
I didn’t even know SMYRC had a blog, but the queer youth advocacy center has some pretty entertaining updates. One of particular interest to young adults, however, is a paid survey about teen tobacco use.
SMYRC is looking for a diverse group of folks between the ages of 18 and 24 who identify as LGBTQI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex) to participate in a focus group. The topic of discussion will be tobacco use in the Portland queer community. We are looking for current, former, and never-tobacco users alike who have opinions to share about tobacco use.
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Unfortunately, I am out of town and will be missing most of these fabulous events. It also means that because of their sheer number I cannot preview all that I would like, but each are in the calendar and I want to give you a quick heads up on the ones you absolutely should not miss.
If you don’t already have plans be sure to check out Poison Waters Notorious Noel tonight at The Original (300 SW 6th). Ms. Waters is likely to speak for herself but check out the holiday festivities getting ready photos at Byron Beck‘s blog. I’m sure he’ll recap as well.
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It’s getting busy, folks. I know this by the fact that I am expected at 5 different events this Friday! Two are private events, but Pride is definitely heating up. We here at QPDX.com are going to try and cover as much as we can…so before you say “Hey! You didn’t mention/cover/go to/take photos of XYZ” remember there is only two of us (Adina is sadly out of town…).
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Tonight Q Center (4115 NE Mississippi) hosts a night of experimental lesbo theater when they put on She Had Wept. A series of vignettes inspired by the poems of Michelle Le Blau (the writer/director) is an experimental piece that tells a remarkable coming of age story of one young lesbian, and imparts the many struggles that all women face in society today.
A collection of poems and monologues that […]
A couple of really great events almost snuck by our radar! But we queers can roll with the punches so whether part of the younger crew or the “grown-ups” we’ve got lots for you to do tonight.
SMYRC hosts its annual Queer and Trans Youth prom tonight, Circus Smyrcus, at the (for now) SMYRC headquarters (2100 SE Belmont). The alcohol and tobacco free event for the Q set between the ages of 14 and 23, takes place tonight from 8 to midnight and will feature the music stylings of DJ Tara, free food and raffle prizes. And unlike your typical suburban high school you don’t need to buy overpriced, couple-centric tickets cuz this party is free.
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We’re currently working on a kik-arse events calendar that will let you see all events going down in P-town at a glance, but until we get that full of content and looking nice, here’s a quick update of what is happening tonight in queer portland.
 Recess party, benefit for SMYRC @ Rotture
Double Down @ Holocene, 10th and Morrison. $5 cover. Drinking, dancing, cute people! Come on down-i *may* be there, come say hi.
Rock ‘n Roll Camp for girls benefit—Alley knows more about this, and while it’s not strictly a queer event, i’m sure there will be plenty of dykey people there. 21+, 8900 NE Vancouver Way (deep nopo), $5+ donations.
There is also a benefit for SMYRC happening at Rotture tonight that we didn’t seem to know about until 30 mins ago! (how come). Details fresh in:
Recess party, benefit for SMYRC
Reporter, Slutty Hearts, Advisory, The Catch
DJ stylings by Sister Ray Gun
9pm, $5.00 at the door.
$5-$15 DOLLAR SLIDING SCALE. ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT SMYRC- Sexual Minorities Youth Resource Center. with fun and games including: Double-dutch contest! Live-band musical chairs! All-out Plastic Noodle War! Strip Twister! Full-body fingerpainting! @ROTTURE, 315 SE 3rd AVE, Portland, OR 97214
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 A Night of Noise! Support our queer future with SMYRC
I’m just gonna copy in this email I got. Support SMYRC. They are awesome! As a youth, I profited greatly from a group like SMYRC, and I personally know queer and questioning youth who are current SMYRC regulars.
Community “Night of Noise” Fundraiser for the Sexual Minority Youth Resource Center Friday, April 17th @ the Jupiter Hotel
“Night of Noise”, an all ages GLBTQ community fundraiser to benefit the Sexual Minority Youth Resource Center, will take place Friday, April 17 from 9pm-1am at The Jupiter Hotel on 800 E Burnside St. The event is organized by the Portland State University Queer Resource Center, SinnSavvy Productions, and local promoter Kaki Marshall. Additional sponsors of the event include Just Out, the Portland Mercury, KBOO 90.7 FM, the Associated Students of Portland Community College Sylvania, and the Portland chapter of the Human Right’s Campaign.
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 Photo courtesy Bad Scene Productions
A little part of Sissyboy is back with a game-show benefit. As part of Just Out’s Diversions:
How do you take something ridiculous and over-the-top and make it more so? The general recipe calls for nasty sassy drag queens, talent shows or 80s game shows. This overwhelming melee of more than you ever expected from American Idol has all three. In a night of Sissyboy-hosted mania, “The Gong Show,” a benefit for Outside In, takes over Rotture (315 SE Third) tomorrow, Friday, April 10th. Doors are at 8 p.m., show at 10 p.m.
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