  Last year's Gender (Free) For All march. Photo by Heather Smith
Gender (Free) For All recently changed its name to TransEnough, and it looks like the group may have many transitions on its plate, even in the midst of a summer full of Pride. This year’s gathering, which already splintered off from June’s Pride celebrations last year, has not been widely publicized and will not include a march at all.
This isn’t to say you shouldn’t go. At tomorrow’s rally in Unthank Park elected officials will assure us of their support and hopefully, give us examples of what they’ve accomplished and Amy Ruiz, LGBTQ Liaison from the Office of the Mayor, will read a proclamation establishing August 1-7 as Trans Week of Celebration. The lineup also includes speakers from Q Patrol, much loved Katie Carter and Amber Rollins from In Other Words, and comedy from Belinda Carroll.
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  Last year's Homo's Got Talent winners Nicolette and Pony, aka, Art School Dropouts
The Cafeteria at Vendetta – The inaugural lunch lady themed new gay night at my new local bar mere blocks from my new gay house! It should also be the perfect cool down from Last Thursday, and it’s, you guessed it, within walking distance. Lunch trays and crunk gays (and $1.50 Pabst) within stumbling distance? I’m there.
Purple Rhinestone Eagle’s tour kick off – Awesome queer punk tour kickoff with STLS, Forever, and DJ Permanent Wave in between sets at Backspace (125 NW 5th). Um, have you ever heard a band with two drummers? Now is your chance dude. It’s time to rock out with whatever you got out.
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  Katey Pants for Diesel Femme. Photo by Kina Williams
Community member, DJ, and femme fashionista Katey Pants has never been a qPDX contributor per se but this is at least the second time I’ve asked to borrow her erudite thoughts that she has publicly posted in other forums. Girl’s got a lot to say and I hope we all have a lot to say back.
Take it away KP!
In August, 2009, city officials in Multnomah County Oregon declared August 1st-8th Transgendered-Americans Week. In conjunction, organizers held a Gender-Free –For-All rally in Portland. I was not part of the organizing of the rally but an attendee. I also consider many of the organizers to be close allies and some friends. The march started with a celebration of the enactment of the Transgendered-Americans Week and a number of speeches, made predominantly by Portland politicians. From there our short and permitted march went through a neighborhood in NE Portland, led and surrounded by police.
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 Norrie is officially acknowledged as "zie", photo from the SMH
Coo-eee mate! I love Australians and I love Australia. A huge, far away country, with a small population (18 million) yet some of the most diverse, welcoming and radical queer communities I have ever been involved in.
The year I spent there was the most liberating of my life and so it is no surprise to me that Australia has just now become the first country in the world with a state that recognizes that people may exists outside of a binary gender system. Even more reason to true blue love you, aussies! <3
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I Love Your Stuff!
Tonight is a busy night! We suggest the following…
Start off at “I love your stuff S*express Y*ourself”. All proceeds go to support the Gender (Free) For All March.
DJ’s Freddie Fagula and No-No will be spinning and it’s a great pre-funk event.
Starts at 7pm @ The E Room. $5-$10 sliding scale.
Gaycation Turns 4!!
Then later, GAYCATION turns 4! 21+/$5 Holocene […]
I know we are a little late on this – but our friends over at the Gender (Free) For All March are probably already setting up at Unthank Park for today’s march and celebration for the freedom of gender expression for all! This is the *new* and sparkly incarnation of the transmarch that marched with the dyke march up until last year. So come on out for some pre […]
Fruitcake, or Michael Jackson? Same diff
The times are a little quieter right now, it’s true, what with Seattle pride and San Francisco Pride dueling for our attentions this weekend. QPDX.com will mostly be staying in town, due to overworked livers and overworked bank accounts, but nevertheless there are a few opportunities to party this weekend. We already wrote a little preview for the GFFA benefit happening at […]
 Gender (Free) For All will be more colourful than this logo suggests, promise
The *new* TransMarch, our friends at Gender (Free) For All, are holding a fundraiser to help offset the cost of the march/concert/awesomeness/fuck yeah this Friday at In Other Words Bookstore, 8 NE Killingsworth St. Come on drag (your interpretation!), Have fun, mingle, snack, win prizes such as sex toy stuff, tattoo stuff from adorn, massage, pet stuff, and and and. It will be fun! Srsly. Come support this fantastic, liberating cause. Put down that star wars LP you were nerdily eyeing and bring your dollars here instead. It’s way sexier.
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The Portland Trans March, which previously marched alongside the DykeMarch as part of Pride is moving in a different direction and emphasizes this with a name change: The Trans March is now “Gender (Free) For All”, and the march will be taking place on August 1st, outside of Pride.
PDX Trans March changes name, concept to "Gender (Free) For All"
Gender (Free) For All has just launched their […]
Gender Free For All: Let's build from the ground up! - A letter from Katey Pants
Katey Pants for Diesel Femme. Photo by Kina Williams
Community member, DJ, and femme fashionista Katey Pants has never been a qPDX contributor per se but this is at least the second time I’ve asked to borrow her erudite thoughts that she has publicly posted in other forums. Girl’s got a lot to say and I hope we all have a lot to say back.
Take it away KP!
In August, 2009, city officials in Multnomah County Oregon declared August 1st-8th Transgendered-Americans Week. In conjunction, organizers held a Gender-Free –For-All rally in Portland. I was not part of the organizing of the rally but an attendee. I also consider many of the organizers to be close allies and some friends. The march started with a celebration of the enactment of the Transgendered-Americans Week and a number of speeches, made predominantly by Portland politicians. From there our short and permitted march went through a neighborhood in NE Portland, led and surrounded by police.
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