  Crave organizers DJ Alicious and MJ at last year's celebration. Photo by OSI.
It’s that time of year again folks where we all celebrate fun, friendship, quirky intersecting life movies and the joys of trying to get a cab in Portland after midnight.
Thursday the 29th
The Cafeteria – The Cafeteria is back after a Thanksgiving hiatus that all had us wondering if LunchLady really would return from Lala land for one of the best neighborhood parties in P-Town. So start your New Year’s weekend off right in faux high school style.
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  Have a gay ol' New Years Eve!
Whew! That little snafu this weekend threw me off, but this little procrastinator always comes through in the end. I need enough time to peruse the New Years Eve celebration choices myself at least to prepare for next weekend. So let’s take this trip of queer New Years Eve in Portland:
Tag-a-Fag New Years Edition – For the traditionalists among you, Red Box (what my roommate adorably dubbed the Red Cap/Boxxess complex 1035 SW Stark) TAF will be two rooms full of boys waiting to have their bodies written on. And, in an oddly 2005 style, free trucker hats to the first 100 people in the door. I’d be more stoked about $2.50 wells but that’s just me.
Crave‘ presents a GagaDonna New Years – Quintessential where the girls are usually gets packed early on and stays that way until close. It can be tough fighting the crowds but how do you blame them when the space is night, the jams are pumping, and the drinks are stiff? Plus this is the only place I know of to get real lezzie lap dances from hot ladies. They may be popular, but don’t dare the Crave ladies mainstream…after all they advertise moi, and Lord knows I’m a mouthy queer.
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Just a quick video snippet from one of the many queer New Years parties last night. The last Fruitcake ever was a roaring success and Beth Ditto was on hand to help the homos ring in the new year. Cheers to organizer DJ Nolita for a continuously fabulous soiree and for use of this video.
Fruitcake New Years Countdown w/ Beth Ditto! from Deejay Nolita on […]
 Kelly Moe will perform live at Fruitcake's NYE party
The craziness of New Year’s Eve parties, be they gay or less gay, is well established and usually find me in the safe confines of a cozy NE Portland bungalow. You would think that with this year’s economy that would be especially true. But alas, this year I will be swinging down to the inner SE industrial district to partake of some holiday Fruitcake with DJs Nolita, Gottesfinger, Freddie Fagula, Chelsea Starr (Hotpants/SF) and Yer Mom (Blo Pony).
My favorite NE party that recently succumbed to the Rumpapankers implosion, will see its last foray and one of organizer Nolita’s last sets at Branx (320 SE 2nd Ave). Mix in live performances by The Lovers, Portland’s most ethereal best-new-thing, Kelly Moe, the sensual chanteuse I used to call my video store boyfriend, and Judy!, art-rock extraordinaire, and you have a holiday happening I’ll venture out for.
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