 Recently I’ve gotten bent out of shape because of the homophobia that’s pervaded my life. I’m tired of being expected to cater to people that I know deep down inside think I’m a second class citizen because I like hot man-on-man action. I could gush on and on about it, recounting many a woefully depressing tale, but I know it’s something we all have personal experience with to a […]
 "Dyke" train
I promised you pictures yesterday and here are some gems from the qPDX Cali trip from the 2010 San Francisco Dyke March as well as the pictures from the big 2010 San Francisco Pride Parade. Enjoy.
  Diana downs rose with the big pink fist at the Dyke March
Truthfully the ol’ memory bank is a little thin, not because I didn’t have a good time but because I DID. And as I said before, this trip was more about personal Pride enjoyment than queer media coverage, but my friends and I have some pretty good stories to tell so I figured you might want to hear some anyway right? Pictures are on their way…
It started with 3 queers in a car, camping in NoCal and defending our lives against mosquitos but quickly moved to our headquarters at the Mark Twain Hotel on the edge of downtown and the Tenderloin and added a gay male Angelino and a beautiful SLC lady. Convenient location, but by the end of the weekend I was kinda done with the crackheads. But the hotel staff was amazing and D slept in the closet, which was big enough to have a camp bed and close the door, so we called our domicile a 2 room suite. It was kinda annoying that the hotel charged for internet but also kept me off the computer and having fun most of the time. And besides, they parked 2 of our cars and generally put up with our shenanigans. I even appreciated our inner room as apparently ladies like to watch other queers sleeping peacefully half naked. This is what my bedmate tells me anyway…
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Queer Agenda Episode Four from wolf and owl productions on Vimeo.
 Go go boys at the Red Cap Block Party. Photo by Mike Burt
Mike was shooting with such fancy equipment that it took awhile for him to really get all the galleries up, but they finally are! That also means that if you spot yourself in a shot we can most likely make a really nice print for you. If you’re interested just email me at alley@qpdx.com.
 Loyal Portland followers. Our apologies if the posts are a little slow this week. I know we missed what was probably an epic Funeral Party at Dirtbag last night to say goodbye to the Blue Parrot. And really, we love you the best. But we had you covered all PDX Pride and we have all the photos and full coverage to back it up.We have more shots up on […]
  Grand Prize winner Untitled by J.T. Ollett
So as not to subject herself and her staff to the anger that comes from not choosing your friends’ photos for prizes in the 2010 Just Out Pride Photo contest editor Marty Davis left the task to celebrity guest judges, including me. I was joined by Paul Fukui from Q Center, Artemis Chase, performer extraordinaire and Jeff Fisher of LogoMotives fame.
We didn’t have a tough time identifying some great shots but when it came down to placing them in order it got tougher. We ended up going with J.T. Ollett‘s Untitled as the People category and Grand Prize winner. Here’s the artist’s statement:
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  Gay Cat
Wow – what a weekend. I don’t know about you, but I’m still recovering, and finding glitter in unexpected places. This year’s Pride was an amazing experience for me. Five nights, ten parties, two marches, and zero gay bashings or homophobic incidents (as far as we know). A vibrant, powerful and peaceful pride despite a lot of changes this year – to the Pride route, to step-off times…and weather that wasn’t quite what we’ve been hoping for. This also marked a change for us here @ QPDX.com as we slowly grow from a little website that could into the bigger, badder, and more powerful queer community media hub that we want to become.
We do what we do for you, our community, and we want to thank everyone who has supported us over the past year and a half in so many ways: Holding banners, running errands, making connections, t-shirts, costumes, stealing copies, blogging/photographing…all of it. Thank you for inspiring us to do more and do better, every day. Thank you for giving us hella gay stuff to write about.
Alright, enuff wishywashing. Let’s get down to the dirt!
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 Trans Family picnic
I am so not ready to recap and recuperate from Pride, but I did manage to get some photo galleries from the Trans Family picnic as well as Friday night parties Crave, Gaycation and Robo-Bogo/One Night Stand. Pride 2010 was amazing. That’s about all the commentary I can presently muster.
It hasn’t even been a year, and Bearracuda has already snuck into the niche as one of the hottest, gayest parties in Portland.
DJ Boyshapedbox spinning at Portland's first Bearracuda in July '09
Roasting the grill an hour early, Bearracuda starts at 8pm tonight at Branx (320 SE 2nd) with DJ Matt Consola, Sam Storicks, DJ Rude Dudes, and DJ Boyshapedbox.
The Mercury’s Queer issue is heralding […]