  Celebrate our nationalism in any way you choose. For instance, use an American flag postage stamp as a sexy loincloth to barely cover your naughty bits!
Rice, Beans, & Collard Greens – Pride’s not over according to Basic Rights Oregon, API Pride, Black Pride and Latino Gay Pride as they round out the month with a dance party for queer and trans people of color. And a great way to usher in our fireworks-crazed American Pride celebration weekend. (I’m already hearing the firecrackers going off in my neighborhood as I write).
RnRCFG benefit with Portlandia stars Brownstein and Armisen – So many great things in one: comedy, philanthropy, helping girls rock out, movies, music, TV and a VIP room with two talented comedians/musicians who’ve made our city the Pride of liberal-loving America and the butt of its jokes at the same time. What’s not to love?
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  Patty Schemel
I won’t say that I’m always particularly verbally eloquent but I was a little aghast at my rambling questions posed to Hole drummer and subject of QDoc Friday night film Hit So Hard Patty Schemel. I wasn’t necessarily nervous, but I can’t deny that Hole’s 1994 album Live Through This was second only to Team Dresch as the most played tape on my Freshman year walkman. And despite any verbosity on my part it was great to hear Schemel’s take on the documentary, and I’ve included the uncut audio below, in addition to the written interview. For a brush up on the film you can read the earlier post reviewing Hit So Hard.
qPDX: How was it coming out publicly as a musician in the 90s? Any contrast to being out personally?
Patty: I didn’t have any concerns about it. I was out with my peers and in my band. In my band it was a safe place to do that.
q: Any public backlash?
P: None that I knew about. It was a good experience. I got a lot of kids that would say thanks for coming out.
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  Teenage dream Kaia wilson sings songs from her 90s rock roots Friday at Mississippi Pizza
Neal Morgan, Hungry Ghost, STLS & New-Dadz DJ Association – Get in the drum line for this booming early show at The Know (2026 NE Alberta). Percussion punk is alive and well in Northeast.
The Cafeteria with guest DJ Mr Charming – Lunch trays and crunk gays is the perfect neighborhood dance spot for the almost weekend. In case you’ve missed Mr Charming at any of her other super successful parties and appearances lately you get another chance. She and DJ Lunch Lady made it rain downstairs at Blow Pony last weekend and this will be the same, except smaller and more elite.
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  Movie stars Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning next to their real life counterparts Joan Jett and Cherie Currie
New tough-as-nails chick flick The Runaways tells the story of Joan Jett (Kristen Stewart) and Cherie Currie (Dakota Fanning) as they rise from rebellious Southern California kids to rock stars of the now legendary group that paved the way for future generations of girl bands. It’s already playing in theaters across the country, but PDX will have a special “premiere” to raise money for the Rock and Roll Camp for Girls Monday the 5th at the Hollywood Theater (4122 NE Sandy).
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 The Third Sex from their 7" "Mombies" cover
Anyone who is roughly my age and experienced Portland at the height of its dyke rock 90s knows the The Third Sex. Indeed my newly out 14 year old self swooned over the dreamy screamy vocals of Trish Walsh and Peyton Marshall.
For most of the length of their pop punk career I snapped photos, carried around around one of their 2 CDs in my Discman, and, eventually, played a show with them. Commemorated by their track “Maul 10.09.97″ on Back to Go, a final show at a tiny club on 14th and Alberta, back then not the gentrified arts magnet it is now, was one of the most emblematic, not to mention punk rock, Third Sex memories. And this tiny club, with leaking ceiling and cramped stage felt like the beginning of the end of an era.
Sunday night, that era will live again at Rotture (315 SE 3rd Ave).
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