Oy. I am definitely still in recovery mode from my stellar weekend at Maggotfest, the annual rugby festival in Missoula, Montana. In a 72 hour period, I spent over 18 hours in a car as the gracious DD to a wild and crazy group of ruggers. The drinking started in the car on Friday and didn’t end until we got back into the car Sunday afternoon.
 rugby girls know how to get down
Maggotfest, my friends, is serious business. Serious drinking, costumes, nudity, ridiculousness, and rugby. Ok, so the rugby part isn’t that serious, but it is there–there are actual referees and real teams* and at the end of every game, there is only one winner.
This was my red dress party. Unlike red dress, most of the gay folks at Maggotfest were ladies who could ruck, maul and scrum it like a rockstar. I would argue that Maggotfest was clearly where it was at. It was–in a word–epic.
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In an interesting turn of the W4W dialogue, my friend Lily Ann Page made an art installation and performance piece inspired completely from Craigslist W4W postings around the San Francisco Bay Area. Her artist statement is
 Spunky Femme in Town!-21-Berkeley Hills
“I have created an installation filled with real bay area Craigslist postings of W4W personal ads. I’m very interested in the information they choose to disclose or not disclose, the pictures they choose to show or not to show…The way women present themselves online can change drastically from who the woman really is, or how she sees herself.”
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Kathe Kollwitz, one of the Guerilla Girls will be coming to town to speak at PSU tomorrow, April 28 about the intersection of art and activism . The event is Bitch Magazine’s final lecture in their four-part Feminist Perspectives in Pop Culture Series. the Guerilla Girls are “notorious for their witty campaigns to expose misogyny in the art world (and maintaining anonymity by wearing gorilla masks and […]
 Making cookies together is a sacred act of love.
So you see a cute something something making eyes at you across the aisle of the bus and you start having all of these dirty images of the two of you comingling in someplace public and dirty. But you’ve never talked to this person and you have no idea how to cross the vast gulf of the aisle. Luckily, you have a few cookies in your pocket. This is how you will succeed–at love and at life. Always keep a few freshly baked cookies on hand just in case the opportunity strikes.
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Lately I’ve been munching my way through interesting conversations with straight men calling about my 1980 Datsun 210 wagon for sale. Sometimes the questions about the car become questions about me. “I’m assuming that your husband has a car, too?” “You sound cute. I didn’t realize that you were so young.” Today’s conversation ends with his va gue whispery words telling me to call him if I feel like it. It feels like this isn’t even about the car anymore. He’s not even that into my car. My car that looks to me like a Birkenstock and Carhart wearing dykemobile. The sort of thing that one would pack with smelly lesbos and drive to clothing-optional hot springs and women’s music festivals. It is decorated with bumperstickers that say “keep Portland weird” “No on 8” and “well-behaved women rarely make history” for goshsakes. I might as well have a bumpersticker that says “smash patriarchy with me and my hella hella gay friends.”
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Here at QPDX, we spend a lot of time munching on various things—salads, burritos, omelets, carpets (I can only vouch for myself here, although I have a feeling that the other writers here are equally suspect). Sometimes the world outside of the kitchen is pretty shitty. Research shows that there are things that you can stick in your mouth that will make you feel good. Sometimes you are hungry and there is nothing in the fridge (and alternately, no one in your bed). […]
STRUT is all about glamour, style, and an over-the-top celebration of our community’s talents, while at the same time supporting the work of the largest organization working to end discrimination based upon sexual orientation and gender identity in Oregon. Over the past 4 years, STRUT has featured some of the best of Portland’s designers, including “Leanimal” (the winner of Bravo’s “Project Runway” series in 2008). […]
There’s a lot going on tomorrow night! But there’s also lube wrestling. Wrestling drunk people all lubed up might be a little messy, but the owner of the bar assures me that the wrestling pit will be in a contained area. You will still be able to dance if wrestling isn’t your thing.
Crave, the monthly queer ladies dance party at Crush will feature three things dear to my […]
Sherry Wolf, of the International Socialist Organization will be speaking at Portland State University tomorrow (7:15pm PSU Smith Student Union, room 101) on LGBT liberation. Wolf is the author of the forthcoming book, “Sexuality and Socialism: History, Politics and Theory of Gay Liberation.”
Here are some of her articles:
Teamsters and Trannies, Unite!
Stonewall: The Birth of Gay Power
The Roots of Gay Oppression
The […]
Since the shakedown at Just Out, a crop of queer publications have cropped up or are in the works. OPB recently ran a story about New Queer Media and id Magazine. Unfortunately, even I (the earliest of risers) missed its airing. It aired at 6:50 this morning. The article on OPB is here.
Too bad QPDX missed the boat.
On a personal note, I hope that Portland is […]