  Comedian Dana Goldberg performs Saturday
Triskaidekaphilia (Just My Luck) – In case you missed the opening last week you have another shot at Jimmy Radosta‘s new play about comedic misfortune.
Street Corner A staged Reading – Already another theatrical piece f the weekend, this time a bit earlier in the process. One of several bits in a series of short plays, It Takes All Shorts, Street Corner stars Kevin Cook aka Poison Waters.
Glass Candy, Chromatics and Rude Dudes – Something of a straight hipster bastion, a Glass Candy/Chromatics show still produces great music and a great time. Rude Dudes have incredible dynamic duo superpowers on the decks, smashing genres together in a way that will make you want to dance, but be too enthralled to remember the moves.
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  Dexter Flowers and Cooper Lee Bombardier perform Sunday at Not Enough! Festival
Bollywood Bike In with Qurbani – Giving Portland a little much needed cultural flavor local DJ Anjiali and Kid Sister are showing classic Bollywood films outside the Q Center (4115 N Mississippi) all month long. This week features Qurbani and I’m excited to see a South Asian take on the 80s…
Ratatat afterparty with Rude Dudes – Ratatat are not a gay band but they’re hipsters and isn’t that about the same thing in Portland these days? Don’t worry, they’ve teamed up with “Rude” homos for a spanktastic dance party and DJ set. This might be the most mellow Thursday I’ve seen in awhile.
Mendy’s Big Gay Boat Party – Do you need an excuse to bust out those Top-Siders and sailor hat? No, you don’t. But in case you want to fool around with others in sea garb this is your chance.
Forsorcerers with Hooray for Everything and Don’t – Didn’t think Portland could get any weirder? How about a queer fantasy metal band? Despite the schtick, hoever, Forsorcerers are incredibly talented drum and guitar heros that will aurally rock you into remembering why you love the rough stuff.
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It hasn’t even been a year, and Bearracuda has already snuck into the niche as one of the hottest, gayest parties in Portland.
DJ Boyshapedbox spinning at Portland's first Bearracuda in July '09
Roasting the grill an hour early, Bearracuda starts at 8pm tonight at Branx (320 SE 2nd) with DJ Matt Consola, Sam Storicks, DJ Rude Dudes, and DJ Boyshapedbox.
The Mercury’s Queer issue is heralding […]
 Bearracuda returns to Portland Saturday
The beginnings of autumn may have put a slight lull into Portland’s queer nightlife as we all toyed with the idea of staying in, cuddling our snuggies, but I assure you this was a temporary lapse in judgment. We are still two weeks out from Halloween and already the weekend is packed with dress up dance parties.
Tonight’s monthly lady party, Crave, at Crush (1400 SE Morrison) sports a hot zombie theme with go go dancers, fog and strobe lights. Visceral Visuals will be on site projecting horror video imagery on the walls and the Molotov Dolls, Portland’s newest burlesque troupe, will have a sexy scary Halloween themed debut. DJs Mani & Monika.Mhz (top 40s, electro, house, hip hop) on the decks.
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