Self Portrait by Brian Patrick from the 2010 contest
Every year Just Out has an amateur photo contest; I was even a judge last year. Now it’s time to gear up for 2011. Here are the deets below:
Entries are limited to 10 per person. Any means of snapping that award-worthy original shot is fine: iPhone, digital camera or that old fashioned standard picture-taker, but we must receive a printed/hard copy — no digital submissions accepted. (We’d prefer you didn’t mat the image.)
On that note, no print size is too small or large — however, as we caution every year, your masterpieces will not be returned. To repeat, you won’t get ‘em back.
What you will get is recognition, one way or another. A winner will be selected for each of the six categories listed below, and all submissions will be displayed throughout the month of July at Q Center. Details on a forthcoming artists’ reception to come.
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