  Dan Ostergren's portraiture exhibit, 'Queers, Queens and Everything In-Between' opns Thursday at the East End
Portland Drag Race – Our local version of the popular drag star competition returns to Red Cap for its 4th 12 week run. The format will be a bit different. Each week a cash prize to the winner instead of one big prize at the end. So be prepared for some great new talent that was much to busy to commit to the long haul in past seasons.
Queers, Queens and Everything In Between art opening – Gender blending art photographer Dan Ostergren has taken some of the most loved queer portraits in town and this is the night to show them off. To help him celebrate the drag stars, local celesbians and other PDX characters he’s shot is a great 3 set show my up and comers directly below.
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  Melanie Griffith is workin' our her "Executive Realness' too
Laborday is gayborday (or LaborGay, how far can I work this bad pun?) in the hard-workin’ heartland of Portland, so us young retired people are just gonna use Labor Day weekend as an excuse to extend the party…right?
Dirtbag! – The workin’ man’s weeknight party, cuz it’s free and awesome. To find out more about the DJ workin’ this event check out yesterday’s profile of DJ Bruce laBruiser.
A painting show from Mason Bondi & I Mirror/Your Mirror art openings – Downtown/Pearl’s First Thursday may have a snootier reputation than the ridiculous and bohemian Last Thursday on Alberta but it’s always been about the art and there’s good art to be had. Here are two examples from experimental artist and former local Sarah Gottesdiener and Mason Bondi, a painter whose images of small figures amidst huge skies are at once whimsical and haunting.
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  Burlesquire performs monthly at Burlesque in Boyland
Burlesque in Boyland with Burlesquire – The weekend just keeps getting earlier! Forget that I’m currently missing out on both Peep Show and Gay Survivor at the moment, tomorrow ushers in the inaugural boylicious burlesque show with Burlesquire. Though there may be male strippers aplenty no one has the sexy shakin’ it skills like these boys. They are loved by lesbians even. Which is why it is so appropriate that they bejoined by Rose City Siren Delilah Sinn and a host of varied sexy-as-hell genders.
Welfare AIDS film premiere from ChiChi and Chonga – These amazing drag queens have exploded onto the scene in a mere few weeks. I’m already overwhelmed by their amazing performances and hotness. And they’ve already got a film premiere! Shit! It’s also a benefit for AIDS Walk Portland and oh so many drink specials…
Drop Shop afterparty – Don’t worry if the drink specials have you blazed already, just keep on keeping on at Red Cap for Drop Shop right after the film premiere. A combination of Portland favorites strippers and queer DS is helmed by DJ Mani who drops the booty shakin’, ass bouncin’ beats of Nola and the dirty dirty south. Or as close as you can get in this town. Plus pole dancing lead by DQ extraordinaire Exstacy Inferno. Hot.
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 Brent Pruitt in front of one of his tamer works of art. Be prepared for more genitalia in the upcoming show
I love contemporary art. I love it even more when it is unafraid to poke fun at itself. Any medium worth studying is also worth mocking. In the spirit of self-love and expression while still not taking yourself too seriously is local artist Brent Pruitt‘s First Friday opening Felt Up: Queer Erotic Tomfoolery at Studio 2507 (2507 SE Clinton Street). Appearing for the month of Februrary the show opens this Friday with a reception from 6 to 9pm during the southeast’s hipper First Thursday equivalent.
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Rai Villanueva in action
Local aerosol artist Rai Villanueva has has numerous shows profiled here before but the up-and-comer made have found her biggest show yet when she presents her work at the Diesel store this Thursday. The First Thursday opening at the stylish clothier features an open bar and the turntable work of DJ L-Train.
So before little Rai Rai makes it really big we wanted […]