
 Hercules and Love Affair's Andy Butler (left) and Kim Ann Foxman getting frisky before the show
nomy lamm and the Whole Wide World with Tender Forever and Timmy Straw – A vague description to be sure, but an audience collaborative performance featuring nomy lamm? I wouldn’t dare miss it. This fat, disabled, queer activist has one of the most amazing voices I’ve ever heard and an avant garde art sensibility like a hard candy coated version of Marina Abramovic. And that hipper-than-thou not really off-the-beaten path Disjecta location (8371 N Interstate) is a perfect venue. Sprinkle in the sweet and melancholy croonings of Tender Forever and the local electro flavor of Timmy Straw and you got yourself a show that would rival…well…
Hercules and Love Affair at the Hawthorne Theater – How could there even be any competition for this? Neo-electro-disco finely crafted with haunting vocals and danceable beats, unmatchable style and hotness for the girls, boys and everything in between should mean a packed house. And believe me, since it’s been about a decade since I have seen nomy lamm, and a lifetime since I’ve seen HLA, it’s going to be a really tough decision. Oh and did I mention I named the self-titled Hercules & Love Affair debut the best album of 2008? Either way I intend to try to cool off afterword at…
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  Sam DJing at Bearracuda
I did not personally know Sam Storicks, the popular Bearracuda DJ was a much loved member of our community. And certainly my heart goes out, especially, to his partner Gregg Kerr in these difficult times following his passing. A close friend, Bennie Tan, posted a heartfelt piece over at Fabulous PDX and I have included some of it here.
Numb. That is what I’m feeling right now. I’m sitting here on my bed at 2:21 am on July 24th thinking, “What the FUCK just happened?!” I was going to try and get some sleep but I can’t. Sam Storicks, one of the most fantabulous people I’ve ever had the pleasure to know, passed away at 10:00pm last night, July 23, 2010.
I’ve been trying to process what just happened this past week. From him being found unconscious on Monday, July 19th to the recent, sudden turn for the worse…
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It hasn’t even been a year, and Bearracuda has already snuck into the niche as one of the hottest, gayest parties in Portland.
DJ Boyshapedbox spinning at Portland's first Bearracuda in July '09
Roasting the grill an hour early, Bearracuda starts at 8pm tonight at Branx (320 SE 2nd) with DJ Matt Consola, Sam Storicks, DJ Rude Dudes, and DJ Boyshapedbox.
The Mercury’s Queer issue is heralding […]
  Last year's Beartown 14. Photo by Stephen Cassell
Can you believe that Portland has been celebrating fuzzy, round, gay men for more than half my life now? That’s right, 2010 ushers in the 15th Annual Beartown from this Thursday the 10th through Sunday the 13th at the Jupiter Hotel (800 E Burnside).
Once again, the schedule is ridiculously exhausting. Whether you’re hot tubbing, cigar smoking, or dancing in your underwear, you’ll be doing it with other friendly beasts. And boy howdy, how exciting will be be to see a bunch if hairy dudes descend on Hawthorne’s shopping district?
Of course one of the biggest events will be the Release the Beast Dance Party with tag-team DJ’s Sam Storicks (of Bearracuda Portland) and DJ BradPDX (Crush Bar, “Tilt-A-Whirl” 2009) as well as returning host(ess) Foxxy Bernadette. And if you’ve still got growl in your soul left for Pride weekend, absolutely head over to Branx for Bearracuda.
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Tonight brings a much beloved night up from the Bay for the bear and cut set. Bearracuda sets up shop tonight at Rotture (315 SE 3rd) and the rumor mill swirls that another bear-friendly night, Blow Pony, may also be moving to the eastside industrial hot spot.
Bearracuda began 3 years ago as a fun, friendly dance party for bears, cubs and other “wildlife.” The alterna-friendly event was voted “Best Club for Queer Men” by San Francisco’s #1 weekly paper, The Guardian, in 2008. For a city so saturated with gay bars, circuit clubs and rainbow overload, Bearracuda was viewed as the spot for an attitude-free, sexy good time.
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