 If you don’t wake up on time, you’ll pay the price. And if I know myself at all Westboro Baptist Church is going to be rolling in it…
From the wonderfully messed up minds at ThinkGeek:
Wake up to the smell of…Animosity…
Connects via WiFi to your online bank account, and donates YOUR real money to an organization you HATE when you decide to snooze!
For years the masses have told you that if you snooze you lose. You never believed them. You held your head high and slept in whenever you wanted to, always without fear of loss. Well, dear friends, the times have changed. The ingenious sages at ThinkGeek Labs(TM) have finally created the Ultimate weapon against snoozing – the Sn?zNL?z(TM). People who enjoy sleeping in are cowering in fear all across the globe – it’s finally true, when you snooze, you lose!
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 Clockwise from left: Saturn, Sally Ingus Wilder, Bulimianne Rhapsody and Kaj-Anne Pepper at Blow Pony
This what what caught your eye or sparked heated debate on these very pages in 2010.
5 – Hot gay boys do Katy Perry’s “California Girls.”
Gay version of the biggest pop hit of the summer went viral. So hot it melted your popsicle.
4 – Aden Jaric jailed after Miss Thing […]
  Perez Hilton was the most Googled gay this year. A blogger? Really? There's hope for me yet
Ah, it’s that time of the year when we stop writing about real news and just rehash everything that happened over the past year as if we weren’t there the first time. My own versions of the year in review and the best of 2010 won’t begin until next week, but that doesn’t mean we can start with remembering 2010 through the company that became an everyday verb. That’s right, I’m talking about Google, the ubiquitous search engine where all internet life begins and ends. And here’s a list of the most searched gays in 2010, according to the People’s Republic of Google.
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Ricky Martin…We all knew, but now we know for sure!
Ricky Martin has just confirmed a decade or so of rumours that he is, in fact, actually, really really gay, or as he states on his website: “proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man”
I wonder where he will work with his public image after this, considering a lot of his work is based […]