  Members of the LGBT bowling leagues. Photo courtesy Towleroad.
Some controversy between the gay bowling league PCBL (Portland Community Bowling League) and their former home Hollywood Bowl has erupted on the interwebs this week with the league claiming they were forced out due to homophobia and HB flatly denying the accusation.
The most complete form of the accusation comes from a Towleroad reader who makes this claim:
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 Hey folks we’re back. Sorry for being late and sorry for leaving you waiting with baited breath for the second half of the Feminist Agenda podcast. I started my champagne bath and then never wanted to get out. No. Actually, we had some technical issues and lost the whole thing. Very sad, as we had some funny moments with Amber Rowland but that’s ok because this week we have […]
  Jonathan Kipp
When long time local LGBT newspaper Just Out abruptly announced that it would cease publication last December it came as a shock. But many people in the community (including us) have come forward to make sure local queer news and events are still covered. So it was, perhaps, an even bigger shock when it was announced this Tuesday that Just Out was making a comeback. It seems like many plans are still in the works but qPDX had a chance to ask new publisher Jonathan Kipp of Glenn-Kipp Publishing, well known for starting Portland Bride and Groom magazine, some questions about bringing the 30 year old news source back to life.
qPDX: What prompted you to take over Just Out and when did you decide to do so? Why do you feel it’s important to continue this publication with the same name?
Jonathan Kipp: I’ve wanted to be the Publisher of Just Out since I walked into the Just Out office many years ago as a freelancer. And over the years I’ve asked if Just Out was for sale a few times. It wasn’t because it was a thriving publication. When that changed I reached out to express my concern. And then I shared my vision about how I thought our community could keep Just Out. The rest is history.
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  The legendary Bob Mould performs at Q Center's annual Winter Gala Saturday
PQ Monthly launch party – A new publication is in town and tonight is the night both the print and web versions launch. We are excited to share resources and have even more reason to make sure local queer coverage is comprehensive and thought-provoking. Oh yeah, and an excuse to party.
SugarTown queer soul – The best queer homage to 60s and 70s soul in town is finally back after a brief hiatus. The new venue of the Spare Room has a great space, cheap drinks and will be a refreshing change to the usual old haunts. And this special return also features this week’s DJ profile for Freaky Outty. Plus where else can you get sweet treats by Emily Franco in addition to a drink? It’s a killer comeback you won’t want to miss.
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  DJ Freaky Outty
Every week (or so…) we introduce you to a local LGBTQ party DJ and ask them about their experiences in the scene and feature an audio mix they’ve made. If you’re interested in being featured contact alley@qpdx.com.
Freaky Outty is a fixture in queer and mainstream scenes alike. He plays club stompers to sweet sweet soul and lots in between. You can catch some of the latter during the return of one of the best new club nights, the themtastic early soul of SugarTown, this Friday at the Spare Room.
When and how did you get started DJing?
I started collecting records about 10 years ago, and gradually started dipping my toes into house parties and little outdoor raves around the last year of high school. After I’d lived in Portland about a year I managed to get a regular weekly gig at a club that forced me to really start taking the hobby more seriously and step my game up. I learned a lot on my feet at that job since I totally wasn’t prepared for it! They never should have hired me, but I lucked out and became a better DJ because of it.
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 On the eve of the launch of new queer Portland publication PQ Monthly, Just Out has announced that they will be resuming publication under a whole new team. On the JO Facebook page today new publisher Jonathan Kipp of Glenn-Kipp Publishing, Inc, had this to say:
GOOD NEWS PORTLAND/VANCOUVER/WORLD: Just Out is coming back!!! That’s right. You didn’t think an iconic publication like JO would just walk off into […]
  Washington governor Chris Gregoire, left, and congressman Jamie Pedersen celebrate the bill's passing last week. Elaine Thompson / AP
Today our neighbors to the north made gay marriage officially legal when Governor Christine Gregoire signed the landmark legislation into law amidst the cheers of gay couples and supporters making it the seventh state (as well as the District of Columbia) to allow same-sex marriage.
“My friends, welcome to the other side of the rainbow,” said state Sen. Ed Murray, D-Seattle, before Gregoire signed the bill.
“This is a very proud moment,” Gregoire said, “I’m proud our same-sex couples will no longer be treated as separate but equal.”
However, changes won’t go into effect for 90 days meaning that opponents have until June 6th to gather enough signatures, 120,577, to put it on November’s ballot. If they do not marriages can begin June 7, but if they do they will be put off until the election.
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  Lady Serendipity Jones will be at Bent Friday
Dirty Queer– DQ has been serving up the sexiness in spoken word form for over 5 years now. No better place to get riled up for your Friday night.
Bent – I love it when a favorite club night brings it for no other reason than to have a good time in dreary February. This week we’ve got DJs in town from LA and Seattle and some damn sexy queer drag from Serendipity Jones. And you’ve also got the legendary Eric Sellers in the photobooth.
Have a Heart On: Sexxxy dance party – A new dance party so sexy it needs three Xs in the title. A queer bar with an open flavor one half of this DJ duo was just profiled this week. Expect something just as queer as parties farther north with the drink specials of inner SE. It’s going to be a little different and a lot of fun.
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 After Washington state passed a bill through the Senate last week we knew that the road to gay marriage in our neighbor to the north was only a matter of time. Today we are one step closer, that is, pretty much there, with the House passing the HB 2516 by 55-43. All that’s left now is for Gov. Gregoire to sign, seal and deliver it, which she is expected to do.
However, because there is no emergency clause on the bill, the law wouldn’t take effect for 90 days giving opponents time to get a referendum on the ballot. This would effectively stall gay marriages until after the November election meaning none of those troublesome “grandfathered” unions like the couples who married in California before Pop 8 was passed.
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  Kathy Belge
You might know freelance writer Kathy Belge for her butch/femme advice column that once appeared in Curve, Lipstick & Dipstick, but her good advice carries special weight in the dating scene. And now she’s offering to share dating tips with the lez-masses in person in a several city tour in conjunction with meetup.
In her first Lesbian Dating Skills Clinics in Portland Belge jumps into Part 1: Dating Basics this Sunday February 12 3-5:30 pm. Location to be given after registration. Special introductory offer. $60 per person or $100 for two includes wine, snacks and hand-outs.
Just in time for Valentine’s day, this workshop is for women who are new to dating, coming out of a relationship and need to refresh their skills or any woman who just wants to get better at dating and meeting quality people.
We got the chance to ask Belge what it’s all about and what skills (or ladies) you’ll really walk away from this workshop with.
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