
Best of pride? You tell us. Let a homo know with our post-pride-poll!

Pride NW Sunday Parade banner for Pride Portland!

Happy Pride NW 2011 everbody! Phew, what a weekend. A ton of dance nights. A slew of costume changes. Lots and lots of teal. 25+ miles on the bike on Saturday. Fliptography at Queerlandia. Waterfront. Beer, banners, bruises. Leslie and the Lys. Trying to find Alley Hector on Sunday morning. Trying to find a place to pee at Blow Pony (thanks Leila!). Trying to find the car! Trying, well, just trying! I barely have time to take a breath before its Alley’s and my birthdays (Al: Wed. Me: Thurs). It’s been EPIC. And now on to the processing reviewing that is, as it should be, part of our Pride coverage. We need your input!

Every year after Pride Alley and I go back and try and remember all the places we went over the weekend (we can usually tell where we were by looking at the photos we took…)and try and recap the things we liked the best or stood out for us the most. This year, we are super excited to share with you that so far we have heard ZERO news of any violence or nastiness happening the WHOLE weekend! This is the first time in three years that this has been the case. I am incredibly excited and glad to know that Pride this year was a peaceful, happy event. I asked you, Portland, to give me a Pride where I (as the designated gay bashing coverage specialist, a job i do not relish) don’t have anything to write about. And my wish came true. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Namaste.

In addition to this great news-we want to hear from YOU what you thought about Pride this year. Where did you go? What did you do? How did you think about the weather? What was your favourite event? Share your opinions with us. Comment on this post or tell us how you think by answering some of our polls. We will make our annual Best Of Pride nominations partially based on what you tell us!

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