Re-posted from The National Center for Transgender Equality
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) recently unveiled a webpage featuring information and advice for transgender travelers going through airport security. TSA’s advice, while not comprehensive, covers a few important points:
Travelers should make sure that the gender provided when they book their flight matches the gender designation on the government-issued ID they bring to the airport. TSA Travel Document Checkers […]
Re-posted from TowleRoad

Mexican transgender activist Agnes Torres was found dead this week outside her home in Puebla, Mexico. Her neck had been slashed, her body burned in signs she had been tortured.
The Puebla-based organization Vida Plena Puebla released a statement, 2bmag reports:
“We condemn this crime against a woman, an academic, a psychologist, educator, role model and activist for human rights for women in general and for sexual diversity as a whole,” the Puebla-based organization Vida Plena Puebla. “We are distraught, pained, enraged and saddened by this crime, and feel powerless over how, yet again, a brave person has succumbed to the most brutal of gender-based violence… in this case, violence against a transgender woman.” The organization demanded in their statement that Torres’s murder case be treated the same way as that of “the daughter of any governor, politician, or attorney” and that it be solved swiftly.
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Re-posted from NPR.org
This spring, Les and Scott GrantSmith will mark their 25th wedding anniversary. The couple raised two daughters along the way. But 15 years ago, they hit a crisis that nearly shattered their family. Les was keeping a secret, and that became a problem. But they solved it as a family, in a way that kept them together and happy.
In the weeks leading up to that day back in 1997, Les was certain of two things: She was a mother who loved her daughters — and she was also transgender, the term for someone born in a body of the wrong sex.
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By Kellan Baker on ThinkProgress.org
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has announced two new grant competitions focusing on connecting HIV-positive transgender women of color with health care services, including primary care and HIV-related care.
The first grant opportunity, which is designed to improve the overall quality of HIV care for transgender women of color, will award each of up to eight grantees $300,000 annually for five years. The demonstration sites will develop, implement, and evaluate innovative programs designed to connect these women with timely and appropriate care. These programs will also help them stay in touch with providers who can provide a range of primary and HIV-related services.
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 DJ Freddie Fagula will be spinning at the Common Ground on Wednesday, July 13th
DJ Freddie Fagula (Do The Dark, Fruitcake, Dirtbag, and about a trillion more, busy boy) is adding a fabulous new opportunity to their DJ roster. Trans Night at Common Ground is the new venture, with Freddie spinning Hip Hop, Rn’B, underground disco and soul as part of Trans & Allies night.
Gyms and […]
 Channel 4 signs agreement to portray trans people "positively and realistically" from now on
According to Pinknews.co.uk, Britain’s Channel 4, responsible for bringing such landmark shows as Queer As Folk and Skins (via it’s subsidiary E4) but also Too Fat To Walk (WTF? Oh, it’s been renamed “Too Big To Walk”, well, that changes everything) to the British public and henceforth the world, has now signed a sensitivity agreement, weightily titled “Trans Media Watch’s Memorandum of Understanding“.
In this progressive new step, Channel 4 is the first of any UK TV channel to publicly pledge it’s commitment to portraying trans people and their lives “positively and realistically”, while supporting trans employees and their families by treating them equally to cis-gendered people and their families.
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  Trans folks need healthcare too!
Basic Rights Oregon has launched a survey of trans, genderqueer and gender non-conforming Oregonians who have experienced health care discrimination.
According to BRO, “All too frequently, trans Oregonians are denied insurance coverage of health care solely because of their gender identity. Working together, we can bring an end to discrimination and dramatically improve the experience of trans Oregonians accessing care. ”
More info and link to the survey under the cut.
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 TWAC Click to enlarge
We’re a little late on the uptake for this but the Cascadia Trans and Womyn’s Action camp will be taking place from July 7th (so, today) until July 12th.
If you are interested in learning about non-violent direct action, community health and organizing skills and more in a safe and inclusive environment, check out the flyer.
For more info, contact: twac at riseup […]
 Norrie is officially acknowledged as "zie", photo from the SMH
Coo-eee mate! I love Australians and I love Australia. A huge, far away country, with a small population (18 million) yet some of the most diverse, welcoming and radical queer communities I have ever been involved in.
The year I spent there was the most liberating of my life and so it is no surprise to me that Australia has just now become the first country in the world with a state that recognizes that people may exists outside of a binary gender system. Even more reason to true blue love you, aussies! <3
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Thomas Beattie pregnant with 3rd child
Wow, there will be a little sports team soon!
Thomas Beattie, the famous Oregon “Pregnant Man” is expecting his third child, new websites including this one report. (the comments on that site are pretty transphobic. I’ll try and find a better source.)
Congratulations Thomas! My first reaction was “three in a row??” and I find it good/strange/telling that I would pretty much […]