 Van, WA's Saturday in the Park. Photo by Kathy Belge.
The 2012 Saturday In The Park Planning committee invites you to submit your logo ideas to be used in conjunction with our advertising and our event on July 14, 2012. This is a great chance to have your talent and artwork viewed by a wide range of individuals, businesses and community sponsors. It is also a way […]
 For those of you who are not up to date, we are about 3 weeks into Trans Awareness Month. Sunday, November 20th, Portland is recognizing Trans Day of Remembrance. This day is to commemorate those who were victims of transgendered related hate crimes.
Rita Hester was murdered on November 28th, 1998. Her murder started the “Remembering Our Dead” project, which in turn started the Trans Day of Remembrance. According to the TDOR website, more than one person per month, over the last decade, and eight people this year alone, have died due to transgender-based hate.
To help spread awareness, PSU’s Queer Resource Center is having an annual free vigil event. There will be a day of workshops and a march to honor Trans Day of Remembrance.
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  Slutwalk Portland 2011
For a minute let’s not think about the Canadian police officer who prompted this whole Slut walking protests by implying slutty women deserve to be raped. Let’s gloss over the back and forth bickering between self-proclaimed sluts and their blogging detractors. Instead, it’s time to see the photos from Portland’s first Slutwalk and revel in everyone’s gloriously skimpy and sexy attire. Because we do this as much for joy as for justice.
So I’ve, once again, recruited some snapshots from the fabulous Melody Awesomazing, who, whether or not she knows it, has been quasi-recruited as qPDX photographer. But, readers, I aim to recruit you as well, so hopefully these 11 pics are just the beginning of what you will see. We want you to contribute your Slutwalk photos and photos of any other PDX queers bein’ queer. So send ’em to alley@qpdx.com and we’ll get them up on the site post haste!
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 Another weekend, another reason to be proud in the PacNW. Portland Pride may have been nearly a month ago now but the breakout celebrations continue. This weekend, La Lucha‘s Latino Gay Pride takes over the town with a culmination on Sunday at the Eastbank Esplanade Waterfront.
The fun starts tonight with an Voz Alta: Amor Indocumentado (Undocumented Love), an evening of music and poetry with Edna Vazquez and Joaquin Lopez (details below) and continues with dance parties both Friday and Saturday night. TGIF is the official La Lucha dance party and opener at Boxxes, while Saturday is dedicated to the chicas with a dance party across the river at Crush.
But the main event is Sunday’s epic fiesta, which lasts from noon to 9pm. There’s a host of fabulous DJs and performers such as ChiChi and Chonga the latina stoner satire duo that has has risen to drag stardom in an instant this year at 4. At 6 Under U 4 Men takes the stage and the thought of cholos in chonies makes me weak in the knees.
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 Our little neighbor to the north really isn’t so little anymore, and it’s a pretty decent place to be a gay person, even if they did recently lose their only gay bar (hey, we lost our only lesbian bar). This weekend Vancouver, Washington celebrates their Gay Pride with Saturday in the Park.
A decidedly different approach than the debaucherous Prides of most cities, VanWa’s celebration begins with “Lyle’s Miles” 5k run and bills itself as the only family friendly Gay Pride celebration in existence. The annual charity walk/run goes through downtown Vancouver to raise money for Cascade AIDS Project, Martha’s Pantry and Global Partners for Development. The non-competitive walk/run event starts at 8:30am and is open to all.
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  The Red Dress Party float. Photo by Anna M Campbell
The Board of Pride Northwest is pleased to announce its first-ever Pride Parade awardees.
In an effort to promote community spirit the Board of Pride Northwest for the first time offered cash awards in five different categories at its annual Portland Pride Parade. Our esteemed panel of judges was asked to review all parade entrants and designated the following participants to best represent their respective categories. And the winners are!:
Most Creative Implementation of Theme, “Make It Happen,” $500: Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
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  "Bliss" by Atom Ion
Sorry for the delay folks. I know these winners were announced over 2 weeks ago but I’ve been simultaneously recovering from and engaging in Pride both here and in Cali. But this year’s winners of the Just Out Pride Amateur Photo Contest were pretty amazing.
As far as I can tell there isn’t one Grand Prize winner this year but I’d like to highlight a couple of my favorite category winners. This year’s “Getting Graphic” winner was “Bliss” by Atom Ion, pictured to the right. This is what he had to say about it:
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 Bunim-Murray Productions and MTV are seeking extraordinary people who appear to be between the ages of 16-24, who want to share their coming out stories. Whether you have already come out, or you want to come out, you can be part of a revolutionary TV special airing on National Coming Out Day (October 11).
Do you have a particularly unique coming out story that you are willing to share? […]
Watch the 2011 Seattle Pride Parade Streamed LIVE on qPDX!
The parade will take place this Sunday, June 26 at 11 a.m to 2:30 p.m. in Downtown Seattle so check back right here!
MK Scott (of OUTview Online) called upon ITV Productions to provide the crew and cameras and the idea took off from there. Scott realized the high demand and interest to capture the parade live and stream […]
  qPDX.com for Pride Portland!
Happy Pride NW 2011 everbody! Phew, what a weekend. A ton of dance nights. A slew of costume changes. Lots and lots of teal. 25+ miles on the bike on Saturday. Fliptography at Queerlandia. Waterfront. Beer, banners, bruises. Leslie and the Lys. Trying to find Alley Hector on Sunday morning. Trying to find a place to pee at Blow Pony (thanks Leila!). Trying to find the car! Trying, well, just trying! I barely have time to take a breath before its Alley’s and my birthdays (Al: Wed. Me: Thurs). It’s been EPIC. And now on to the processing reviewing that is, as it should be, part of our Pride coverage. We need your input!
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