 Our little neighbor to the north really isn’t so little anymore, and it’s a pretty decent place to be a gay person, even if they did recently lose their only gay bar (hey, we lost our only lesbian bar). This weekend Vancouver, Washington celebrates their Gay Pride with Saturday in the Park.
A decidedly different approach than the debaucherous Prides of most cities, VanWa’s celebration begins with “Lyle’s Miles” 5k run and bills itself as the only family friendly Gay Pride celebration in existence. The annual charity walk/run goes through downtown Vancouver to raise money for Cascade AIDS Project, Martha’s Pantry and Global Partners for Development. The non-competitive walk/run event starts at 8:30am and is open to all.
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  The Red Dress Party float. Photo by Anna M Campbell
The Board of Pride Northwest is pleased to announce its first-ever Pride Parade awardees.
In an effort to promote community spirit the Board of Pride Northwest for the first time offered cash awards in five different categories at its annual Portland Pride Parade. Our esteemed panel of judges was asked to review all parade entrants and designated the following participants to best represent their respective categories. And the winners are!:
Most Creative Implementation of Theme, “Make It Happen,” $500: Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
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Watch the 2011 Seattle Pride Parade Streamed LIVE on qPDX!
The parade will take place this Sunday, June 26 at 11 a.m to 2:30 p.m. in Downtown Seattle so check back right here!
MK Scott (of OUTview Online) called upon ITV Productions to provide the crew and cameras and the idea took off from there. Scott realized the high demand and interest to capture the parade live and stream […]
  qPDX.com for Pride Portland!
Happy Pride NW 2011 everbody! Phew, what a weekend. A ton of dance nights. A slew of costume changes. Lots and lots of teal. 25+ miles on the bike on Saturday. Fliptography at Queerlandia. Waterfront. Beer, banners, bruises. Leslie and the Lys. Trying to find Alley Hector on Sunday morning. Trying to find a place to pee at Blow Pony (thanks Leila!). Trying to find the car! Trying, well, just trying! I barely have time to take a breath before its Alley’s and my birthdays (Al: Wed. Me: Thurs). It’s been EPIC. And now on to the processing reviewing that is, as it should be, part of our Pride coverage. We need your input!
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Feel like you missed out on Sunday’s parade? Here’s the entire thing in 3-year old attention span format…that is, 10x fast. It still takes almost 15 minutes…
(Courtesy David Mcfatridge)
So many great shots from Anna M Campbell Photography. There’s a goodly smattering below but you might just want to open the full Flickr slideshow to see all 364 amazing pictures of the Portland Pride Parade.
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  Me and the Compere sisters, just a small part of the qPDX parade contingent
It was a weekend of rainbows and debauchery as usual this Portland Pride 2011. qPDX had fun at events at Mississippi Studios, Holocene, Crush, Rotture, Saratoga and outdoors in weather that jumped from sunny to misty rain in true Portland fashion. Photos from Sunday’s parade and waterfront celebration are forthcoming from special professional photography guest Anna Campbell and a video from yet another special contributor, filmmaker Cathleen Arnerich, but in the meantime here’s a recap of my time at Pride and some links to photo galleries already uploaded. Feel free to post your Pride 2011 memories in the comment section below!
Blow Pony featuring Leslie Hall, CJ and the Dolls, Feyonce and others was fun. It was really fun, just as we all knew it would be. But the surprise hit of the weekend was Thursday’s Queerlandia that played to our vanity with both a photoboth and Fliptography, had an amazing lineup of performances and a huge lovely patio with cute undies for sale and plenty of room to chill. Plus DJ Lunch Lady pounded the jams on the Bar Bar side all night long. What a trooper!
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Gaycation rocked Holocene last night as part of Portland Pride 2011 and we’ve got the pics to prove it. There’s also a couple snaps of Eric Sellers’ Party of Pride, but, you know, it was late by then I was just getting drunker. The camera work suffered…
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The ladies were out in full force for Crave’s Pride kickoff party at Crush.
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A gathering of transfolk and allies filled Overlook Park yesterday with joyous grillin’ and chillin’.
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