 Pretty Bois drag kings
Those ever classy ladies at Crave may have moved their thematic parties to once every two months, but that only makes them bigger and better. Tomorrow night’s Gold Masquerade party should encapsulate a very dynamic February filled with debaucherous celebration in true Midas theme.
I fully expect the southeast digs at Crush (1400 SE Morrison) to positively sparkle with golden deliciousness as surely the hand of the legendary king will have touched every surface, drapery and painted go go dancer body. And if you come so mysteriously masked, you get reduced admission all night.
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 Trans Revolution dance party returns to Crush tomorrow
Just because you are trying to stick to your New Year’s resolution of not drinking, or at least drinking less, doesn’t mean your social calendar should suffer. We may be experiencing the post-holiday doldrums of grey and rainy January but there is still plenty of queer excitement left in the humid air.
This weekend sees at least 3 big events, the 3rd anniversary of the popular smut fest Dirty Queer, the return of the genderiffic Trans Revolution dance party and the continuation of the popular Homomentum performance cabaret.
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Unfortunately, I am out of town and will be missing most of these fabulous events. It also means that because of their sheer number I cannot preview all that I would like, but each are in the calendar and I want to give you a quick heads up on the ones you absolutely should not miss.
If you don’t already have plans be sure to check out Poison Waters Notorious Noel tonight at The Original (300 SW 6th). Ms. Waters is likely to speak for herself but check out the holiday festivities getting ready photos at Byron Beck‘s blog. I’m sure he’ll recap as well.
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 Bearracuda returns to Portland Saturday
The beginnings of autumn may have put a slight lull into Portland’s queer nightlife as we all toyed with the idea of staying in, cuddling our snuggies, but I assure you this was a temporary lapse in judgment. We are still two weeks out from Halloween and already the weekend is packed with dress up dance parties.
Tonight’s monthly lady party, Crave, at Crush (1400 SE Morrison) sports a hot zombie theme with go go dancers, fog and strobe lights. Visceral Visuals will be on site projecting horror video imagery on the walls and the Molotov Dolls, Portland’s newest burlesque troupe, will have a sexy scary Halloween themed debut. DJs Mani & Monika.Mhz (top 40s, electro, house, hip hop) on the decks.
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Glow Party @ Crush tonight
This weekend gives you too solid options to shake your booty and get down.
Tonight is Crave @ Crush is a queer/girl night with drinks specials and plenty of youung, hip ‘tude…and tonight’s theme is Blacklight Party, so get on down there in your whitest gear possible for free glowstick/highlighter action. Now is the chance to affect the one-white-glove-michael-jackson-tribute-look you’ve been needing […]
 Black OUT marches in Portland Pride 2006
Though the wrestlers, dancers and Latin hunks were out in full force this weekend, making for an incredibly successful Latino Gay Pride in Portland, our Black Pride, put on by the Unity Project (formerly Brother to Brother) seems to be having more of a struggle.
Amid the scandal of Executive Director Alisa Simmons’ abrupt resignation, and questions about the need for Unity Project to exist, the events scheduled for this year seem a bit pale in comparison to the popular block party of last year.
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…like what to do this weekend. The girls have got it good in P-town this Friday and Saturday.
Start the party with Crave’s green monster Absinthe themed party. Will Crush (1400 SE Morrison) actually be serving absinthe? I have my doubts. It’s unfortunate because the opiet laced drink was recently legalized in our country to less fanfair than I expected. Luckily I got a lovely Van Gogh style gift package for Christmas from my mother. So pre-party at my house?
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