  Bryce Blak's Studio SKB will be one of the featured designers
Planned Parenthood‘s Equal Access Fund aims to provide helps gynecological exams for women and transmen who aren’t covered by state pregnancy-prevention funding but meet the same economic requirements. Dress/Undress is a fashion show to raise money for the fund. The show takes place tonight at the Fez, emceed by Sossity Chiricuzio, fashion re-designer, sex radical activist and producer/host of Dirty Queer.
We took a minute to sit down with EAF volunteer Nicole Boyer to talk about tonight’s event.
What’s your name and what’s your involvement with the PPCW Equal Access Fund?
My name is Nicole Boyer, and I am PPCW’s Volunteer Programs Coordinator as well as a member of our LGBTQI Committee. I’ve been involved with PPCW for 4 years now, and am passionate about spreading the word about our diverse services and patient population. I and many other PPCW staff contribute $ to the Equal Access Fund from each and every paycheck because we feel so strongly about increasing services for our local LGBTQI community.
What made you think of a fashion show as a fundraiser? Do you think a fashion show is even more likely to be interesting to an LGBT crowd?
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  The infamous Lady Bunny performs Friday at Red Cap
Sugar Town queer soul night – Rotture’s soul night has become a staple in Portland nightlife both gay and straight. But as with many popular nights the douchebags inevitably catch on, and it can be even worse at a “straight” night. I’m not sure if this happened to the beloved soul night, but it was time for us to have our own anyway (Pansy Soul is great but Sloan’s is more for hanging out than dancing). Anyway, all of this to say I’m more than a little excited that one of the best dressed butchies I have ever seen, DJ Action Slacks, will lead us all in a little soulful 70s love starting this Thursday, and hopefully forever more. It’s free but donations for Q Patrol are welcomed.
Cafeteria turns 1 – Oh my god Freshman year is over! Now we can give swirlies to all the new queer club nights in town. And guest DJ Girlfriends will be spinnin’ in your parents’ back yard (i.e. the Vendetta patio) ’til 11, just like at the popular kids’ parties. We’ve made it folks. Sophomore year is gonna rule.
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 Sam Adams' bike contingent at Pride 2009
Now that we are all finally recovered from our hangovers it’s time to reflect on the weekend. It was a wild success that saw the gorgeous Miss Sabel Scities win Portland’s Drag Race, 115 floats, thousands of attendees, very few protesters and about a million parties.
Below are my weekend highlights but we really want to hear yours, so comment below!
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A couple of really great events almost snuck by our radar! But we queers can roll with the punches so whether part of the younger crew or the “grown-ups” we’ve got lots for you to do tonight.
SMYRC hosts its annual Queer and Trans Youth prom tonight, Circus Smyrcus, at the (for now) SMYRC headquarters (2100 SE Belmont). The alcohol and tobacco free event for the Q set between the ages of 14 and 23, takes place tonight from 8 to midnight and will feature the music stylings of DJ Tara, free food and raffle prizes. And unlike your typical suburban high school you don’t need to buy overpriced, couple-centric tickets cuz this party is free.
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