We’re currently working on a kik-arse events calendar that will let you see all events going down in P-town at a glance, but until we get that full of content and looking nice, here’s a quick update of what is happening tonight in queer portland.

Recess party, benefit for SMYRC @ Rotture
Double Down @ Holocene, 10th and Morrison. $5 cover. Drinking, dancing, cute people! Come on down-i *may* be there, come say hi.
Rock ‘n Roll Camp for girls benefit—Alley knows more about this, and while it’s not strictly a queer event, i’m sure there will be plenty of dykey people there. 21+, 8900 NE Vancouver Way (deep nopo), $5+ donations.
There is also a benefit for SMYRC happening at Rotture tonight that we didn’t seem to know about until 30 mins ago! (how come). Details fresh in:
Recess party, benefit for SMYRC
Reporter, Slutty Hearts, Advisory, The Catch
DJ stylings by Sister Ray Gun
9pm, $5.00 at the door.
$5-$15 DOLLAR SLIDING SCALE. ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT SMYRC- Sexual Minorities Youth Resource Center. with fun and games including: Double-dutch contest! Live-band musical chairs! All-out Plastic Noodle War! Strip Twister! Full-body fingerpainting! @ROTTURE, 315 SE 3rd AVE, Portland, OR 97214
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