 Basic Rights Oregon just released a free handbook, Know Your Rights: Gender Identity, Gender Expression & Trans Oregonians’ Rights that can help gender non-conforming folks know what we are entitled to. Authored by Oregon attorneys, this guide provides in-depth information on laws and policies that deeply impact transgender Oregonians. Topics include identification, housing, family law, employment, health care and more.
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 Portland State University‘s Queer Resource Center presents the ninth annual Trans Day of Remembrance and is looking for transgender, transexual and genderqueer/gendernaut performers, artists, speakers, workshop facilitators and volunteers. To Submit please email a short description of your proposal and a detail budget to ape2@pdx.edu. There will also be a public meeting in the upcoming weeks where PSU students and non-students can get involved and give feedback on what they would like to see for this years TDOR. For more information contact Smitty at ape2@pdx.edu or call 503-804-3716
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Time to get a little classy Portland. And by classy I mean sloppy champagne and cosmos classy.
Come join us for the kick off of Club Foxy at Couture Lounge tomorrow night. The night will offer cheap drink specials and happy hour food all night. Nope this club isn’t just for the breeders anymore! DJ Girlfriends and Chelsea Starr will make the fagulosity go on from 9PM past midnight […]
  Ela Barton is a guest at this month's Q Poetry night
Are you in the mood for some local(ish) queer poetry? Join fellow queer poetry enthusiasts at the Q Center! Recently local queer poet Aleks Stefanova has out together a reoccurring night of queer poetry – this month, the featured artist is Ela Barton from Seattle. More info and some video under the cut!
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We’ve already written a bit about the upcoming Butch Voices conference, but we have just found out that they still need a lot more support! Consider donating your skills/goods for a good cause.
Butch Voices Sez:
Butch Voices PDX needs: butch go go dancers, spoken word performers, date auction candidates, and door prize donations – among other things for the upcoming Butch Voices […]
  Trans folks need healthcare too!
Basic Rights Oregon has launched a survey of trans, genderqueer and gender non-conforming Oregonians who have experienced health care discrimination.
According to BRO, “All too frequently, trans Oregonians are denied insurance coverage of health care solely because of their gender identity. Working together, we can bring an end to discrimination and dramatically improve the experience of trans Oregonians accessing care. ”
More info and link to the survey under the cut.
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 Hercules and Love Affair's Andy Butler (left) and Kim Ann Foxman getting frisky before the show
nomy lamm and the Whole Wide World with Tender Forever and Timmy Straw – A vague description to be sure, but an audience collaborative performance featuring nomy lamm? I wouldn’t dare miss it. This fat, disabled, queer activist has one of the most amazing voices I’ve ever heard and an avant garde art sensibility like a hard candy coated version of Marina Abramovic. And that hipper-than-thou not really off-the-beaten path Disjecta location (8371 N Interstate) is a perfect venue. Sprinkle in the sweet and melancholy croonings of Tender Forever and the local electro flavor of Timmy Straw and you got yourself a show that would rival…well…
Hercules and Love Affair at the Hawthorne Theater – How could there even be any competition for this? Neo-electro-disco finely crafted with haunting vocals and danceable beats, unmatchable style and hotness for the girls, boys and everything in between should mean a packed house. And believe me, since it’s been about a decade since I have seen nomy lamm, and a lifetime since I’ve seen HLA, it’s going to be a really tough decision. Oh and did I mention I named the self-titled Hercules & Love Affair debut the best album of 2008? Either way I intend to try to cool off afterword at…
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  The Egyptian Club - Portland's only remaining dyke bar, will be closing October 9th
We all heard it was coming, we all know why it’s happening, and yet, the news is still a bit of a shock. The storied Portland dyke bar has officially announced closure (except in case of a miracle) via it’s website citing the large overhead associated with running such a cavernous club, the decline in attendance, and the economic situation overall as it’s main reasons for closing it’s doors after many years in business.
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  Palo Verde's Lauren K Newman (left) and Terrica Kleinknecht
C.L.I.T. Fest (Combating Latent Inequality Together) is a DIY punk fest with music, workshops, discussions, a flea market and picnicking organized to address sexism, homophobia, and transphobia in punk and to celebrate the strengths and potential of our community.
And it’s a big community. The lineup includes a vast array of local and international bands (I think about 25…and 1 is from Sweden) including Palo Verde featuring the guitar god(des), long hair-swinging, riffs of Lauren K Newman, who is at once frightening and awe-inspiring.
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  Ernesto Dominguez
qPDX would like to congratulate Portland Community College (PCC) student Ernesto Dominguez, who recently received the HRC Awards Scholarships to Student Activists Committed to Achieving LGBT Equality. Only 3 were awarded out of 400 applications from all 50 states in the categories of first year student, returning student 2-year institution, and returning student 4-year insitution. Dominguez won in the first year category.
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