  K.D. Lang Living in Portland?
Is it True?It is no secret that Portland is known for having some celeb guests. Rumor has it that K.D Lang has recently called PDX her home. That’s right, K.D. may just be living right around the corner from you! According to an inside source of Byron Beck, a popular gossip blog, Ms. Lang is now an Oregonian.
What better place for a vegan, lesbian musician to live? So keep an eye out fellow homos, because you know if she is here, you are bound to see her popping in places like The Bye and Bye and Portobello. To the younger generation, she might just blend into the crowd of typical Pacific North West lesbians. She ain’t no hipster!
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 A future where celebrities won’t make headlines just for acknowledging their sexuality may not be far off, but for now we still love to gossip, surmise, and celebrate when a famous person finally comes out of the closet. […]
  Zachary Quinto knows that hipster glasses work for gays and straights alike.
National Coming Out Day may be over but it’s never too late to come out of the closet. So kudos to Zachary Quinto who my fellow nerds probably know either as Spock from the recent Star Trek movie or bad guy Silar from TV’s Heroes.
Quinto has been one of those many celebrities that don’t seem to be particularly closeted, but never acknowledge their homosexuality publicly, nor confirm when a direct question is asked. But Quinto decided it was important to come out announced his new openness about being gay on his own blog, saying,
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  Gaga at Jo Calderone at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards
This Sunday Lady Gaga took to full drag character Jo Calderone for the MTV Video Music Awards. She won “Best Female Performer” dressed as a man and queered the VMAs further by staying in character for questions.
Most of what I’ve seen on Facebook so far has been pretty positive, except for comment condemning the smoking and drinking. Here are some samples:
“…the most conservative she’s ever looked…”
“I like that she’s in drag but she’s not doing some really gross misogynist thing to a female dancer…”
“…it didn’t piss me off, points for Gaga!…I was worried she would do that ‘don’t worry I’m still a hot girl underneath it all’ switch at the end, but she didn’t, she held to it, and nailed the body language…”
“Anyone who can be so creepy that they make Britney Spears feel uncomfortable… you have to love them…”
“The crowd reactions are so varied! Beiber at 4:33 is a personal favorite.”
What to you think? You can watch the whole video beneath the break.
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  John Cameron Mitchell (center) in the DJ booth at Mattachine in NYC with PJ DeBoy and Amber Martin. Here this Saturday at Mississippi Studios. Photo by Mark Tusk.
Monthly QPOC social – It’s hard being a person of color in Portland, Oregon, so much more even as a queer POC. I have my own inner-ish with the whole idea, but I’m down to meet others in a summer filled patio session. Perfect beginning to your evening and weekend.
I still haven’t been to the ST Johns queer monthly Sweet Tea at the Fixin’ To but I hear such good things about it. I haven’t been to one of my faves, Dirtbag!, either, and damn if I don’t have a gay ol’ time at that neighborhood party when I do. So if I manage to drag myself out, it’s gonna be a tough call.
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  Catherine Opie,'s portrait of model/actress Jenny Shimizu - Jenny (Bed), 2009. Courtesy Gladstone Gallery
Catherine Opie talks about her current exhibition Girlfriends – Everyone loves a portrait they can relate to. For the queer community Opie’s work is the perfect synthesis of artistry and familiarity. Our very on heartfelt Annie Leibovits-style gaylebrity photographer. She pushes the envelope while making us queerdos feel uniquely at home.
Cafeteria – Hot lunch is back on the dance floor with this tiny bar crowded school daze celebrating gay night. Really great gender mix. You know this one.
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  Ricky Martin is gay?!
Celebrities, as powerful and rich as they are, still tend to remain in the closet. Here are the top 5 folks this year that had the courage to publicly declare their homo-love.
5 – Amber Heard
Actress from The Stepfather, The Joneses, Pineapple Express, spoke openly with AfterEllen.com about being a lesbian pioneer in Hollywood, during the GLAAD media awards.
4 – Chely Wright
There was a lot of hype leading up to this announcement which was largely met by a big “who?” when the information was finally released. We were all expecting someone really famous to come out, but Chely Wright is a country singer who has quite the following in the South. Oh yeah, and that Christian singer Jennifer Knapp came out too.
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  In episode 2 they fall in with a cult leader played by guest star Jason Sudeikis, center.
This summer the Independent Film Channel announced that it would be producing a sketch comedy show starring Saturday Night Live’s Fred Armisen and our own rock goddess Carrie Brownstein, called Portlandia. Now not only does it have an air date, but video clips to give us a sneak peek and Brownstein singing fantastically silly theme song.
Premiering January 21st and continuing every Friday at 10:30/9:30 central, Portlandia introduces us to ourselves, our adbsurd, PDX selves. Each episode’s character-based shorts draw viewers into “Portlandia,” the creators’ dreamy campy rendering of the town we know and love.
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 Wondering what all the royal and lavendar tones are on your Facebook today? It’s in support of LGBTQ youth in the wake of recent suicides.
It’s been decided. On October 20th, 2010, we will wear purple in honor of the 6 gay boys who committed suicide in recent weeks/months due to homophobic abuse in their homes and at their schools. Purple represents Spirit on the LGBTQ flag and that’s exactly what we’d like all of you to have with you: spirit. Please know that times will get better and that you will meet people who will love you and respect you for who you are, no matter your sexuality. Please wear purple on October 20th. Tell your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and schools. RIP Tyler Clementi, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh, Justin Aaberg, Raymond Chase and Billy Lucas. You are loved.
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  'The Secret Diaries of Anne Lister'
If you missed the big Howl premiere last week, fear not. Howl begins a week run at Cinema 21 this Friday.That same day at 7 pm, executive producer, Gus Van Sant, will intro the film, show a short he made of Ginsberg and chat live with James Franco via Skype. As for the rest of the fest, it continues at the Hollywood Theater (4122 NE Sandy Blvd).
9:30pm @ Hollywood Theater Friday Oct 8 – Role/Play
From five time writer/director Rob Williams (Make The Yuletide Gay, 3-Day Weekend, Back Soon and Long-Term Relationship) comes a story of the A-list gays and all their troubles. Video editor Mike Justice will be on hand to answer questions after the screening.
While hiding out from the paprazzi at a secluded Palm Springs resort, recently outed Soap opera star, Graham Winsdor (Steve Callahan), and a recently divorced gay marriage activist Trey Reed (Matthew Montgomery) find themselves kindred spirits. These hard workin’ men find passion in expressing their professional pitfalls and compel one another to confront the firestorm that their relative scandals have wrought.
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