  Milk-n-Hunny Saturday at Red Cap
Whether you are with your biological family or a chosen one, I hope all have a day full of food to be thankful for. I know I’m certainly thankful to live in a city with so much to do, even on a holiday weekend. So use those extra days off!
Lez Stand Up with Kupp! – One of the funniest ladies I know is Kirsten Kuppenbender, with just enough energy to be entertaining without seeming like many ADD-addled comedians. And when do you need a little humor more than the eve before a day of family gathering with wine-induced arguments and narcoleptic tryptophan napping. With 7 or 8 performers including Nicole Georges and Whitney Streed along with the smooth stylings of DJ Party Martyr this is a night of jokes and stories that will be way better than Grandpa’s.
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 Hercules and Love Affair's Andy Butler (left) and Kim Ann Foxman getting frisky before the show
nomy lamm and the Whole Wide World with Tender Forever and Timmy Straw – A vague description to be sure, but an audience collaborative performance featuring nomy lamm? I wouldn’t dare miss it. This fat, disabled, queer activist has one of the most amazing voices I’ve ever heard and an avant garde art sensibility like a hard candy coated version of Marina Abramovic. And that hipper-than-thou not really off-the-beaten path Disjecta location (8371 N Interstate) is a perfect venue. Sprinkle in the sweet and melancholy croonings of Tender Forever and the local electro flavor of Timmy Straw and you got yourself a show that would rival…well…
Hercules and Love Affair at the Hawthorne Theater – How could there even be any competition for this? Neo-electro-disco finely crafted with haunting vocals and danceable beats, unmatchable style and hotness for the girls, boys and everything in between should mean a packed house. And believe me, since it’s been about a decade since I have seen nomy lamm, and a lifetime since I’ve seen HLA, it’s going to be a really tough decision. Oh and did I mention I named the self-titled Hercules & Love Affair debut the best album of 2008? Either way I intend to try to cool off afterword at…
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  Gay Cat
Wow – what a weekend. I don’t know about you, but I’m still recovering, and finding glitter in unexpected places. This year’s Pride was an amazing experience for me. Five nights, ten parties, two marches, and zero gay bashings or homophobic incidents (as far as we know). A vibrant, powerful and peaceful pride despite a lot of changes this year – to the Pride route, to step-off times…and weather that wasn’t quite what we’ve been hoping for. This also marked a change for us here @ QPDX.com as we slowly grow from a little website that could into the bigger, badder, and more powerful queer community media hub that we want to become.
We do what we do for you, our community, and we want to thank everyone who has supported us over the past year and a half in so many ways: Holding banners, running errands, making connections, t-shirts, costumes, stealing copies, blogging/photographing…all of it. Thank you for inspiring us to do more and do better, every day. Thank you for giving us hella gay stuff to write about.
Alright, enuff wishywashing. Let’s get down to the dirt!
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  Rai Villanueva will help kick off Pride with Thursday's gay ass Diesel party
Recently added events starred like so*
Truthfully, I think I’ve been putting off the Pride 2010 calendar because there’s do damn much to do that I’m overwhelmed. So let’s take this piece by piece. First, there’s plenty to do before we even get to the weekend. Workin’ stiffs, of which I now be one, gird your loins and take one for the team. It’s gonna be a busy week.
Pride Pub quiz – Did you know that it’s the 40th anniversary of the first Pride parade commemorating the June 1969 Stonewall riots? That’s why June is Pride month kids. Do you know about Harvey Milk day and Anita Bryant, Lon Mabon and the OCA? Have you ever been to the Lesbian Herstory Archives? Well, gear up your uber gay trivia because this pub quiz is gonna be both fun and educational. I’m putting on my hot librarian glasses cuz the competition is gonna be stiff…
*Gay Pride Kickoff Gay Skate!
Strap on some rollerskates and go kick it with the gays at Oak’s Park. A great way to roll into pride.$6. all ages, bring food donations for Esther’s Pantry. More
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  Spin Slayer!
This weekend begins on Thursday – at least for gays and dykes in this queer, queer town, and this little guide will help you win it and not hit the net too early. So get your sweatbands on and pull on those short shorts, because it’s gonna get hot and sweaty! Not only is it Beartown 15 all this weekend, it’s also a grab bag of fun stuff to do from sports to art and dancing.
Kaia Wilson kicks things off on Thursday, serving up some hot shots and killer teams to raise money to send her to the Gay Games in Cologne, Germany. Kaia’s Ping-Pong Pandemonium will feature star-studded teams (Donna Dresch, Carrie Brownstein, Explode into Colours and more) and local Portland DJs Permanent Wave (Jenny Hoyston) and Dan Moe. The winner will face Kaia in the final round. Bone up on your Ping-Pong knowlege here, and read the history of Kaia’s shot at Gay Games glory here. There will also be an exhibition match by pro table tennis players. More info 21+/$5-? sliding scale. 8pm. Point.
But thats just the warmup round!
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