 Punk roots rock and insurgent country musician Shawna Virago. Photo by CROD
This Friday the Tranny Roadshow was in town and new qPDX photo contributor Clara Rodriguez was there to catch all the action in photos, in case you missed it.
Meanwhile I was around the bend at Crave‘s Purple Rain party which was a royal success. And the Prince-themed party has plenty of photos courtesy OSI […]
  Tahoe Jackson will perform Saturday at the Red Dress fundraiser. Photo by Wayne Bund
This beautiful spring day has all the local queers riled up and ready to mingle. And we have many opportunities to do so. The weekend kicks off tomorrow not only with the Tranny Roadshow but with Crave for the ladies Menz Room and Red Cap’s official Red Dress Pre-Party for the dudes, and Cuda Cabaret for the artfags.
The qPDX sponsored Crave brings the ladybeat back to Crush (1400 SE Morrison) with a Purple Rain theme that will have your doves crying and your feet dancing. DJs Alicious and Boy return to the decks with some 1999 love for your dripping purple heart. Oh and did I mention that Go Go Girls will bring out squirt guns to get the sweaty crowd into the wet, rainy spirit?
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 Pretty Bois drag kings
Those ever classy ladies at Crave may have moved their thematic parties to once every two months, but that only makes them bigger and better. Tomorrow night’s Gold Masquerade party should encapsulate a very dynamic February filled with debaucherous celebration in true Midas theme.
I fully expect the southeast digs at Crush (1400 SE Morrison) to positively sparkle with golden deliciousness as surely the hand of the legendary king will have touched every surface, drapery and painted go go dancer body. And if you come so mysteriously masked, you get reduced admission all night.
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 Bearracuda returns to Portland Saturday
The beginnings of autumn may have put a slight lull into Portland’s queer nightlife as we all toyed with the idea of staying in, cuddling our snuggies, but I assure you this was a temporary lapse in judgment. We are still two weeks out from Halloween and already the weekend is packed with dress up dance parties.
Tonight’s monthly lady party, Crave, at Crush (1400 SE Morrison) sports a hot zombie theme with go go dancers, fog and strobe lights. Visceral Visuals will be on site projecting horror video imagery on the walls and the Molotov Dolls, Portland’s newest burlesque troupe, will have a sexy scary Halloween themed debut. DJs Mani & Monika.Mhz (top 40s, electro, house, hip hop) on the decks.
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Glow Party @ Crush tonight
This weekend gives you too solid options to shake your booty and get down.
Tonight is Crave @ Crush is a queer/girl night with drinks specials and plenty of youung, hip ‘tude…and tonight’s theme is Blacklight Party, so get on down there in your whitest gear possible for free glowstick/highlighter action. Now is the chance to affect the one-white-glove-michael-jackson-tribute-look you’ve been needing […]
 your chance for a quiet night in..
A grab bag of important/not so important stuff…first, a brief afternoon update on the happenings tonight. Just so you know it is NOT doubledown tonight @ holocene (we had it on the calendar and it were wrong, so, apologies, holocene is closed for a private party tonight. I want to have a private party at holocene, damnit!) I also have family in town all the way from Planet Urop, so i’m not getting as much blogging in as I usually do.
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June Crush Theme is androgyny
Just a quick note to you all that if you feel like going out, tonight is CRAVE @ CRUSH. It seems to be a quieter weekend out on the queer partty circuit, which is probably a good thing because Pride was a little excessive! But if you’ve recovered enough to want to shake your booty with the young, hip dykes of Portland, head […]
This past weekend saw a stretch of intense partying for at least 2/3rds of your QPDX crew, so pardon us while we recover momentarily and start summing all of this weekend’s great events for you! Starting off the night on Friday was Portland’s newest lesbian dance night-CRAVE.
 Crave - Monthly lesbian dance party at Crush
I had a chance to stop by on Friday and speak with some of the organizers, dancers and partiers in attendance, and if the clubgoers satisfaction is the best gauge of a party, then Crave is already a hit. Held at one of my favourite bars in Portland, Crush, Crave is a “stylish, fashionable, hip, themed dance party with lovely, sexy ladies, geared towards the 21-40 crowd who appreciate beautiful women”, according to organizer Mirage. And while the stated upper age limit of 40 is a bit high (I barely saw anybody into their 30’s), Crave delivers on the promise of themed nights, pumping dance music and enthusiastic dancers. “It’s a great party,” dancer Piper told me outside, “everyone is having fun, getting down. I love the vibe, it’s awesome”, and party attendees I spoke to echoed the same sentiments. “The music is pumpin,” my friend Byz said, ” The girls are hot, the drinks keep coming, it’s awesome.”
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There’s a lot going on tomorrow night! But there’s also lube wrestling. Wrestling drunk people all lubed up might be a little messy, but the owner of the bar assures me that the wrestling pit will be in a contained area. You will still be able to dance if wrestling isn’t your thing.
Crave, the monthly queer ladies dance party at Crush will feature three things dear to my […]
…like what to do this weekend. The girls have got it good in P-town this Friday and Saturday.
Start the party with Crave’s green monster Absinthe themed party. Will Crush (1400 SE Morrison) actually be serving absinthe? I have my doubts. It’s unfortunate because the opiet laced drink was recently legalized in our country to less fanfair than I expected. Luckily I got a lovely Van Gogh style gift package for Christmas from my mother. So pre-party at my house?
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