
Go vaginas! I mean, go ducks! I mean, what?

Oregon is bereft of the NFL, but luckily we have two big time college programs to cheer for. Oregon State and the U of O are major rivals — unfortunately for Ducks fans, it turns out that they have been basically cheering for the Beavers the whole time.

As this New York Times article explains, the vaguely O shaped hand sign that proliferates at Ducks games means vagina […]

“Pregnant Man” Thomas Beattie expecting third

Thomas Beattie pregnant with 3rd child

Wow, there will be a little sports team soon!

Thomas Beattie, the famous  Oregon “Pregnant Man” is expecting his third child, new websites including this one report. (the comments on that site are pretty transphobic. I’ll try and find a better source.)

Congratulations Thomas! My first reaction was “three in a row??” and I find it good/strange/telling that I would pretty much […]

Perrywinkle’s Plethoric Pride Pantheon – a review

SuperGay stampedes for Rainbow Truth

SuperGay stampedes for Rainbow Truth

Wow, thats all I can say. Wow 1: I can still come up with a meaningful alliteration after this weekend, and wow 2: Portland Queer Pride 2009 was AMAZING.

A year of firsts: The first time has had their own parade “float”, the first year there has been 110+ groups in the parade, the first time SuperGay had a proper outfit, the first time I decided to go for FIVE straight days of Pride partying.

Five days.  Five outfits. A kajillion drinks, a million miles on my bicycle, a shit ton of parties, SuperGay jumps, fake beards, hair dying extravaganzas, automation-style condom gluing, flyering, banner making, gender bendering, raindbow deco-ing stampede of gayness. But sadly, on the edge of all the celebrations: tinges of violences, aggression, and disrespect by the police. I’m still waiting for the dust to settle.

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2009 Portland Dyke March Photos

Very, very quickly:

I just uploaded the pics I shot for the 2009 Dyke March. Are you in them?

[flickr album=72157619625033289 num=5 size=Thumbnail]