but instead it was mostly confined to the semi-public gossip realm of FB.
So I would like to say, once again, that not only do I welcome discussion, but would happily publish and opposing editorial. I had hoped this would be a discussion starter and not a proclamation.
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 Business dealings are always a sticky wicket, especially in this economy. And when the boys who ran Tuff Luck coffee moved into the queer collectively-run Deli it seemed like a perfect synthesis. I frequented the place myself, both before and after the merge and was glad to have a queer-friendly neighborhood space.
I was never aware of the business practices or inner conflicts that were happening so I can’t add my own opinion, but I received a very detailed explanation of events from Tuff Luck owners Choriko Bogues and Ryder Richardson, who wrote a very explicit and transparent explanation of what happened to cause the rift. I feel it is important to share it with the community so I have reproduced it in its entirety below.
Both they and I encourage comments and I hope the community can have a real discussion about this.
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  Jimme Jamma brings down the haus with homeSICK, Saturday. Photo by Peter Sorfa.
A-Wol Dance Collective presents Art in the Dark – Fit, beautiful amazing women dancing and flying through the air. And I hear that background looks like a giant fabric vagina.
Whip Cream Olympics at Red Cap – Yet another Red Cap party that some will be titillate some and disgust others, this is a week long championship of feats of athleticism involving that sweet, fluffy treat.
Pre-funk with DJ Lunch Lady – Low key Killingsworth coffee shop red e (1006 North Killingsworth) is one of my new favs, (even though I also love the nearby CoffeeHouse 5) and DJ Lunch Lady will be at the helm for an early evening art opening. I heard that his inaugural Cafeteria party at Vendetta was off the chain, so combine that with free alcohol and it’s the perfect start to your weekend.
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  Just some of the super hot go go dancers, Chase Bender, Chance McKinsey, & Storm Titley, appearing at Queer Cornucopia
Looks like we are all finally recovered from Pride, because the weekends are back. There’s more than enough to keep you busy but the most exciting reunion of this week (cuz, yeah, there’s more comin’ up) is the return of Puppet and Stormy‘s Booty: Queer as Ye Be. But the past ain’t all the weekend, or Friday for that matter, have to offer. There’s foam, punchy go go dancers, and bar hopping unicorns.
Queer Cornucopia – The trannies and chasers are out in full force to hock their sexy wares in benefit of Tuff Luck and Original Plumbing and yet the best part is that it’s low pressure donation. Savory Pink‘s Sophia St James wanted the community to be able to “support TL and OP in a matter that they are comfortable [with]…” But you’ll want to contribute to these hotties as they dole out either kisses or punches. That’s right, it’s a very naughty “kissing” booth they’ve got goin’ on here and I have got to figure out a way to get back and forth from the south to the north.
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 DirtBag at The Know, Portland
Ok, so Thursday isn’t technically the weekend yet, except when it is! Last weekend the hottest weather we’ve had here in fair gayPortland, and plenty of us used this opportunity for suntan catchup, chillin’ at the beach. Here a little weekend review in case you missed some of it..!
Thursday saw the premiere of DirtBag! at The Know, which has moved from the Blue Parrot / Foggy Notion due to the recent change of hands. 2/3rds of qPDX.com stopped by after a gay old time at the Sandy river in all our sandy, sunburnt glory. This DirtBag was also a fundraiser for TuffLuck, the trans-owned and operated coffee shop located inside In Other Words bookshop, a fact that sadly was not as promoted as it could have been, but still had plenty of folks in attendance.
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 Yes, the springing spring has brought us yet another queertastic dance extravaganza…because we all.just.can’t.get.enough… Yes, it’s Blow Pony‘s 3rd birthday this Saturday at Rotture (315 SE 3rd) and I will be in full regalia with my crew, but I am starting to get a bit wary of the night that seems to keep expanding in both good and less good ways. Are we going to burst at the seams? Has BP become just another freakshow for the masses? This weekend is a test my friends. And it may be time for some of us to retreat into our smaller queer dominated domains for awhile. We shall see.
Luckily we have ample opportunity. Listening to the description of tomorrow’s new Blue Parrot (3416 N Lombard) hosted !!!DIRT BAG!!! glamourtronic queer dance pop party!!! I am certainly tempted to add another evening to my dance party schedule, full as it may be.
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In Other Words will soon be featuring a coffee shop!
Hot and fresh –
News has it that a new coffee shop will be opening inside In Other Words, everyone’s favourite feminist bookstore! It’l be called “Tuff Luck” and serve coffee and other hot drinks and coffee related, well, products. Not much info is forthcoming yet, but they are planning on holding events to garner funds to […]