 Arguments for and against the constitutionality of Proposition 8 began today in the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The appeal is of an August ruling by Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker, who ruled after a trial that the 2008 ballot measure defining marriage as only between a man and a woman violated the U.S. Constitution.
The San Francisco based court drama is seeing protesters from both […]
  Joanne Pedersen, left, and Ann Meitzen are planning to sue because federal law does not recognize their Connecticut marriage. Photo by Christopher Capozziello for The New York Times
State and Federal laws often come into conflict, and gay marriage is a prime example of how confusing that confluence can be. Couples that are married in states where it is/was legal (5 states plus DC) may get all the state benefits to which they are entitled, but many benefits are given at the Federal level…which is where things get sticky…but not in a good way.
One big example of this is health insurance, which is a tough subject to tackle in itself. The New York Times reports on two cases where plaintiffs are suing the government in an effort to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), a 1996 law that prohibits the federal government from recognizing marriages of same-sex couples.
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  Stambaugh speaking at the Q Center. KATU photo
Folks were shocked to hear that earlier this month a Lewis and Clark student teacher, Seth Stambaugh was let go from the Beaverton school district for revealing that he would marry a man if it were legal. There has been much discussion and outrage in the last few weeks and last Thursday the Beaverton School District voted unanimously to reinstate Stambaugh, while also issuing an apology. From Superintendent Jerry Colonna:
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 It seems unlikely that this courtroom pronouncement will do anything concrete in the short term but it’s another positive step in the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell the ridiculously named policy that bars gays in the US military. And it comes on the heels of another California federal judge tossing out California’s voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage. That is also still in the works. Nevertheless, thank you Cali.
I suppose I should also thank the Log Cabin Republicans, who set the lawsuit in motion, but I am less excited to do so.
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 AP Photo
In the never-ending saga that is California’s Prop 8 trial the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals continued the stay that Chief U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker had previously lifted, until oral arguments could be heard on Dec 6th.
“It’s saddening just to know that we still have to keep waiting for this basic human right,” Marcia Davalos, of Los Angeles, a health care advocate […]
We all rejoiced when Prop 8 was overturned in California last week but saddened that a stay was put in place to stop enforcement right away. Today newlywed-wannabes waited with baited breath to see if they would be able to tie the knot today. However, it looks like they made need a little patience, as the stay will not be lifted until next Wednesday August 18th.
[Chief U.S. District […]
  Prop 8 Ban Overturned!
Federal judge has overturned the voter approved ban on “same sex marriage”, also known as prop 8. An appeal is expected but this is a WHOLE NEW BALLGAME!!
Word on the street is this will head to the supreme court…
latest edits 2:29 p.m.
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  BRO campaigns for Measure 36 repeal
Localgay rights organisation, Basic Rights Oregon (BRO) is launching a new ad campaign, which begun by showing ads on TV as recently as last week. (If you have seen them, please comment!) Next to showing ads of long-time monogamous gay couples on TV, their campaign involves hitting the streets, engaging in conversations, and handing out leaflets.
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 We are still working on processing the last, epic Pride weekend. We had so much fun! Thank you for everyone who came out and supported us. In the meantime, while we get our act together, here is a little summary of what you missed while you were out. Have other news you’d like to share? Post it!
 BUTT Magazine Towels!
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 Gay vietnam vet and vietnamese civilian find each other - in Portland. Photo from the Oregonian
Now this is the kind of story we don’t really get to feature very often – a quiet story, a story of love, of pain – both physical and emotional, and yet also a story of reconciliation, of perseverance, and joy.
It’s a story about Don’t Ask – Don’t tell, about war, about art, about survival, but also about how sometimes love and happiness find their own unconventional ways into our lives.
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