  Size Queen clothing comes to the catwalk and to Fat Fancy, just in time for holiday shopping
Opening night for GenderFantasy should be off the chain. For a full preview of what to expect check out our interview with creator Kaj-Anne Pepper.
Size Queen fashion show at Fat Fancy – Our favorite QPOC and locally owned plus size clothing store is having another one of their fabulous events. This time it is a fashion show featuring another local big girls and boys clothing shop, Size Queen, in honor of their lines coming to FF. These events often include a DJ and/or lovely nibbly things so it’s the perfect place to shop and schmooze with folks that are both fashionable and personable. And don’t forget to check out their new Indie Go Go video to raise money to open an online store. It’s both adorable and informative.
Growing Up Policed: Surveiling Racialized Sexualities – If you’re a grad who misses the academic speak from time to time this conference will quench your thirst in a queer way. The daylong conference uses a recent legal case that occurred in Portland, Oregon to highlight how young people marginalized through sexuality and race are targeted. It’s extremely relevant and a great place to start dialogue with other academics, activists and interested community.
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 For those of you who are not up to date, we are about 3 weeks into Trans Awareness Month. Sunday, November 20th, Portland is recognizing Trans Day of Remembrance. This day is to commemorate those who were victims of transgendered related hate crimes.
Rita Hester was murdered on November 28th, 1998. Her murder started the “Remembering Our Dead” project, which in turn started the Trans Day of Remembrance. According to the TDOR website, more than one person per month, over the last decade, and eight people this year alone, have died due to transgender-based hate.
To help spread awareness, PSU’s Queer Resource Center is having an annual free vigil event. There will be a day of workshops and a march to honor Trans Day of Remembrance.
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 As we’ve mentioned here before, high-level athletes and team personnel have been coming out more and more lately. While this is of course great news (understatement), it’s hard not to notice that basically all of the stories we’ve been hearing are about dudes.
On the flip side of that, we have a true pioneer in terms of queer women in sport right here in Portland. Sherri Murrell, the head coach of PSU’s women’s basketball team, is the only openly gay division 1 basketball coach in the country. The Oregonian ran a profile of Murrell earlier in the week — front page, above the fold. It’s a great article, but it would be even greater if being gay and having a successful sports career didn’t constitute major news.
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 Pride season is summatime, the season of short shorts and no more teachers, dirty looks. But colleges and universities love a queer too, so they start the season off early. And PSU’s week of LGBT Pride starts tomorrow with Dawn of the Day of the Living Queer. It has quite the lineup, (including li’l ol’ me with a tiny pile of last year’s stickers). It’s supposed to be a sunny and beautiful day in the park blocks from 4-9p as Tender Forever, play/start, NO/HO/MO and more take the stage.
I just recently saw Tender Forever, aka Melanie Valera, kill it at Saratoga. With a new album and all over her emo-electro charisma, Valera is sincere and swoon-worthy. Even I was charmed by her slight French accent as she convinced the audience to catch her crowd surfing. And I did see someone filming my favorite performance trick of hers, controlling the beats with a pair of WiiMotes, but they disappeared before I could commandeer the recording for the site. (But I have another chance, and with better light!)
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  Film still from 'Still Black - A Portrait of Black Transmen'
Building community for queer students of color (QSoC) and their allies, the Queer Students of Color Conference (QSoCC) is the first of its kind in Oregon. Taking place from Friday, April 29th to Sunday, May 1st at Portland State University, this QSoC led and organized event seeks to address the unique issues that effect queer students of color and the communities they occupy.
Although a liberal-minded city inclusive to many folks on the sexuality and gender spectrum, Portland is considered the whitest big city in the US and often fosters queer spaces that are unwelcoming to queer people of color. In a state with a long, long history of institutionalized racism and displacement of people of color, Portland, OR is a prime location for anti-racist growth and QPoC empowerment, taking place at this year’s conference.
QSoCC main events include: keynote address by Portland-raised trans feminist activist, Elena Rose; the Portland premiere of Still Black—A Portrait of Black Transmen, and a Q&A with director/writer Kortney Ryan Ziegler to follow; daytime workshops; a dance party, and more. Open to community members from all backgrounds, identities, and orientations, this year’s QSoCC is a long-awaited landmark event in Portland’s queer history that is not to be missed.
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 Special thanks go to Comcast this week. Technical difficulties made it impossible for this post to get done last night and this weekend is front loaded with goodness. So as soon as you’re done reading this, go out and get the party started!
Summing at the Parts – new works by Gia Goodrich – Installation art provocateur Gia Goodrich is back. This time she explorers the self-creation of gender as it relates to queer identity using a very (pseudo?) intellectual scale she designed herself called the Gender Perceptivity Scale. I’m sure there will also just be plenty of hotness to perceive.
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  Queer acrobatics from the Collective-of-Geniuses
Events, gatherings and celebrations are already underway for Trans Empowerment Week leading up to this Saturday’s Trangender Day of Remembrance. Today at 6pm on KBOO’s Outloud (90.7FM) Tobi Hill-Meyer and Smitty Buckler will be talking with Sasha about TDR, a day dedicated to day primarily memorializes those lost to hate crimes, it also serves as a forum for transgender communities and allies to raise awareness around the threat of violence faced by gender variant people and the persistence of prejudice felt by the transgender community, trans justice and intersecting oppressions and the connections between violence and the mainstream adult film industry.
Though the TDR may have somber overtones, there are also plenty fun and affirming activities and performances.
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  Ivan Coyote, Anna Camilleri and Lyndell Montgomery perform Swell
Bringing together a grand spectrum of masculinities Butch Voices Regional Conference comes to P-Town this weekend as part of its four state tour. The gathering butchies celebrate a vast array of identities.
We are woman-identified Butches. We are trans-masculine Studs. We are faggot-identified Aggressives. We are noun Butches, adjective Studs and pronoun-shunning Aggressives. We are she, he, hy, ze, zie and hir. We are you, and we are me. The point is, we don’t decide who is Butch, Stud or Aggressive. You get to decide for yourself.
This convention is part party, learning experience, performance and part art. It opens tonight with a A Taste of Butch Flavor art exhibition at the Q Center (4115 N Mississippi) with live music featuring a reunion of Portland’s all-womyn percussion troupe, The Rhythm Givers, with special guests. The exhibit will be up throughout the month.
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 Portland State University‘s Queer Resource Center presents the ninth annual Trans Day of Remembrance and is looking for transgender, transexual and genderqueer/gendernaut performers, artists, speakers, workshop facilitators and volunteers. To Submit please email a short description of your proposal and a detail budget to ape2@pdx.edu. There will also be a public meeting in the upcoming weeks where PSU students and non-students can get involved and give feedback on what they would like to see for this years TDOR. For more information contact Smitty at ape2@pdx.edu or call 503-804-3716
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 Queer Prom masquerade
School is almost out for summer, but the university gays and lesbians wanted to send off their lavendar grads in style with last Friday’s Portland State University Queer Prom. qPDX photographer and PSU student, CROD, was there to catch all the action in pictures.