  qPDX.com for Pride Portland!
Happy Pride NW 2011 everbody! Phew, what a weekend. A ton of dance nights. A slew of costume changes. Lots and lots of teal. 25+ miles on the bike on Saturday. Fliptography at Queerlandia. Waterfront. Beer, banners, bruises. Leslie and the Lys. Trying to find Alley Hector on Sunday morning. Trying to find a place to pee at Blow Pony (thanks Leila!). Trying to find the car! Trying, well, just trying! I barely have time to take a breath before its Alley’s and my birthdays (Al: Wed. Me: Thurs). It’s been EPIC. And now on to the processing reviewing that is, as it should be, part of our Pride coverage. We need your input!
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 When I was a rowdy tweenage baby dyke we used to run through the streets of downtown Portland asking strangers if they could define lesbian sex, a question that often mystified these adults. And though most of us have it often enough (hopefully anyway) there still isn’t a strictly agreed upon definition.
But while this sexual fluidity and lack of sexual definitions is familiar to the ladies (even straight ones, just watch Clerks or ask Bill Clinton) gay men are more well known for having rigidly defined roles. One of the most important bedroom roles has been whether you’re a top or bottom. But what happens if you don’t even particularly like anal sex at all? Is that the only way to be gay? 365 gay columnist Michael Corvino not only asks that question but answers emphatically no saying,
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  Only the classiest...
Earlier this week I came across a very brief and slightly bizarre little article on The Advocate’s website discussing female proclivities towards anal sex. It starts out with the ubiquitous stats on how women are more sexually fluid than men, yada yada yada. Nothing new there. But it goes on to say that:
Among lesbian and bisexual women, the study shows that 48% reported having anal sex with a man, compared to 33% of heterosexual women. Additionally, bisexual women report having more vaginal sex with men than women who say they are completely straight.
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  Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein in 'Portlandia'
Well that didn’t take long. The Independent Film Channel used Valentines Day to express its love for newly running original Portlandia by announcing it would pick up the show for a second season. IFC must really be in love as this is the first time that they’ve ever agreed to a second season while the first was still running, according to senior VP of original programming Debbie DeMontreux.
Airing at 10:30 p.m. Fridays, Portlandia is averaging 235,000 viewers among adults 18-49, nearly quadruple IFC’s primetime average in a demo it has aggressively begun courting, and has built upon its lead-in, fellow original series Onion News Network.
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Year end “best of” posts are already well underway, but I keep discovering more and more gems and I want to make sure I don’t forget anything. So I’m enlisting you, my queer brethren to lend me your opinions on the most interesting, appalling and appealing of 2010 in the categories of:
- Most heated issues
- Biggest local news
- Best television moments
- Best movies
- Best albums
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