  The infamous Lady Bunny performs Friday at Red Cap
Sugar Town queer soul night – Rotture’s soul night has become a staple in Portland nightlife both gay and straight. But as with many popular nights the douchebags inevitably catch on, and it can be even worse at a “straight” night. I’m not sure if this happened to the beloved soul night, but it was time for us to have our own anyway (Pansy Soul is great but Sloan’s is more for hanging out than dancing). Anyway, all of this to say I’m more than a little excited that one of the best dressed butchies I have ever seen, DJ Action Slacks, will lead us all in a little soulful 70s love starting this Thursday, and hopefully forever more. It’s free but donations for Q Patrol are welcomed.
Cafeteria turns 1 – Oh my god Freshman year is over! Now we can give swirlies to all the new queer club nights in town. And guest DJ Girlfriends will be spinnin’ in your parents’ back yard (i.e. the Vendetta patio) ’til 11, just like at the popular kids’ parties. We’ve made it folks. Sophomore year is gonna rule.
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  All new works from Rai Villanueva
CAP Archives Grand Opening and Exhibit – AIDS has been a part of our culture for 30 years now but CAP has been with us for almost as long. Celebrating its 25th anniversary CAP presents an exhibit of activist art and ephemera that will tug on your heartstrings at the same time as making you laugh at past marketing campaigns and images. It is a night of community remembering that will survive the ages long after our hangovers have left us forgetful.
Dirtbag and Drop Shop – Two of the dirtiest, funnest parties in town. Make Thursday dive night to start your weekend right.
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  Rai Villanueva will help kick off Pride with Thursday's gay ass Diesel party
Recently added events starred like so*
Truthfully, I think I’ve been putting off the Pride 2010 calendar because there’s do damn much to do that I’m overwhelmed. So let’s take this piece by piece. First, there’s plenty to do before we even get to the weekend. Workin’ stiffs, of which I now be one, gird your loins and take one for the team. It’s gonna be a busy week.
Pride Pub quiz – Did you know that it’s the 40th anniversary of the first Pride parade commemorating the June 1969 Stonewall riots? That’s why June is Pride month kids. Do you know about Harvey Milk day and Anita Bryant, Lon Mabon and the OCA? Have you ever been to the Lesbian Herstory Archives? Well, gear up your uber gay trivia because this pub quiz is gonna be both fun and educational. I’m putting on my hot librarian glasses cuz the competition is gonna be stiff…
*Gay Pride Kickoff Gay Skate!
Strap on some rollerskates and go kick it with the gays at Oak’s Park. A great way to roll into pride.$6. all ages, bring food donations for Esther’s Pantry. More
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Queer Agenda vodcast #2 is a little late folks but all the more timely, perhaps, as the big blokes get a clothing swap this Thursday, so too, can the plus sized ladies have a store their very own when we visit the girls at Fat Fancy. Check out their website at http://fatfancyfashions.com/
We also check in with local queer aerosol artist Rai Villanueva as she prepares for her shows up now at Tiger Bar (317 Northwest Broadway) and the Diesel Store (30 Northwest 12th Ave).
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Rai Villanueva in action
Local aerosol artist Rai Villanueva has has numerous shows profiled here before but the up-and-comer made have found her biggest show yet when she presents her work at the Diesel store this Thursday. The First Thursday opening at the stylish clothier features an open bar and the turntable work of DJ L-Train.
So before little Rai Rai makes it really big we wanted […]
 DJ Automaton at the decks
Wednesdays are often quite a full hump day with the weekly Fame/Gay Pizza/Slice, and monthlies Lube Job and Gloss. But tonight also features a special mix of 2 of Holocene’s (1001 SE Morrison) dykiest nights. Tonight’s Tartdown is a celebration of Double Down and Tart as well as a going away party of sorts.
From the organizers:
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 Rai Villanueva in action
Aerosol artist Rai Villanueva has been getting increasing attention these days with pieces blowing up all 5 of Portland’s “quadrants,” most recently as part of the 10 day Manor of Art festival. But this weekend the energetic newcomer will be taking over the E Room (3701 SE Division) at 8pm with Rose City RagBag, a celebration of her solo work. Featuring live painting, raffles and various forms of performance the night is much more than an opening.
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 uNumbered by TJ Norris
Milepost 5 (900 NE 81st Ave), an “intentional community centered around creative individuals” is already a striking art projects in Portland’s Montavila neighborhood. One building, the Lofts, is already finished and another, the Studios, is in the works. The 51,000 square foot Studios building is phase 2 of Milepost 5; formerly the Baptist Manor Retirement Home, which was built in stages between 1928 and 1956.
Beginning today a 10 day art and music extravaganza will introduce the burgeoning building a help bring Milepost 5 to the forefront of Portland’s creative consciousness. Over 100 artists have been invited to turn the yet-to-be-renovated rooms of The Studios building into three floors of installations and exhibits. The fest includes live music by local bands, theater and performance art, artist round tables, and daily guided tours of the 100+ exhibits.
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Mural work by Rai Villanueva
Keep your night summer weekend nights with a laid back Sunday evening show at queer-friendly hairdressers (is there another kind?) Barberama (3905 MLK). A benefit for local bartender, performer and personality Colyn Fernandez, this soiree serves a bigger purpose in the march toward transition.
Electro beats by DJ Machineversman sets the backdrop to the intensely primal paintings by aerosol ninja extraordinaire Rai […]