  Opponents of the controversial Prop 8. Image courtesy the LA Times.
A federal appeals court Tuesday struck down California’s ban on same-sex marriage, clearing the way for the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on gay marriage as early as next year, according to the Los Angeles Times. Opponents are expected to continue appeals to that highest level.
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals found that the California measure restricting marriage to between a man and a woman violated the U.S. Constitution’s right to equal protection. The 2-1 decision is in line with the earlier ruling of retired Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker, who declared it unconstitutional in 2010.
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  Michelle Tea in San Francisco's Mission district in the '90s
Local filmmaker Aubree Bernier-Clarke (who you might also know from Swan Island or a recent Portlandia cameo) has issued a casting call for a short film she’s producing from Chapter 3 of legendary 90s dyke author Michelle Tea‘s Valencia. Below is her description of the project. If you’re interested in getting involved email valenciapdx@gmail.com.
This film will be part of a feature film based on the book, with different directors creating short films for each chapter. The novel dramatizes the hopes and hurts, apathies and ambitions of young lesbians looking for love in San Francisco’s Mission District in the early 1990s, focusing on Michelle, a poet navigating the druggy, boozy dyke scene while consorting with a series of lady loves.
I’m casting for the following roles:
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  Reeves and Phoenix in a still from the original 'My Own Private Idaho'
I definitely think James Franco has earned his toaster for being an honorary gay. Following his many gay onscreen portrayals Franco has teamed up with local queer film director Gus Van Sant for 2 art films in an exhibition called “Unfinished,” set to show at the Gagosian Gallery in Beverly Hills this weekend through April 9th.
Both are based on Van Sant’s 1991 classic My Own Private Idaho starring Keanu Reeves and the late River Phoenix, and are directed by James Franco. Endless Idaho, a 12 hour Cremaster–like monster, features edited outtakes, deleted scenes, alternate takes and behind-the-scenes footage from the movie as well as interviews with actual street hustlers. The score is by Luke Paquin and Tim O’Keefe. It’s a “behind the scenes” behemoth that isn’t like to keep the average fan’s interest for 12 hours, but is a goldmine for the truly devoted film process buff.
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 Clockwise from left: Saturn, Sally Ingus Wilder, Bulimianne Rhapsody and Kaj-Anne Pepper at Blow Pony
This what what caught your eye or sparked heated debate on these very pages in 2010.
5 – Hot gay boys do Katy Perry’s “California Girls.”
Gay version of the biggest pop hit of the summer went viral. So hot it melted your popsicle.
4 – Aden Jaric jailed after Miss Thing […]
 Arguments for and against the constitutionality of Proposition 8 began today in the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The appeal is of an August ruling by Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker, who ruled after a trial that the 2008 ballot measure defining marriage as only between a man and a woman violated the U.S. Constitution.
The San Francisco based court drama is seeing protesters from both […]
No one was sure if the Obama-led government would appeal Tuesday’s ruling by California Judge Virginia Phillips to halt enforcement of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” especially since the prez and his supporters are on the record as opposing the policy. Turns out, they’re not letting it slide. Today the The Department of Justice requested a stay on the ruling and the government filed an appeal in federal court.
From The Advocate:
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 In the ongoing seesaw drama that has become the military’s policy on serving openly, federal Judge Virginia Phillips has issued the injunction to stop enforcement of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell today. She has ordered the Defense Department to “immediately to suspend and discontinue any investigation, or discharge, separation, or other proceeding” and you can read the full text of her announcement in this PDF.
The Justice Department had urged […]
 It seems unlikely that this courtroom pronouncement will do anything concrete in the short term but it’s another positive step in the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell the ridiculously named policy that bars gays in the US military. And it comes on the heels of another California federal judge tossing out California’s voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage. That is also still in the works. Nevertheless, thank you Cali.
I suppose I should also thank the Log Cabin Republicans, who set the lawsuit in motion, but I am less excited to do so.
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 Are you an aspiring actor who is also trans? Well, you might have a sound your niche already. Award-winning trans director Rhys Ernst is looking for some fine young gentlemen to audition for the lead role in his upcoming MFA thesis comedy Tristan and Zooey. He describes the character as a transitioned 20-something boy-next-door type.
SYNOPSIS: Gender, cats, and mythical roadside attractions are at the center of a tumultuous […]
  Mikey takes part in the "gun show" at Dingos
The Real L Word just presented its finale with a Portland appearance by co-star Mikey Koffman the recent weekend of the 15th and I’m all kinds of ambivalent and intrigued.
Firstly, many Portlanders may not have tuned into the show at all, seeing as Los Angeles seems so different from us, even if we do share a sexuality. Autostraddle gives a really good critique of the show’s shortcomings while at the same time giving some background and advice for ways to grow.
And then there’s Mikey herself. I have not had the chance to meet her, as the interview below was via email, but there are two very distinct impressions as far as I can. First is the egotistical shade-wearing alpha-bitch as presented by one unhappy E-Room attendee on Mikey’s Official Fan Page that has since been deleted. And then there’s the gregarious and down-to-earth woman that comes across in this ShewWired interview from early in the season.
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