 Every week we introduce you to a local LGBTQ party DJ and ask them about their experiences in the scene and feature an audio mix they’ve made. If you’re interested in being featured contact alley@qpdx.com.
 DJ Jodi Bon Jodi helms this Friday's Bent
Bent is clearly one of my favorite parties and it is the lovechild of this week’s DJ of the Week Jodi Bon Jodi, along with partner Roy-G-Biv. And now that JBJ is no longer a regular at Blow Pony it’s one of the few places to catch her. So you won’t want to miss this Friday’s edition, which also features Mr. Charming and a photobooth by Bloodhound’s Ally Picard.
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  Can you be this tough for In Other Words?
Hump day in PDX is happenin’! So yeah, the actual cause for this Wednesday’s Ladies Arm Wrestling tourney is to raise funds for one of the country’s only remaining feminist bookstores, In Other Words, but it’s really a benefit for all of us that like to show of and/or swoon over some nice guns. The event is open for anyone who is woman-identified. Everyone is invited to watch. But I can’t decide whether I’m more excited to watch or perform. Story of our queer lives right?
Competitors are encouraged to issue “personal challenges” to one another. It’s a great way to get that beef taken care of before it erupts on Facebook right? Adoring fans can also place “bets” on their faves.
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  Bulimianne Rhapsody and Melody Awesomeazing host Mrs. this Saturday
If you’re not too busy fighting the crowds at the newly opened international budget fashion boutique H&M there’s still plenty of good nightlife to catch out this wintery weekend.
Bent – Nopo favorite Bent is back for to squeeze your ass into that tiny dancefloor and do it queer underground style. With guest DJ Il Camino, Jodi Bon Jodi and Roy-G-Biv on the decks turning the Foggy Notion (3416 N Lombard) into the Faggy Nation I swear it will only hurt a little bit. Besides what else will you talk about of Craigslist the nest morning?
Babe Cave – For those more inclined to stay in the southeast DJs Lifepartner and Chelsea Starr are bringing the hotties to Holocene (1001 SE Morrison) and when Ms. Star says “crawl back into my cave” you don’t say no. For a hint of the music you can expect check out LP’s mix below.
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  Riley and Flo sport matching denim onsies at Dirtbag
Weekly or monthly, neighborhood or downtown Thursday is a night for favorites Dirtbag! and Drop Shop. I’ll be swillin’ at the perfect little party that could in one of my favorite just big enough locations on Alberta St. Of course, don’t forget the first night of artsy schmoozing at the exciting and all ages Siren Nation festival, which continues all weekend.
Homomentum: Rebels & Outlaws – The monthly variety show of thematic queer fabulousness is back from summer break with more mayhem and a new location. Downtown’s Fez Ballroom (SW 13th and Stark) should be a much better venue with more room for watching than last year’s now defunct E Room. I have been especially devoid of Catitude in my life lately and I can’t wait to see what they do with such a rebellious theme. Little Tommy Bang Bang & Slim Pickins, Swagger and the long missed All of the Above, should also have some hilarity mixed with hotness that I just can’t wait for.
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  I had this foggy notion i went BENT at faggy nation!
It hasn’t been long since the Blue Parrot first fluttered it’s way into many a Portland gay’s party calendar. A little off the beaten track and tucked away pretty far up north, no one could predict that this local neighbourhood bar would turn into the party location motivating deepest SE bound queers (me) to hoof on up north. (Which is kinda the same thing we all said when gay pizza started happening.)
But: The Blue Parrot’s basic charms of queers, gritty music, tons o’dancing, cheap drinks and a little backyard, along with two of the most promising recent gay, lesbian and trans party upstarts, DIRTBAG! and BENT, made this diamond in the rough shine on hard, bright and crazy.
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 Hosted by the austere and delicious Artemis Chase
In case you missed last night’s alt-queer raging sweat fest at Rotture, I was there with my camera! Artemis Chase and Ecstasy Inferno performed for the mob and DJs Airick, Kinetic, Jodi Bon Jodi, Trans Fat, iL Camino, Yer Momm, and Banana Juice Jiggle mixed awesome tracks for the undulating […]
 Homomentum's Timewarp Talent show this Saturday
Last month’s inaugural Homomentum installment was a freaky success and this sophomore expedition into our past this Saturday should be just as enjoyable. I can’t wait to see some mall hair, and stiff high bangs when the folks from Pants Off Productions bring on the Timewarp Talent Show.
This month’s performance pleasures include burlesque from Jodi Bon Jodi and Venus Envy, hip hop dance from Under the Radar, and the dragtastic spectacle that is Feyonce.
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Pants-Off Productions is launching our next project: Homomentum: a monthly queer cabaret. The show is a bastard offspring of Kick/Ball/Change and Homos Got Talent, and we would love to encourage a diversity of performers, with a focus in dance, burlesque & performance art, to be a part of this gay new venture! Homomentum will take over the E-room (3701 SE Division) every 2nd Saturday of the month starting Oct. 10th. Each month will have a different theme, which we hope will inspire creativity! Below are the themes and a little explanation of what we have in mind (but we want to empower performers to put their own spin on it.)
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