  ElleMC is way better than Ke$ha and she'll be here Friday night at JunKtion
Seems to me if you’re not one of the many going to either San Francisco or Seattle Prides this weekend you might still be in recovery, but there are some decent options if you gotta keep the party going
JunKtion! – Rapper, singer, songwriter, skateboarder and dually named ElleMC aka Swagatha Christie will make the Local Lounge pop with her dope rhymes before the dance party begins. Maybe an all-female skateboard dance troupe ala the Sprockettes will bust it out?
Heavy Metal Ladies Night – Iron Man ain’t got nothin’ on us. Sloans is the most badass bar in Portland. You know, the one with the semi-truck pokin’ out the front? Perfect venue to celebrate the female headbangers.
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  Hot gay leprechauns...
Happy St Patty’s Day y’all. I know many of you will protest that the “snakes” Patrick was driving out were peace-loving pagans, and yet others of you may be flashing the Protestant orange. Either way I’m not a huge St Pat celebrator but I’m down to drink a green beer and and get pinched with the best of ’em. It is not political for me (easy to say from my comfortable west coast seat eh?). So that’s the spirit of this Irish tinged weekend picks. But feel free to discuss more important matters below.
No cover St Paddy’s at Flipside – Salem’s hottest q party is offering to let you get down sans door cash. More to spend on Irish whiskey. But sure if I’d trust the dollar wells though…who am I kidding, of course I would.
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  Dexter Flowers and Cooper Lee Bombardier perform Sunday at Not Enough! Festival
Bollywood Bike In with Qurbani – Giving Portland a little much needed cultural flavor local DJ Anjiali and Kid Sister are showing classic Bollywood films outside the Q Center (4115 N Mississippi) all month long. This week features Qurbani and I’m excited to see a South Asian take on the 80s…
Ratatat afterparty with Rude Dudes – Ratatat are not a gay band but they’re hipsters and isn’t that about the same thing in Portland these days? Don’t worry, they’ve teamed up with “Rude” homos for a spanktastic dance party and DJ set. This might be the most mellow Thursday I’ve seen in awhile.
Mendy’s Big Gay Boat Party – Do you need an excuse to bust out those Top-Siders and sailor hat? No, you don’t. But in case you want to fool around with others in sea garb this is your chance.
Forsorcerers with Hooray for Everything and Don’t – Didn’t think Portland could get any weirder? How about a queer fantasy metal band? Despite the schtick, hoever, Forsorcerers are incredibly talented drum and guitar heros that will aurally rock you into remembering why you love the rough stuff.
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 Forsorcers play Saturday night
If you thought it was hard to come out of the closet as gay then you may not know the stigma that can come from proclaiming your love of all things geek. And, just as queers have always had pride in our flair no matter what the mainstream is saying, so to will Fantasy Quest, is a queer weekend of role playing, Dungeons’n’Dragons, fantasy, magic and metal being held in this weekend.
Taking place Friday November 27-29th at the Liberty Hall (311 N. Ivy St) the weekend featuring workshops, art rock and metal bands, and late night fantastical after parties (at The Know 2026 NE Alberta) already has potential attendees scrambling to get into costume and character.
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