It was a weekend of rainbows and debauchery as usual this Portland Pride 2011. qPDX had fun at events at Mississippi Studios, Holocene, Crush, Rotture, Saratoga and outdoors in weather that jumped from sunny to misty rain in true Portland fashion. Photos from Sunday’s parade and waterfront celebration are forthcoming from special professional photography guest Anna Campbell and a video from yet another special contributor, filmmaker Cathleen Arnerich, but in the meantime here’s a recap of my time at Pride and some links to photo galleries already uploaded. Feel free to post your Pride 2011 memories in the comment section below!
Blow Pony featuring Leslie Hall, CJ and the Dolls, Feyonce and others was fun. It was really fun, just as we all knew it would be. But the surprise hit of the weekend was Thursday’s Queerlandia that played to our vanity with both a photoboth and Fliptography, had an amazing lineup of performances and a huge lovely patio with cute undies for sale and plenty of room to chill. Plus DJ Lunch Lady pounded the jams on the Bar Bar side all night long. What a trooper!
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